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Mechaella Shella Apolinario 03-13-23

1.4 BSA Economic Development

Learning Task 2

Use the data to plot real GDP in Turkey and indicate and explain the phases of

the business cycle.

Based in the data given, The first quarter in 2001 indicate is the start of the

business cycle the expansion of the GDP. To explain it first quarter,2001 is at peak

because the real GDP is upward and continue to increasing in Second

quarter,2001.The expansion continue through the second quarter because two

or more consecutive quarters, moving from a trough to a peak and when third
quarter hits it increase from 2.0 to 7.1 it means GDP of Turkey is outstanding and

the peak is coming . By way of increasing of 7.1 it reach the peak in third

quarter,2001. Continuing through the quarter the number also increase from 2 in

second quarter and 7.1in third quarter it measures that among all the quarters

sustained the increase of expansion. When fourth quarter,2001 happen the

business cycle came from expansion to recession. From 33.1 it decrease to 27.1

by the difference of 6. As a result of the decreasing numbers the real GDP is

downward and the end of the year of 2001. Along the year of First quarter,2002

the numbers continue to decrease by 2.5,furthermore the first quarter,2002 is

trough. Dealing with the second quarter,2002 the number increase by 3.7 and

reach it’s peak and the expansion because in the third quarter,2002 the peak

continue and increase the number by 7.4.

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