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Computer architecture refers to the conceptual structure and operational principles that
underlie the design of a computer system (Stallings, 2013). It encompasses the hardware
components, their interconnections, and the software that controls the computer's operation.
In this paper, we will describe the processing and interdependencies of the five key
components of computer architecture: the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Instruction Decoder,
Clock and Program Counter, Control Codes, and Control Unit.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical
operations on binary data. It receives input data from the computer's memory, performs the
requested operation, and outputs the result. The ALU typically has two input registers, each
containing a binary number, and an output register to store the result of the operation
(Hamacher, Vranesic, & Zaky, 2011).

Instruction Decoder
The Instruction Decoder is a digital circuit that receives binary instructions from the
computer's memory and decodes them into a form that can be understood by the other
components of the computer. The decoded instruction typically contains an opcode, which
specifies the operation to be performed, and one or more operands, which are the data on
which the operation is to be performed (Stallings, 2013).

Clock and Program Counter

The Clock and Program Counter are two closely related components of the computer
architecture. The Clock generates a regular series of pulses that synchronize the operation
of the other components of the computer. The Program Counter is a register that stores the
address of the next instruction to be fetched from the computer's memory. Each clock pulse
increments the Program Counter, causing the computer to fetch the next instruction in
sequence (Hennessy & Patterson, 2017).

Control Codes
The Control Codes are binary codes that are used to control the operation of the computer's
components. They are generated by the Control Unit and are used to specify the function to
be performed by each component. For example, the Control Codes might specify that the
ALU should perform an addition operation, or that the memory should read or write data
(Stallings, 2013).

Control Unit
The Control Unit is a digital circuit that coordinates the operation of the other components of
the computer. It receives instructions from the Instruction Decoder, generates Control Codes
to control the operation of the other components, and provides timing signals to synchronize
their operation. The Control Unit also monitors the status of the computer's components and
takes appropriate action in the event of an error (Hennessy & Patterson, 2017).

In conclusion, the five key components of computer architecture described in this paper are
essential for the operation of a modern digital computer. The ALU performs arithmetic and
logical operations on binary data, while the Instruction Decoder decodes binary instructions
into a form that can be understood by the other components. The Clock and Program
Counter provide timing signals and keep track of the current instruction, and the Control
Codes and Control Unit coordinate the operation of the other components and ensure that
the computer operates correctly.


Hamacher, V. C., Vranesic, Z. G., & Zaky, S. A. (2011). Computer organization and
embedded systems (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Hennessy, J. L., & Patterson, D. A. (2017). Computer architecture: a quantitative approach

(6th ed.). Morgan Kaufmann.

Stallings, W. (2013). Computer organization and architecture: designing for performance

(10th ed.). Prentice Hall.

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