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University of the People

PSYC 1205 Emotional Intelligence

Unit 7 - Written Assignment
Strengths Weaknesses

 What do you do well?

 What unique resources can you draw  What could you improve?
on?  Where do you have fewer resources
 What do others see as your than others?
strengths?  What are others likely to see as
(SWOT analysis, 2006-2019) weaknesses?
(SWOT analysis, 2006-2019).

 Excellent in my lack of self-  Sometimes I let my feelings take

consciousness control of me.
 My comprehension and resiliency
under pressure  I want to manage how my feelings
 Confidence towards those who don't deserve it
 Understanding others via their grow over time.
 My skill in expressing my viewpoint
Opportunities Threats
 What opportunities are open to you?
 What trends could you take  What threats could harm you?
advantage of?  What is your competition doing?
 How can you turn your strengths  What threats do your weaknesses
into opportunities? expose you to?
(SWOT analysis, 2006-2019). (SWOT analysis, 2006-2019).

 I can benefit from the option of  I'm not good at managing my time. I
online learning as both a student as need enough time to manage my
well as a prospective entrepreneur. business, my schoolwork, and
 My capacity to persevere and devote
the time necessary to get to the  I have frequent mood fluctuations,
desired scientific level, which will which might leave me feeling worn
help me locate additional chances. out and prevent me from achieving
my goals.

What I learned from looking at my Strengths

Success- Despite all the obstacles I have faced, success, tenacity, and confidence are my
allies in achieving my objectives.
Instinct- where my instinct is to move forward because I might seek approval in every
element of my life.
Growth- The most enjoyable things are advancement in knowledge and depth of
Need- My rallying point is a thing that satisfies my basic needs.
What I learned from looking at my Weaknesses
My arguments remain that my feelings outweigh the circumstances. My thoughts and feelings
are the most important factors in my decisions, even if I have made a conclusion that is
clearly based on reason and logic. In spite of quiet and non-interaction, this is unquestionably
just one my weak areas.
What I learned while dissecting my Threats
 Examine the opportunities that present themselves and make use of them to shape the
early decisions I make in my life.
 help with major updates to development and work arrangement plans. promotes the
development of mutually beneficial or voluntary plans and possible agreements.
 It can also boost creativity and come up with original solutions to problems.
What this SWOT analysis has taught me
The accuracy and quality of the data, in my opinion, is the most important component in
making good use of this SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis will likely be of no use if
there is any distortion in the data pertaining to the company's strengths,
opportunities, weaknesses, and threats. On the other hand, responsibility for accurate and
accessible information is fundamental to achieving desired results.
What I can do with this knowledge going ahead.
 Identify distinctive traits and highlight them to achieve my goals.
 Chance to research the prospects so I can take advantage of them.
 helps me to assess potential risks and improve important plans and actions to take
in my own life.
 encourages the development of better elective strategies.

MindTools | Home. (n.d.).

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