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Eukaryotic genome organization:

Genome is the collection of genes or full set of genetic information that an organism carries in DNA.

>They are larger than the Prokaryotic genome.

>Contains multiple linear chromosomes.

>They are diploid.

>DNA associated with histone protein.

Types of genes present in Eukaryotic genome:

Eukaryotic genome may include structural functional & non functional


>Structural genes: Codes for specific RNA or Proteins mRNA, tRNA and snRNA.

>Functional genes: Also known as regulatory sequence occurs

(Initiation promoter operator etc,)

>Non functional genes: introns(non coding) & repetitive sequence.

Stages of Eukaryotic Genome Organization:

Eukaryotic genome organization classified into 4 steps.

1.Nucleosome formation

2.Solenoid fibre

3.Chromatin fibre

4.Chromatid & Chromosome formation

1.Nucleosome formation (11nm in diameter) >Eukaryotic DNA combines with basic protein molecules
called histone to form a structure is known as nucleosome.

>Wrapped structure of 146bp of DNA. >This structure contain H2A, H2B, H4 H3 types of histone &
another is H1 Called linker histone protein.

The total length of DNA is 2nm and this has feet to nucleus about 10mm in diameter by nucleosome
2. Solenoid Fibre:

>Nucleosome folded themselves to form dense, tightly packed fibre like

structure called them

Solenoid fibre or helix model.

>Where nucleosomes arranged In a zigzag pattern.

>The diameter of this fibre is 30nm.

3- Chromatin fibre:

• Chemical composition of chromatin:

-DNA: 20-40%

-RNA: 5-10% associated with chromatin as rRNA,mRNA,tRNA -Proteins: 55-60%, Histone: 60% (1:1)

-Non Histone: 20% of total chromatin.

4-Chromatid & Chromosome formation:

 The next higher order chromatin structure is 700 nm in diameter & also its called chromatid.

Chromatid is mainly constituents of ,300 nm loops and 146 bp

Wrapped nucleosome to form, 250 nm wider

Structure that is chromatids. >Chromosome may have 3 parts

1.Two arms(Chromatids)

2.Centromere(region holds chromatin)

3.Telomeres(end of chromosome)

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