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1. Why is Piaget’s theory important in education?

Answer: Based of the discussion earlier, Piaget’s Theory upholds the belief that
learners need to explore, to experiment, and to question. From this point, it assists
that learners should be provided with opportunities to discuss and to share their
respective ideas in order to enhance their skills and potentials in handling such
situations. Also it is an opportunity to brainstorm with other learners so that they will
feel comfortable and express further their ideas towards others and the subject
matter. In other sense, teachers develop a better understanding of our learners’
thinking or views in their intellectual growth. So, Piaget’s theory is very essential in
the cognitive development of our learners because it can helped add to our
understanding of our learner’s growth particularly with their intellectual aspect of
their life.

2. As a teacher, how do you help learner/s overcome limitations of working memory?

Answer: Overcoming limitations of working memory is one of a kind very

challengeable. Many of our learners face barriers to learning and one such barrier is
a poor working memory. We all know that learners with poor working memory may
then struggle and as a result, often fail to complete tasks properly because they have
lost vital information from their working memory that they need to guide their
actions. As a result, our learners may not experience the benefit of successfully
completing an activity. So, as a teacher in order to help our learners overcome
limitations of working memory, I should limit distractions that can affect my learners
focus. I will use appropriate visuals and verbal to enhance my explanation so that
they can cope with and grasp the lessons well. From this view, it takes advantage of
their brain’s ability to take information that can be easier to process. And lastly, I
will use worked examples to teach the learner’s new content or skills and gradually
increase independent problem solving. By using a simple-to-complex teaching
sequencing can reduce cognitive load. Starting with a worked example where a full
solution and method is shared, which our learners then have to apply to a new
question, then moving into completion tasks where a partial solution is given and they
have to complete it themselves, and then moving to more conventional tasks where
they are simply given the question. From this sense, it will act as a form of scaffolding
which helps them to learn independently without necessarily needing the help of their
teacher for each stage. And this is how to help my learner/s overcome limitations of
working memory.
3. In school setting, how do you differentiate the importance of reinforcement and punishment
in the teaching-learning process?

Answer: In school setting, the main difference between punishment and

reinforcement is that reinforcement makes a target behavior more likely to happen
again while punishment have in the other way around, it means less likely to happen
again. Reinforcement and punishment are often used as parenting tools to modify
learner’s behavior. But, as educators, we must know our limitations in terms of this
two factors in the teaching-learning process because there are some disadvantages
that can be develop and become habitual that can affect the progress of the learners
in their academic status. So, we must be very careful in giving punishment to our
respective learners so that we cannot create problem afterwards.

4. Discuss the quotation according to your understanding “What a child can do today with
assistance, she will be able to do by herself tomorrow” – Lev S. Vygotsky

Answer: This quotation has many hidden meanings. In other words, this quote speaks
to us on many different levels. For one, this quote outlines the idea of children and
their level of independence and power that we may not always recognize. We all know
that children are very quick learners and when interested in the subject, they can
practically follow exactly what is being taught to perfection. Further, I know that as
a child once, knowledge and learning independent things, such as jobs I could do
myself, or lessons I could explain to my friends or anything of that sort made me
interested right away. Of course, no one is perfect and needs assistance to learn how
to properly accomplish a task of any varying degree. Once the task, whatever it is, is
sufficiently taught, the student or learner no longer is in need of the instructor. Hence
the second half of the quote, “she will be able to do by herself tomorrow.” This speaks
to how society functions. Society cannot succeed if the future generations are
incorrectly taught. So, our role as a teacher is very essential because of this aspect. I
have always looked up to my educators and have gained a lot of respect for the
profession ever since beginning my teaching journey. Moreover, we need a good
teacher in order to create a good independent learner. It is simply that learners are
more capable and knowledgeable than we give credit. children will always have a
unique interest in learning and growing how to succeed. Children will always rely on
us as educators to ensure that they receive the absolute best education that we can
possibly give them. Because if we succeed in that, they will do it by themselves
tomorrow, and they will create the days following that all on their own. Our learners
are the future. The future we want to see.

5. What are the impact of school culture to learners? Discuss each.

Answer: When the learners or students know school is a place that is safe and
supportive, they do better. From this point of view, more learning outcomes will be
produced and successfully effective and improved. Through collective awareness and
action, culture can be used positively in order to enhance student learning and
achievement. This include the social climate. Including a safe and caring environment
in which students feel welcomed and valued, and have a sense of ownership of their
school, this helps them in their moral development; intellectual climate, in which all
students in every classroom are supported and challenged to do their very best and
achieve work of quality. So, this includes a rich, vigorous and engaging curriculum,
and a powerful pedagogy for teaching it; rules and policies, from this they hold all
school members accountable to high standards of learning and behavior; another is
traditions and routines, these built from shared values that honor and reinforce the
school’s academic and social standards; structures for giving staff and students a voice
in, and shared responsibility for, solving problems and making decisions that affect
the school environment and their common life; ways of effectively working with parents,
to support student’s learning and character growth; and lastly, norms for relationships
and behaviors that create a professional culture of excellence and ethical practices.

6. Why is Constructivism important in teaching and learning?

Answer: We all know that education works best when it concentrates on thinking and
understanding, rather than on memorization. Constructivism concentrates on
learning how to think and understand. It gives students ownership of what they learn,
since learning is based on students’ questions and explorations, and often the students
have a hand in designing the assessments as well. Also, it stimulates and engages
students. They learn to question things and to apply their natural curiosity to the
world. Lastly, it promotes social and communication skills by creating a classroom
environment that emphasizes collaboration and exchange of ideas. Students must
learn how to articulate their ideas clearly as well as to collaborate on tasks effectively
by sharing in group projects. Students must therefore exchange ideas and so must
learn to “negotiate” with others and to evaluate their contributions in a socially
acceptable manner. This is essential to success in the real world, since they will always
be exposed to a variety of experiences in which they will have to cooperate and
navigate among the ideas of others. So, these are the reasons why constructivism is
important in teaching and learning.

7. Discuss the importance of differentiated instruction.

Answer: Differentiated instructions is beneficial because it helps us teachers connect

with different learning styles. We all know that not all our learners or students will
respond to a class lecture. All will respond in different, unique ways. So, differentiated
instruction is the process of tailoring lessons to meet each student’s individual
interests, needs, and strengths. Teaching this way gives students choice and flexibility
in how they learn, and helps teachers personalize learning. This method requires
instructional clarity and clearly defined our goals for learning, better enabling
students to meet those goals. In other sense, giving students choices about how they
learn enables them to meet learning objectives in the best way for them. No matter
what we’re teaching, some students will find certain material engaging, while others
won’t, and students will learn the same material in varying amount of time. So, if we
want to make whatever we’re teaching more likely to resonate with each one of our
students, we must have the differentiated instruction because this will motivate our
student to learn the material in a way conducive to their own interest and unique
learning styles.

8. How learners’ popularity can affect academic success?

Answer: Learners’ popularity can affect academic success by treating some students
better than others. Most often, students who excel in class will become popular in the
class or in the school campus. By this, as teacher we admire and become favorite in
the class because we notice their achievements evidently. But for this case, it is very
unfair in the other learners or students because of this act. So, if the learner is the
favorite inside the class, they have more privileges to excel, enhance, and develop their
skills because they are always called by the teachers because of their immeasurable

9. Discuss the relationship of education and psychology.

Answer: As we understand the relationship between education and psychology, they

are closely related. We all know that education is the modification of behavior in a
desirable direction or in a conduct environment while psychology is the study of
behavior or science of behavior. If we look at the objectives of education at different
stages, they have a psychological base. Another, teacher, like us, employs some of the
suitable methods of teaching, appropriate motivational techniques and teaching
devices which are also the contribution of educational psychology. Besides from
mentioned above, better students’ participation in classroom teaching, individualized
instruction, group activity, learning by doing etc. has a psychological base. So, we
cannot think of education without psychology in our present scenario.

10. Which is better authoritarian or authoritative parenting? Why?

Answer: For me, authoritative parenting is better. As parent with my three children,
I discuss and explain rules to them. They are open to give-and-take discussions and
will modify rules if appropriate. So, from this point, they are taught to think critically
about the reasons behind each rule. Therefore, they know how to behave and act
accordingly base of the rule that I have set to them. Every time that they are out of
their comfort zone, at least they still know to act and response based on the set rules.
If we apply this to our classroom setting, I’m sure that our learners will act
accordingly and response effectively and reach whatever goals that they have in their

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