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Analytical Analisis For Fiber-Reinforced-Concrete

When plain concrete is reinforced only with conventional reinforcement, the concrete alone
determines the tensile behavior up until cracking; once a crack (for widths more than > 0.2 -
0.3mm) forms, the reinforcement's tensile capacity is used. On the other hand, fiber-reinforced
concrete may show a significant residual capacity in tension, and this greater ductility must be
taken into consideration when the material is analyzed. In order to evaluate the moment-curvature
and load-deflection behavior of SFRC beams reinforced with conventional rebars, Ezeldin and
Shiah (1995) developed an analytical algorithm. Additionally, Lok and Pei (1998; Lok and Xiao
(1999) developed a theoretical expression to determine the cracking and the ultimate failure of

The idea of combining fracture mechanics with finite element modeling grew more appealing to
researchers in the area with the advent of fiber reinforcement. Zhang and Stang (1998) created a
semi-analytical model to study the flexural behavior of SFRC beams using non-linear FEM and
the discrete crack technique. Non-linear finite element calculations were utilized by Barros and
Figueiras (2001) to assess slab on grade deflection and cracking. They came to the conclusion that
fiber reinforcing, through increasing ductility, has an impact on the post-peak behavior in both
tension and compression. They created analytical formulations for the post-peak portions of the
stress-strain relationships for tension and compression of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC)
based on experimental work with SFRC and recommendations for plain concrete, such as fracture
energy by RILEM and strain at peak stress by CEB-FIP Model Code 1990. Additionally, Sorelli
et al. (2005) performed uniaxial and bending tests on hybrid SFRC and simulated them; Tlemat et
al. (2006) performed inverse analyses to derive the tensile softening curve for SFRC; and Elsaigh
(2007) used an analytical method to determine the tensile stress-strain response and used it in non-
linear FEM of SFRC beams and ground slabs. Plizzari and Tiberti (2007) studied the structural
behavior of SRFC tunnel segments, whereas Burger (2006) modeled SFRC tunnel segments and
assessed some of the fracture models found in Diana and Abaqus. Susetyo (2009) explored the
application of fiber reinforcement for shrinkage crack management of prestressed, precast
segmental bridges using tests and finite element modeling (FE) based on the VecTor2 non-linear
FEM program. The variable Engagement Model 8VEM created by Voo and Foster is a component
of the VecTor2 software (2003).
As shown, the concept of integrating non-linear fracture mechanics with FEM is well known and
has proven to provide helpful outcomes in comparisons of numerical solutions with experimental
outcomes of fiber-reinforced concrete structures. As a result, all of the laboratory tests for this
project's work were assessed utilizing a mix of fracture mechanics and non-linear finite element


- Very costly.
- When fiber is added to beams with conventional reinforcement, the fatigue strength
increases and the fracture width contracts during fatigue loading.
- fiber reinforced concrete involves better static and dynamic properties like strength, impact
strength fatigue strength. Consequently, it is anticipated to replace the conventional
structural concrete in total.

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