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Nguyen Chi Bach – CG9SB2


I. Electrical appliances
1. AC
1. Heater
2. Fridge
3. Dishwasher
AC Heater Fridge Dishwasher
Input voltage 220V 220V 220V 220V
Current 45A 15A 0.75A 15A
Power 600W 1500W 200W 1600
Use time 8h/day 5h/day 24/7 4h/day
kWh of 144 kWh 225 kWh 144 kWh 192 kWh

Total kWh= 144+225+144+192 = 705 kWh

Cost per month= 705 x 3 000 = 2 115 000 VND
III.Save electricity
To reduce the power bills, we can:
- Use less heater and dishwasher
- Turn them off when they are not used
- Try not to use them as much as possible
Estimated saving amount: Around 1 000 000 VND saved
- Finding the information for the appliances was really hard
- Calculating them went quite well as we have the formula in our hand
- The most challenging part is to estimate the amount of money saved
because the price varies on the amount of kWh you use

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