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Programming Assignment unit 05

The Classic Triangle Testing Problem, (Myer's Triangle): A program reads three integer values. The
three values are interpreted as representing the lengths of the sides of a triangle. The program
prints a message that states whether the triangle is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral. Develop a set
of test cases (at least 6 ) that you feel will adequately test this program. (This is a classic testing
problem and you could find numerous explanations about it on the internet. I would recommend
that you try to submit your own answer, based on your understanding of the topic).


Here are some test cases that can be used to test the program:

Test case where all sides of the triangle are equal: (3, 3, 3) Expected output: Equilateral triangle

Test case where two sides of the triangle are equal and one is different: (4, 4, 5) Expected output:
Isosceles triangle

Test case where all sides of the triangle are different: (5, 6, 7) Expected output: Scalene triangle

Test case where one side is zero and the other two sides are non-zero: (0, 4, 5) Expected output: Not
a triangle

These test cases cover different scenarios that the program should be able to handle correctly.

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