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Computer Skills for Social Sciences

Submitted By: Muhammad Bilal Khan, Fareha Jamal, Hasnain Sattar, and
Fatima Altaf
Submitted To: Ma’am Farrah Shahid


Owing to the globalized world, the use of social media has become a crucial tool. From news to
general entertainment to conflicts, we are almost fastened to it. It refers to digital platforms and
tools that allow individuals and groups to share, interact, and exchange ideas, information, and
content with each other. Popular platforms include FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM,
Social media has become an increasingly important tool for international politics, with a wide
range of actors using it to communicate, persuade, and advocate for their cause, and frame
cosmopolitical opinions. It is an online way of communication for interaction and collaboration
among people. For example, various political parties could use it to canvass votes, run
campaigns, etc.
In domestic as well as international politics, social media is playing a dynamic role. It allows
politicians, governments, international organizations, and other regional as well as transregional
actors to communicate faster and reach a wider audience on a global scale in a more targeted and
fitting manner.
Diplomats and government officials capitalize on it to communicate with each other, share
information and opinions, and conduct diplomatic negotiations. Its application in areas such as
public diplomacy has a crucial bearing on globalization as well as the general welfare of us as a
species. For example, financial campaigns for underdeveloped drought-ridden countries are
successfully conducted in it.
It has transformed the ways we deal with prevention as well as punishment of human rights
violations across the globe. For example, during a crisis, the aforementioned platforms can be
used to forewarn people of impending danger and provide instructions for evacuation or other
safety measures.


How do diplomats use social media for communication and negotiation ?
Social media has become an increasingly important tool for diplomats to communicate and
negotiate in today’s digital age. Here are some ways diplomats use social media for
communication and negotiation:

It is the persuasion of the general mass to support some cause. It can take many forms
like philanthropic works, financial and material support in times of crisis, educational
programs, welfare programs, etc.
It encompasses both the pre-disaster preparedness and post-disaster minimization of
impact and provision of aid to the affectees.
It is the direct appeal to the general public to support both financially and ideologically or
politically some cause.
It is a type of conflict that brings the conflicted parties to solve the matter using finding a
middle ground.

Examples of social media being used in diplomacy

Here are some examples of social media being used by diplomacy:

 Twitter diplomacy: Twitter has become a popular platform for diplomats to engage in
"Twitter diplomacy," which involves using the platform to make public statements and
engage in discussions with other diplomats, governments, and the public. For example, in
2018, U.S. President Donald Trump used Twitter to communicate with North Korean
leader Kim Jong-un during negotiations over North Korea's nuclear program.
 Facebook diplomacy: Many governments have Facebook pages that they use to
communicate with the public and promote their policies. For example, the U.S. State
Department has a Facebook page that it uses to share news and information about U.S.
foreign policy.
 Instagram diplomacy: Instagram is a popular platform for sharing photos and videos,
and many diplomats use it to share images of their travels and meetings with other
diplomats. For example, the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., has an Instagram
account that it uses to share photos of the ambassador's travels and meetings.
 YouTube diplomacy: YouTube is a popular platform for sharing videos, and many
governments and diplomats use it to share videos of speeches, press conferences, and
other events. For example, the U.S. Department of State has a YouTube channel that it
uses to share videos of Secretary of State Antony Blinken's speeches and press briefings.
 LinkedIn diplomacy: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, and many
diplomats use it to connect with other diplomats and professionals in their field. For
example, the United Nations has a LinkedIn page that it uses to connect with
professionals in the fields of diplomacy, international relations, and development.
These examples highlight the diverse ways in which social media is being used by diplomats as
well as statesmen to communicate, engage, and cooperate between countries and people around
the world.

Advantages of using social media in diplomacy

Here are the advantages of using social media in diplomacy:


Social media provides a platform for diplomats to engage with foreign audiences and
stakeholders, allowing them to promote their countries’ interests, share information, and
build relationships.


Social media allows for real-time communication and faster dissemination of information, which
can be particularly useful during crises or time-sensitive situations.


Social media is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience, particularly compared to

traditional forms of public diplomacy such as broadcasting or print media.

Diplomats can track and analyze social media data to gain insights into public opinion,
identify trends, and monitor potential crises or threats.

Disadvantages of using social media in diplomacy

Here are the several disadvantages of using social media in diplomacy:


Social media platforms are public forums where anyone can post content, including
individuals who may not have the best intentions. As a result, diplomats risk losing
control of their message when it is shared on social media, as they cannot control the
interpretation of their message
Social media is often used to spread fake news, propaganda, and conspiracy theories.
Diplomats need to be conscious when using social media to communicate, as
misinformation can quickly spread and damage diplomatic relations.


Diplomats may unwittingly reveal sensitive information when using social media, putting
themselves and their countries at risk. Social media can also be a tool for cyber-attacks
and hacking attempts, making it important to use caution when communicating on these
plate forms.


Diplomacy often requires nuance and subtlety, but social media platforms are not always
conducive to this. Massages can be easily misinterpreted or taken out of context, and the brevity
of social media posts can limit the ability to fully communicate complex ideas.


The use of social media by state and non-state actors for propaganda and disinformation:
Social media has been widely used by both state and non-state actors for propaganda and
disinformation purposes. Here are some examples:

 The impact of social media on public opinion and decision making

Social has been increasingly becoming a crucial tool to shape public opinion on diverse
issues ranging from ethical to entertainment. It is also an indispensable tool that is used
by the public to have a say in the decision-making of the country. In Pakistan, various
instances bear testament to this premise. For example, liberals in the country capitalize on
it to further their agendas and their successes would have been impossible without the
dexterous use of it.
Advertisement through social media is another intelligent use to influence consumer
behavior and decision-making. The brands are using cunning gimmickry to advance their
product. It is being used to spread awareness regarding different topics which are
generally considered taboo in deeply conservative societies such as the use of

 Responses to social media-enabled information warfare

Information warfare and influence operations are hostile activities, or at least an activity
that is conducted between two parties whose interests are not well-aligned. Information
warfare and influence operations have connotations of soft power: propaganda,
persuasion, cultural and social forces, confusion, and deception. By definition,
information warfare and influence operations take place without kinetic violence, and
they are necessarily below any threshold of armed conflict.


Social media has become a key tool for political activism, as it provides a platform for
individuals and groups to share information, mobilize supporters, and advocate for political
change. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been useful to
organize protests rallies, and other forms of activism, allowing individuals to connect with others
who share their interests and concerns.
One of the ways that social media has impacted political activism is by enabling the rapid
dissemination of information. Social media has also been used to document incidents of police
brutality, voter suppression, and other forms of injustice, bringing attention to these issues and
increasing public pressure on policymakers.

Here are some examples of how social media has been used for political activism:
 Arab Spring:
Social media played a critical role in the Arab Spring uprisings in 2010 and 2011,
particularly in Tunisia and Egypt. Activists used platforms like Twitter and Facebook to
organize protests, share information, and mobilize supporters.
 Black Lives Matter:
The Black Live Matter movement has relied heavily on social media to raise awareness
about police brutality and systematic racism. Activists use hashtags like
#BLACKLIVESMATTER to share stories, organize protests, and amplify their messages.
 Hong Kong Protests:
Social media played a key role in the 2019 protests in Hong Kong, with demonstrators
using platforms like Telegram and LIHKG to coordinate their actions and share
Advantages of using social media in political activism
 Increased outreach
Social media allows political activists to reach a much larger audience than traditional
forms of activism. This is because social media platforms have a vast user base, which
allows activists to connect with people whom they might not have been able to reach
 Cost-effective
Using social media to promote political activism is relatively inexpensive compared to
traditional forms of activism such as rallies, or print advertisements. This makes it a
viable option for activists who have limited financial resources.
 Empowers marginalized Communities
Social media provides a platform for marginalized communities to have their voice heard.
This is because social media allows activists to share their experiences and perspectives
with a wider audience, which can help to raise awareness about important issues.

Disadvantages of using social media in political activism

 Spread of misinformation
Social media has been widely criticized for its role in the spread of misinformation and
fake news, which can lead to harmful outcomes for political activism.
 Online harassment
Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for online harassment and hate speech,
which can have a chilling effect on political activism and limit the voices of marginalized
 Limited impact
While social media can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and mobilizing people, it
may have a limited impact on actual political change. Real-world activism and
engagement with government institutions may be necessary to achieve meaningful


How social media has transformed election campaigning?
Social media has significantly transformed election campaigns by providing a new platform for
politicians to reach and engage with voters. Here are some of how social media has transformed
election campaigns:

 Increased reach
Social media allows candidates to reach a much larger audience than traditional campaign
methods, such as door-to-door canvassing or TV ads.
 Real-time engagement
Social media provides candidates with the ability to interact with voters in real-time
allowing them to respond to feedback and adjust their messaging accordingly.
 Data Analysis
Social media platforms provide campaigns with valuable data on voters’ behavior and
preferences, allowing them to tailor their messaging and outreach efforts accordingly.
 User-generated content
Social media platforms allow supporters to create and share their content, such as memes
and videos, which can amplify a campaign’s message and reach.

 Barak Obama was the first politician to use social media in his campaign. He used
platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to connect with voters, share his message,
and encourage people to get involved in his campaign. His social media strategy is often
credited with helping him win the presidency in 2008.
 Narendra Modi is known for his social media savvy. During his 2014 election campaign,
he used social media to reach out to young voters and build a coalition of supporters.
 Imran Khan has been using social media to connect with voters and promote his
political agenda for many years. He uses these platforms to share updates on his political
activities, interact with his supporters, and promote his party’s message.


Social media has had a significant impact on foreign policy in recent years. Here are some ways
in which social media has affected foreign policy:

 Dissemination of information
Social media has made it easier to disseminate information about foreign policy issues to
a wider audience. Governments and diplomats can use social media platforms such as
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to share their views on various foreign policy issues.
 Diplomacy
Social media has become an important tool for diplomacy, allowing diplomats to contact
their counterparts in other countries and build relationships. It has also facilitated public
diplomacy efforts by governments, allowing them to engage with citizens of other
countries and promote their policies and ideas.
 Crisis communication
During times of crisis, social media has become an important tool for governments to
communicate with their citizens and the international community. It has been used to
disseminate information about crises such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and
 Influence Operation
Social media has also been used by foreign actors to influence foreign policy outcomes in
other countries. It has been used to spread disinformation, sow discord, and influence
public opinion in other countries.
Overall, social media has had a profound impact on foreign policy, providing new
opportunities for communication, diplomacy, and influence operations. However, it has
also created new challenges, such as the need to manage disinformation and protect
against foreign interference.


Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting foreign policy objectives, including:
 Increase public awareness
 Build relationships with foreign audiences
 Facilitate cross-cultural dialogue
 Influence public opinion
 Monitor foreign sentiment
Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting foreign policy objectives by increasing public
awareness, building relationships with foreign audiences, facilitating cross-cultural dialogue,
influencing public opinion, and monitoring foreign sentiment.


The use of social media by international organizations to communicate with their constituent
members and the general public to keep them informed about the day-to-day happenings and
progress of their manifestos.
Examples of social media being used by international organizations such as amnesty
international are using it to voice their concerns about human rights abuses across the world and
transparency international using it to cases of corruption and use it in their index to build a
particular perception about a country, organization, persons, etc.
Social media has a significant impact on the transparency and accountability of international
organizations, such as the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and others.
How it influences includes increased public scrutiny, real-time reporting, increased engagement
with stakeholders, data sharing, and increased pressure for accountability.
Social media has had a positive impact on the transparency and accountability of international
organizations. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring the
accuracy of information and preventing the spread of misinformation on social media.


 The use of social media by human rights activists and organizations to raise awareness
and mobilize support for the inviolability of natural human as well as animal rights. They
tap its potential to create a general awareness about domestic and workplace violence and
 Examples of social media being used for human right activism is the hashtag trends used
to spread awareness or stand against injustice like Hashtags #RefugeesWelcome,
#BlackLivesMatter, and #PrayForParis have allowed individuals across the world to
create and become part of a larger conversation about the important events of the present
 The media plays an important role in protecting human rights. In any form, the media can
raise awareness of human rights issues, expose violations, and empower people to take
action. Social media is also often the main way someone.

Social media has had a significant impact on international politics in recent years. It has had a
profound impact on international politics, both positive and negative. It has enabled people to
connect and communicate across borders, but it has also created new challenges and risks. As
social media continues to evolve, its impact on politics is likely to continue to be significant.
Social media has become an important tool for international politics, enabling diplomats and
government officials to communicate, share opinions and conduct diplomatic negotiations.
Diplomats use social media for public diplomacy, crisis management, direct communication,
negotiation, and finding a middle ground. State actors use social media to influence public
opinion, spread false information, promote political ideology, and demonize opponents. Non-
state actors use social media to spread their messages, recruit new messages, and radicalize
individuals. It has been used to organize protests, rallies, and election campaigns, often with
success. It has revolutionized election campaigns to target specific demographics and engage
with voters in real time. It is indeed a powerful tool for shaping public opinion and influencing
foreign policy outcomes.

Social media has both positive and negative impacts on international politics, and it is important
to be aware of both. It can be used to facilitate diplomacy, raise awareness about important
issues, and promote positive change. However, it can also be used to spread disinformation,
facilitate cybercrime and espionage, and create social unrest. Social media can be used to
promote democracy and human rights, by facilitating the spread of information and promoting
free expression. Social media has significant implications for cybersecurity in international
politics, and governments and organizations must be aware of the risks and opportunities
presented by social media in the context of cybersecurity.

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