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Lhance Angelo M. Abarra Prof. Josephine L.


BSED-II February 14, 2023

Reflection Paper in Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the


Globalization is a word that has many meanings to many different

people, each with its own lengthy definition. Some people think that
globalization is a perilous miracle that has adversely affected the planet.
According to them, globalization has had negative effects on society that
have disrupted its harmony. A different group of people, on the other hand,
see globalization as a successful miracle that has made the world more
connected and informed than ever before. They see it as a fresh source of
optimism for the world. It is obvious that his segment views globalization as
having interesting benefits. Global education interconnects styles of tutoring
from worldwide systems to encourage the transnational development of
environmental sustainability, as well as donation toward fortifying global
diligence. These educational enterprise prioritize global access to academy
from the primary to the university situations, instigating literacy gests that
prepare scholars for transnational leadership places. As education serves as
foundational to global stability, the development of multilateral mindfulness
from an early age may integrate testaments sourced from colorful societies
in order to arrive at well-balanced conclusions regarding issues that compass
the world as a whole. Globalization and education also come to affect one
another through collective pretensions of preparing youthful people for
successful futures during which their nations will grow decreasingly

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