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Task 1a i

就写谁是 principal 谁是 agent,各个方面的职责责任以及之间的关系,就结束了

Trust relationship
The board of directors of BCO serves as the person in charge of corporate governance, but they
rely on many different people: staff, volunteers, and most importantly, the management
committee. In a principal-agent relationship, the principal entrusts an agent to provide services on
their behalf, including delegating some decision-making authority to the agent. This relationship
establishes a trust relationship between the board of directors and management. The board of
directors, which represents the management committee acting on behalf of the trustee, must
prioritize the best interests of the principal.

Representing Stakeholders
As the principal, the board of directors represents the interests of BCO stakeholders, including not
only those who donate or donate funds to charitable organizations, but also people and animals
living in the wildlife communities we operate, our staff, wildlife park visitors, and the wider
community. The management committee, as a trustee, assumes the responsibilities designated by
the trustee. Therefore, the board of directors has an obligation to assume the responsibilities
assigned to them with a certain level of skill and prudence, using the specific skills and
professional knowledge engaged by each member.

As an agent, the management committee will receive financial rewards and benefits related to the
interests of stakeholders represented by the board of directors in fulfilling the delegated
responsibilities without conflicts.

Task 1a ii
写四句话,四个好处即可,记得联系案例,写对于 BCO 的好处
Advantages of Double Layer Plate Structure

Firstly, the clear and unique separation of responsibilities between the supervisory and supervised
functions of the board of directors is its advantage

Secondly, the supervisory role of the board of directors is an effective guarantee to prevent
inefficient management and fraudulent or irregular activities. All of this helps maintain the trust of
stakeholders. Especially those who donate funds to BCO will seek assurance that BCO will use
their funds appropriately.

Thirdly, when exercising its supervisory role, the board of directors will consider the needs of all
our stakeholders, including employees and the wider community, to ensure that their interests are
also taken into account

Fourthly, the dual tier system also encourages transparency within charitable organizations,
between the two levels of the board of directors, and between the board of directors and the
stakeholders they represent. This transparency is particularly important in the charitable sector,
where charitable organizations must be responsible for the various funds they receive.

Task 1a iii
一个 mission,三个 objective,每个写一句话即可。
Meet 了哪些 stakeholder 的 needs,为什么?每个写一句话
Our mission is firmly committed to protecting and protecting the world's wildlife, serving the
future. This meets the needs of a wide range of stakeholders, including wildlife themselves and
those living and working in their communities. In addition, broader communities will also benefit
from a world where wildlife can thrive and live safely in their natural habitats.

The first goal meets the needs of the threatened species themselves and their communities of
origin. Therefore, this goal meets the needs of our stakeholders.

The second goal is to invest in 100 wildlife habitat projects around the world through training and
education for local staff and communities, which also meets the needs of our stakeholders,
including staff and locals, who need specific knowledge and skills to ensure the successful
operation and management of habitat projects, so that donor funds can be effectively used.

The third goal is to ensure that one million people have better connections with nature. This meets
the need for more people to understand and appreciate the natural world. If more people better
appreciate and understand the natural world, it will be beneficial for the wildlife species to be
protected by BCO.

Task 1b
各项数据的变化?变化了多少,百分比,变化的原因 income:增加了 5%,首先但是是因为卖了房地产,如果不卖房地产是下降的。其
次 donation 下降,分析原因。第三,wildlife park admissions 上升是因为票价的上升,实
际顾客人数是减少的,这将导致……第四,shop and café 收入的上升,原因可能是经营的
好,expense 还下降了,这是积极的信号。第五,corporate membership fees 增加,这是积
Financial performance evaluation
Our surplus decreased by $422000 due to an increase in support expenses. The revenue from
charitable activities increased by 5% this year, with the majority being ticket revenue from
wildlife parks. However, the number of visitors to wildlife parks has decreased by nearly 2%
(258583 people, compared to 263595 people in the 20X0 fiscal year), indicating that the increase
in ticket revenue for wildlife parks comes from the increase in ticket prices. This is a concern as
visitors to wildlife parks are the main source of income. If the number of tourists continues to
decrease, then if the number of tourists using our facilities decreases, it may have a ripple effect on
income from other sources, such as individual members, wildlife stores, and coffee shops.

However, despite a decrease in tourist numbers, the revenue of wildlife park shops and cafes
increased by 15%, from $4923000 to $5675000. This is good news and indicates that our shops
and cafes are very popular.
Corporate membership revenue has significantly increased from $90000 (133%) to $210000, but
its proportion in our revenue is still very small (1%), and we must achieve this growth through
further cooperation with corporate partners. The number of individual members has only slightly
increased, and we need to improve. However, considering the decrease in the number of visitors to
the wildlife park this year, the conversion rate of converting visitors to members has actually
increased, which can be considered an improvement

Therefore, our on-site member marketing campaign seems to be operating effectively, but we still
need to do more to convert visitors into members and attract more visitors.

Our two areas of concern for business activity income are education and training programs, as
well as donations and legacies. The operating revenue of education and training projects has
decreased by 6% compared to last year. This, combined with KPI analysis, shows that compared
to 20X0, we have fewer external education and training programs running on 20X1 (145 v151),
which clearly does not meet this goal. If we want to ensure the achievement of our strategic goals,
this is something we must improve in the coming years

Donations, grants, and inheritance income decreased by nearly 16% (from $8625000 to
$7283000). This is particularly worrying as these are our main sources of income. However, we
can consider this to be a positive direction, as our total income has actually increased in 20X1,
although this main source of income has decreased, which means we are improving in other
sources of income. This indicates that we have reduced our dependence on this source of income
and added other sources to compensate, but some of them come from the sale of real estate assets,
which are not a recurring or sustainable source of commercial income. This is not good news, we
may need to sell the property to maintain our business

2.expense 就一个个分析就可以了,比如控制成本之类的
This year's expenditure has increased by nearly 2.5%, although this is not particularly worrying,
we must closely monitor it. Our expenditure on animal support costs has significantly increased,
increasing by 8% this year. This is an issue that we must further investigate. This increase may be
due to inflationary pressures on basic resource costs (such as veterinary costs, animal feed, and
employee wages), or it may indicate that our cost management procedures are inefficient and have
not effectively controlled these costs and fully utilized our resources. We have an obligation to
obtain the best value for money for our stakeholders, and we must manage our funds properly.

The 15% reduction in commercial operating costs is very positive. This may be due to the limited
number of properties to manage (we sold a property on 20X1), or it may be because we managed
our store and caf é more effectively.

3.Non-financial performance evaluation (key performance indicators)

The number of employees has decreased, and more volunteers are willing to work. But it should
be noted that we need experienced employees. So attention should be paid to the replaced
As mentioned above, visitor numbers to the wildlife park are down but on average each visitor
actually spent more money when they visited ($3·27). This is a positive factor. we should improve
the facilities and visiting pots
Training days were down on 20X0 as too were external training programmes run. These outcomes
do not fit with our objectives of increasing education and training and we must address these if we
are to achieve our stated strategic objectives.
Our programmes to re-introduce animals to the wild continue to be successful as more animals
were returned to their natural habitats in 20X1 compared to 20X0. This should be a key focus of
our performance measurement

Task 2a
时间和自己的身份往往在 overview 里,写给谁往往在题目里
PESTEL 要记得写 impact,对公司的影响是什么
To: Chief finance officer
From: Senior finance manager
Date: XX/09/20X1
Subject: The impact of the external environment on the BCO’s strategic objectives
A key element in setting our strategic goals is to assess the external environment and its impact on
these goals. It is important that we continuously evaluate our external environment and determine
how we should respond to these external events to ensure that we maintain strategic direction.
Political environmental impact
As pointed out in a recent charity industry research article, the global economic recession has left
many governments around the world financially stretched. This has had serious consequences for
ourselves and the entire charity sector, as the increase in austerity measures has had a negative
impact on the business community and the general public. At the same time, due to the influence
of political and economic climate, the demand for charitable organizations like ours has actually
increased. The recent charity department report also pointed out that publicly funded grant
granting agencies have reduced their support for charitable organizations in terms of finances and
volunteer numbers, which once again proves the changes in political priorities that we as an
organization are susceptible to. However, this aspect of the political environment did not have
such a significant impact on BCO last year, as we were still able to receive $2 million in public
funding in 20X1, which proves our effective management of the external environment
Economic environmental impact
All of our strategic goals require significant financial resources, especially for wildlife
conservation activities. In the next five years, our primary goal is to protect 100 species and send
them back to the wild. This will be expensive, so we need to strike a balance with our existing
financial resources. A significant portion of our donations come from heritage, which, according to
our annual report, has been decreasing in recent years. This is a major co ncern as it will affect our
ability to achieve strategic goals without reducing the funds we invest in these projects or the
number of projects we invest in. As a result, donations to charitable organizations may decrease,
posing a threat to the achievement of our strategic goals.
Even more complex is that due to the current economic and political environment, the demand for
charitable organizations like ours is actually increasing. As emphasized in recent research reports,
human activities are destroying animal habitats, mainly due to economic priorities and policy
changes, leading to an increasing demand for support and protection from many global nature and
animal conservation charities. If economic pressure increases in the next five years, our strategic
goal of releasing 100 species into the wild and investing in 100 projects will be threatened. In
addition, as our recent financial performance indicates, our operating costs are also increasing,
which may be due to inflationary pressures caused by the current economic environment. We have
economic operational responsibility to stakeholders, but if costs continue to rise, this will be
challenged and may ultimately affect the quality of our plans.
Technological environmental impact
Technology can be seen as a positive or negative impact on our strategic goals. The internet
enables our information to be disseminated globally, which may have a significant positive impact
on our ability to raise donations from outside of Gilan. However, the technological environment
has surpassed the application of information websites, and the failure to innovate or update
systems to meet the social needs we are currently in may be a major disadvantage for us
Legal environmental impact
Charity organizations have become more active in seeking donor support, and some local
authorities have banned street donations in local towns to prevent radical fundraising. This has
also seriously affected the overall reputation and perception of the industry. In addition, it is
expected that more legislation will reduce the use of "hard selling" marketing strategies by some
charitable organizations. Even if we are not involved in this strategy ourselves, this legislation will
still affect us, which may affect our ability to raise funds in certain areas, such as street fundraising
or postal advertising. Due to the pressure of reduced income flow, this additional legislation may
further affect our income and thus affect the achievement of our strategic goals.
The current external environment is putting enormous pressure on ourselves and the entire
charitable sector, which will affect our ability to raise sufficient funds and our understanding of
our activities to achieve our strategic goals. However, some of these factors also bring significant
opportunities. Therefore, we must continuously monitor these external factors to assess how we
respond and manage their impact on our strategic goals, especially on our ability to raise funds

Task 2b
三个 slide 的标题都在材料里
Slide 1:
Social Media Presence
Two-way communication
Highly interactive
Multi-media – text, videos, audio
Global 24/7 communication
Reach wide demographic
Inexpensive form of communication and marketing
Build emotional connection proactively
Social media is an important component of many modern organizations' e-commerce strategies
and an increasingly effective strategy for charitable organizations to interact with global
supporters. Social media will enable us to have two-way communication and one-on-one contact
with a large number of supporters.
If we want to reach out to supporters of the younger generation, social media platforms are
particularly important. This has opened up communication channels
The biggest advantage of social media is its global influence and low price. Therefore, social
media is an effective way for us to increase donations, share stories, encourage people to sign up
for sports or volunteer services, and showcase our animal protection work.
Social media encourages our supporters to interact with us in a personalized manner. Help us
create our own BCO online community.

Slide 2:
On-line education and training delivery
– Web-based training modules
– Use mobile technologies – laptops and smartphones
– Electronic resource library
– Continuous availability
– Cost savings in physical delivery
– Globally accessible training on demand
– Savings in time and resources
– Source of income

Using our website, we can provide web-based training and education for our staff and volunteers
online without the need to spend money on sending trainers

And provide physical training documents and manuals. This can save us costs.

This provides flexibility, making users more likely to use our resources at times that are suitable
for them. This means they don't have to take advantage of important working hours to attend

We can also offer our online courses to external customers who are willing to pay, which may be
another way for us to generate revenue
Slide 3:
Digital marketing
– User friendly website and mobile applications
– Search Engine Optimisation
– Analytics to tailor marketing messages
– Marketing tailored to the individual
– Reduces costs of traditional direct marketing activities
– Updated instantly
– Attract volunteers/staff

Digital marketing is more cost-effective and should help our marketing reach a wider audience

For us, the first element of electronic marketing is an effective and well-designed website, which
we plan to implement next year. This requires effective search engine optimization (SEO) to easily
locate and ensure that our website is easy to use, access, and most importantly, easy to find.

The potential development of mobile applications is another source of digital marketing. For many
people, especially the younger generation, applications are both convenient and easy to access on
the go, which may be a beneficial marketing method.

The application of digital marketing is particularly useful because it allows us to tailor information
to individuals and groups who have an emotional interest in what we do.

Task 3
To: Chief executive officer
From: Senior finance manager
Date: XX/XX/20X1
Confidential: Evaluation of BCO’s risk register and risk mitigating activities
公司将有可能收支不平衡。所以在融资问题上,the chairperson’s concerns are justified.。
adequacy of the risk mitigating activities
adequacy of the risk mitigating activities
Currently, our risk management activities include succession planning, agreement of notice
periods and review of recruitment processes and policies. These would seem to be suitable risk
management activities to assist in reducing and eliminating some of the risks associated with the
loss of staff.
But the control activities prepared by the company are carried out on the basis that the employee
has already left. Companies should find out why employees leave, motivate them, and try to keep
them. While hiring employees, it is also necessary to recruit those who have a good work attitude
and are in line with the company's culture, which will reduce the turnover rate of employees.

adequacy of the risk mitigating activities
Monitoring can indeed mitigate risk, however, they are not proactive enough to ensure that we are
indeed ahead of the competition, and we should be proactive in seeking a competitive advantage.
So the Chair was right about our concerns about the activities that we were undertaking to mitigate

Operating in dangerous locations around the world

司的主要风险之一,the chairperson’s concerns are justified.
adequacy of the risk mitigating activities
我 认 为 控 制 活 动 是 充 分 的 。 Because Activities such as monitor and review activities in
recognized dangerous locations and procedures to remove staff and volunteers at short notice are
key risk management activities but we must also ensure that these are carried out regularly and
tested regularly. And the company has a close relationship with security and safety services.

还有别的,比如公司固定开会,没有 it 技术的发展等等

Task 4
痛点是 fund raising,可以结合进去
公司六名董事会成员中,4 名成员的年龄在 60 岁以上。这说明董事会成员在年龄方面缺乏
At present, the composition of the company's board of directors seems to lack diversity
Among the six board members of the company, five are over 55 years old and only two are
female. This indicates a lack of diversity among board members in terms of age and gender. They
may have strong professionalism, but they may not be able to adapt to the rapidly changing reality
of society and make changes.
Only the chairman of the company has a considerable business background. This may result in the
company having insufficient operational experience, leading to losses.
The three members of the company's board of directors have worked for over ten years. Although
this indicates that they are very familiar with the company, it may lead to the company being
unable to adapt to new changes and make changes.
Board members should continuously learn and ensure continuous progress in their professional
and management fields, making correct decisions
Forming a corporate culture of development and learning within the company, encouraging all
members of the company to continuously learn and develop
Organize training for members of the management committee to cultivate their innovative abilities
and gain greater competitive advantages.

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