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1990512028, 1°53 Shoreening Pv6 Addresses Search Q © Shortening |Pv6 Addresses IPv6 addresses are hexadecimal and since they are 128-bit, they are quite long. Imagine you have to call a friend and ask him/her to ping the following address: 2041:0000;1 40F:0000;0000:0000:8758:1318 To make our lives a bit better, IPv6 addresses can be shortened. Let's take a look at some examples and I'll show you how it works: * Original: 2041:0000:1 40F:0000:0000:0000:8758:131B * Short: 2041:0000:140F::875B:131B If there is a string of zeros then you can remove them once. in the example above I removed the entire 0000:0000:0000 part. You can only do this once, your IPv6 device will fll up the remaining space with zeros until it has a 128 bit address. ‘There is more however, the address can be shortened even mot * Short: 2041:0000:1 40F::875B:131B © Shorter: 2041:0:140F::875B:131B Ifyou have a “hextet” with 4 zeros then you can remove those and leave a single zero. Your IPv6 device will add the remaining 3 zeros, When we talk about IPv4 addresses, we use the term “octet’ to define a “block” of 8 bits. In IPv6, there is no official term (yet) and there is an IETF draft that discusses the names to be used. The official term for 4 hexadecimal values is "hexadectet’, this is hard to remember/pronounce so © the short form “hextet’ will be used Leading zeros can also be removed, here's another address to demonstrate this:'shorening-pv6-addrosses wa 1310812023, 11:63 Shoreening Pv6 Addresses a By removing these zeros we get a nice short IPv6 address. To summarize these rules: * An entire string of zeros can be removed, you can only do this once. + 4 zeros can be removed, leaving only a single zero. * Leading zeros can be removed. hope this helps! Feel free to share this post or leave a comment in our forum if you have any questions. Previous Lesson Next Lesson Introduction to IPVé How to find the IPv6 prefix Forum Replies anshulgupta04o4 Hello sir i want to know that string of zero's can be removed by :: and a group of 4 zero’s can be removed by :0 but my question is that these two can be done in together or one can be removed at a time 7? Le we can either remove string of zero or group of 4 zero's ata time? or together? g lagapides Hello Anshul If you have the following address 2041:0000:140F:1234:1234:6543:8758:1318 @ you can shorten itt: 2041:0:140F:1234:1234:6543:8758:131B hnps:networklessons.comiciscalcie-outing-switchinglshorieningjpv6-addrossos 2a 1990512028, 1°53 Shoreening Pv6 Addresses a 2041::1 0F:1234:1234:6543:8758:1318 string of at least two sets of zeros such as :0000:0000: can be replaced with :: but a single string of zeros such as, :0000: can only be replaced with :0: Now having said that, even if you do it people will know what you'r talking about, and some operating systems or network device firmware may even accept it, but according to the official rul «Continue reading in our forum narad Q-1-Why Trailing 0 Cant be removed , need an example plz ...!! Q-2 Why they decided to be ipv6 in Hexadecimal, could not have been possible in decimal 72 GQ werrtes hepsi//cdn-forum.networklessons.comvletter_avatar_proxy/va/letter/n/ea5d25/40.png, narad: (Q-1-Why Trailing 0 Cant be removed , need an example plz .!! For each hextet, you must either remove leading zeras or trailing zeros. If you remove both, then you will not have a unique address. For example, le’s sa you have the following: 2041:0010:140F:8758:1318 In that second hextet, we have 0010. Ifyou remove both the leading and tralling zeros, you get this: 2041:1:140F:8758:1318 But how isa network device to know what that single “I” means? «Continue reading in our forum © 1 Ask a question or join the discussion by visiting our Community Forum'shorening-pv6-addrosses a4 1310812023, 11:63 Shoreening Pv6 Addresses a Disclaimer Privacy Policy Support About © 2013 - 2023 52189 hnps:networklessons.comiciscalcie-outing-switchinglshorieningjpv6-addrossos 4

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