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Trump the Nobel Peace Prize

The following article is based on my own interpretation of the said events. Any material
borrowed from published and unpublished sources has been appropriately referenced. I will
bear the sole responsibility for anything that is found to have been copied or
misappropriated or misrepresented in the following post.

Samrat Ganguly, EMBA 2020-23, Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur


On 9th September, 2020 US President Donald J. Trump took on Twitter to thank a post from
JerusalemPost which read as follows -

“#Breaking: @realDonaldTrump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his hand in
reaching the #IsrealUAEDeal…..”

Within 72 hrs of above breaking news, the President again received the 2nd nomination for his
role in Serbia-Kosovo peace agreement.

Though both were just nominations and the actual outcome could be different, this news did
give a reason to all Trump supporters to cheer as the run up for the election has just started
gathering steam all across the US.

2018 also President Trump was close to get the Nobel Peace prize for his attempt to reconcile
the relations in Korean Peninsula and Syria. But over the period of last couple of years there
has been hardly any ground traction for either of the agreements. Demolishing of the inter-
Korean embassy office by Pyongyang and uneasy state of the rubble turned Syria again
proofs that International Politics is very layered. Trivial photo-ops should not be confused
with a long sustainable peace agreement. And filing nominations basing on such fragile &
insignificant development, degrades the stature of the prize which has been awarded to likes
of Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela.   

Perils of such hurried decisions by nominators and Nobel Peace Prize committee members,
where nomination were filed for the attempt and hope rather than actual work done on the
ground, is known to the world. Giving out the prestigious award to President Barack Obama,
when he had hardly been in the office for nine months, is one of the glaring examples of such

I will conclude by stating that Nobel peace prize nominator should not let them be misguided
by the mere optics of seemingly “significant” events in political sphere but rather should
demonstrate more patience. Knotted international issue sometime takes decades to unravel its
all facets and eventually very few historically shimmering relationships turn to a peaceful and
sustainable one.  

Reference –

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