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Pendidikan Yang Berpihak Pada Peserta Didik

Presented by: Shofwatul Ma`la-2253A42470

According to Ki Hajar Dewantara,

education that is in favor of students is

Definition Education
education that is
according to KHD emphasizes students as the top priority

to be served.
Every child has the freedom to learn

according to his natural desires and

formed in the child.
Characteristics of learning in favor of



Independent Man talents and

Child's nature

The main goal of education is for children to be safe and happy both

as individuals and
According to KHD's thinking, every child is an independent human

being so education must take sides

students so that children are safe and happy both as human beings

and as members of society.

Developing talents and

Education in favor of children is education that pays attention to their

interests, talents, and abilities the abilities of each child.

Talent is an innate ability from birth, while interest is formed during the

growing process child Talents possessed by children are not always

related to academic or cognitive abilities.

But talent can be related to things that are social, such as ability

communicate and so on.

Child's nature
Education in favor of students is

education that is elaborated on the

nature of nature and the nature of the

KHD reminded that children's education

actually requires children to be able to

achieve their nature according to nature

and time.
Student Oriented-Education
In the learning process, students act as subjects and teachers are

facilitators who provide motivation.

The emergence of potential in children depends on the stimulation

given by teachers and parents. Therefore, in educating children,

teachers and parents should always care and guide them

full of love.
Liberate students in 21st

century education
Education that liberates according to KHD is an educational process

that places elements of the freedom of students to regulate

themselves, grow and develop according to their nature outwardly

and inwardly.
Education that liberates is an educational process that guides

students within them to develop the positive potentials that exist,

which are based on freedom in exploring these potentials, free from

various pressures both within the individual student and from within.

But even so, this liberating education must be based on the principle

21st century education

Liberating learning is an idea that frees teachers and students in

determining learning systems, the purpose of this education system is

to create fun education for students and teachers, because so far

education in Indonesia has emphasized aspects of knowledge rather

than aspects of skills.

Merdeka Learning emphasizes aspects of character development that

are in accordance with the values of the Indonesian nation. KHD views

education as a driving force for student development, namely

education teaches to achieve change and benefit the surrounding

Thank you
for listening!

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