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Lhance Angelo M. Abarra Prof. Divinia J.


BSED-II February 4, 2023

Activity 2 in The Teacher and the School Curriculum

It appears that there is no definite agreement as to what an ideal

curriculum is all about. The emphasis depends on what the educational

institution wants to stand for. The various curricula available based on

orientation or approaches are:

 Psychological Classification Curriculum

1. Social

2. Information Processing

3. Personalist

4. Behavioral

 Divisions of Curricular Orientation

1. Child-centered

2. Society-centered

3. Knowledge-centered

4. Eclectic

 Philosophical Classification Curriculum

1. Idealism

2. Realism

3. Perennialism

4. Essentialism

5. Existentialism

6. Constructivism

7. Reconstructivism

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