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Materials Science and Engineering, 55 (1982) 257 - 262 257

Determination of Fracture Toughness from Stretch Zone Width Measurement

in Predeformed AISI Type 4340 Steel


Metallurgical Sciences Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Manitoba (Canada)
(Received January 15, 1982)

SUMMARY warm prestressing of pressure vessel steels and

have concluded that the continuum mechan-
The fracture toughness parameter Jic was ics approach to the determination of Jm
determined as a function o f prior cold seems to take into consideration the change
working in A I S I type 4340 steel using two in microstructure, particularly in terms of the
different approaches. One approach is the J dislocation density and distribution ahead of
resistance curve method. The other approach the crack tip as well as the availability of
is from measurements o f the stretch zone mobile dislocations.
width which is determined by scanning micros- The influence of prior hardening on the J
copy on the fractured specimens used in the integral has been previously examined [9].
determination o f the J resistance curves. Both Generally, the effect of prior hardening on
techniques agree in showing that, up to a the J integral appears to cause a decrease in
prior deformation corresponding to 2%, there toughness as the amount of work hardening is
is a marked increase in Jic. A t higher values of increased. However, a preliminary investiga-
prior deformation, Jm decreases with the tion by Amouzouvi and Bassim [10] indicates
increase in prior work hardening. The results that this process is more complicated and that
are explained in terms o f excessive blunting at actual increases in the J integral with prior
the crack tip, which may be due to the avail- deformation may indeed take place depending
ability o f excess mobile dislocations at low on the extent of prior strain. This analysis
values o f prior strain. raises the question whether these increases in
the fracture toughness as expressed by Jic are
real or whether the m e t h o d of determination
I. I N T R O D U C T I O N of the J integral from J resistance curves fails
to take into consideration the effect of prior
The J integral is increasingly used as a frac- hardening and changes in the microstructure
ture criterion for the characterization of the by the introduction of dislocations. An inde-
elastic-plastic behaviour of engineering mate- pendent m e t h o d for the determination of the
rials. The use of Jic in engineering design has fracture toughness, other than that from J
been reported by Turner [1]. The effect of resistance measurements, is thus necessary.
geometry, crack length and loading conditions Although the measurement of K~c using
on the J integral has been previously investi- thicker specimens or the evaluation of the
gated [2 - 4]. At present, this parameter is impact energy from Charpy tests remain
c o m m o n l y determined from the J resistance possibilities for the determination of the frac-
curve method where J1c is obtained by the ture toughness, either such methods would
intersection of the blunting line and the crack require specimens which are t o o thick (in the
advance line [5, 6]. More recently, the effect case of Kin) because of the ductility of the
of material parameters such as the change in material or the loading rate (Charpy tests}
microstructure on the J integral has been would be very different from that experi-
studied; Chell and coworkers [7, 8] have enced during J resistance tests. An alternative
reported increases in the J integral during the method is to determine Jic from measure-

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ments of the stretch zone width and to use a mechanical properties in the different pre-
correlation similar to that of Robinson and strained conditions are given in Table 2.
Tetelman [11], and more recently of The material was supplied in the heat-
Nguyen-Duy and Bayard [12]. In this case treated (tempered martensite) condition in
the stretch zone measurements are performed the form of a long plate 25 mm thick. The
on the same specimens used for the determi- steel plate was cut into shorter pieces 30 cm
nation of the J resistance curves. Also, the long and annealed. This was followed by dif-
stretch zone width is indicative of the extent ferent amounts of cold work (reduction in
of plastic blunting at the crack tip and thus thickness) on each piece. The microstructure
can be related to the change in microstructure of the material in the annealed condition
due to the introduction of mobile dislocations consisted of lamellar pearlite. Standard com-
in the prior straining process. pact tension specimens 19 m m thick were pro-
In this investigation, Jm was determined duced from the annealed and cold-worked
using the two different approaches, namely pieces. A chevron notch was machined in the
from the J resistance curves and from mea- longitudinal-transverse orientation. All the
surements of the stretch zone width on the compact tension specimens prepared had the
same specimens after fracture, using scanning same thickness.
electron microscopy. Specimens of AISI type
4340 steel which were predeformed to 2.2. Procedure for the fracture testing and
different values of strain ranging from 0% dislocation structure observation
(annealed) up to 15% prestrain were used in The procedure for the fracture testing and
this study. Jxc determination from the J resistance curves
as well as the dislocation structure study have
been described in detail in a previous paper
2. EXPERIMENTAL P R O C E D U R E [10]. Briefly, the J integral was determined
by the single-specimen unloading compliance
2.1. Material method, in which a series of 10% unloadings
The material used in this investigation was are performed to infer the crack extension Aa
Atlas SPS steel with a composition equivalent during the fracture test. The J integral at each
to that of AISI type 4340 steel. Its chemical unloading was measured and a plot of the J
composition is shown in Table 1 and the integral versus the crack extension Aa gives
the J resistance curve, and the intersection of
the two lines of the J resistance curve (the
blunting line and the crack advance line)
Chemical composition of Atlas SPS steel
yields the value of Jic. Dislocation structures
in thin foils of specimens in the annealed
Element C Mn P S Cr Ni Mo
condition and subjected to 2% and 5% pre-
Amount 0.40 0.75 0.020 0.020 0.60 1.25 0.15
strains were obtained using a transmission
electron microscope.

Mechanical properties of Atlas SPS steel in t h e different prestrained conditions

Condition 0.2% yield Ultimate tensile Elongation Reduction Strain-hardening Hardness

strength oy strength OUTs (%) o f area exponent n RC
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

As received 487 746 27 59 25

Annealed a 416 657 29 56 0.31 18
1% cold w o r k 420 658 28 54 0.25 22
2% cold work 435 672 27 53 0.20 23
5% cold work 558 675 25 52 0.09 25
10% cold work 643 728 20 50 0.07 27
15% cold work 687 746 16 44 0.062 29

aAnnealed at 840 °C for 1 h.


2. 3. Stretch z o n e measurements strain loading {it is usually taken to be

The stretch zone which is the transition approximately equal to 2). If eqn. (2) is
zone between the end of the fatigue precrack substituted into eqn. (3), with m equal to 2,
and stable crack growth is characterized by eqn. (3) becomes
an extensive plastic deformation prior to 4old 1
crack initiation. This zone can be distin- Jic = -- (4)
guished between the fatigue precrack region cos6+sino G
and the stable crack growth region in scanning Halves of broken specimens used in the
micrographs of the fracture surface. On the determination of the J resistance curves were
assumption that deformation prior to crack examined with a scanning electron micro-
initiation takes place along 45 ° slip lines, the scope (Super Mini-SEM ISI) usually at a tilt
critical stretch zone width W~zc can be angle 5 of 45 ° and a magnification of about
measured by tilting a fractured specimen 250 - 380. The length d of the stretch zone
through 45 ° and examining it in the scanning was measured at different points along the
electron microscope. This measurement is crack front and the results were averaged. The
shown schematically in Fig. 1. value of JIc was calculated using eqn. (4).
Considering a symmetric blunt crack,
Nguyen-Duy and Bayard [12] have derived
an equation relating the stretch zone width 3. E X P E R I M E N T A L R E S U L T S
Wszc to the crack-opening displacement (COD).
If AB in Fig. 1 is the critical stretch zone The scanning electron micrographs showing
width, it can be shown [12] that the stretch the stretch zones of the different specimens
zone width and the critical COD are given by observed are shown in Fig. 2. In these micro-
d 1 graphs the stretch zones are well defined as
WSZC ~-- (1) they are characterized by a particularly hilly
cos(0 -- 5) G relief and elongated dimples. The average
and length d of the stretch zones are measured on
2d 1 the micrographs and the critical stretch zone
(COD)c = -- (2) width Wszc and the critical values of the J
cosS+sin5 G integral, Jm, are calculated using eqns. (1) and
where d is the measured length of the stretch (4).
zone on the micrographs, 6 is the incident The variations in the stretch zone width
angle of the beam (the tilt angle), 0 = 45 Qand W=zc and Jic with the e x t e n t of prior cold
G is the magnification. Under plane strain work are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respec-
conditions, the critical value of the J integral, tively. These figures show the increases in
Jic, is related to (COD)¢ by [13, 14] Wsz~ and Jic up to the m a x i m u m values which
occur at R = 2%; then Wszc and Jm decrease
J1c = mef(COD)c (3)
markedly for higher percentages of cold work.
where of is the flow stress (the average of the Finally they level off for a prior deformation
0.2% yield stress and the ultimate tensile of greater than 10%.
stress) and m a constraint factor due to plane Figure 5 shows the results of the variation
in Aa~r (which is the m a x i m u m crack advance
due to the blunting process) with the percent-
age of cold work. Aa~r values were obtained
by the intersection of the theoretical blunting
\\ ~-Stable crack growth line (J = 2of Aa) and the crack advance line
on the J resistance curves. Figure 6 shows the
variation in Jic, also obtained by the m e t h o d
(cOO)c , /~/I of J resistance curves [ 10], with the percent-
Fatigue precrock ] /
age of prior deformation. The variation in
•/"N"/////////~I~'. . . . I Aa~r (Fig. 5) with the percentage of cold work
I'--d =Wszc/cos e---.I is very similar to that obtained for W~zc
Fig. 1. Illustration of the stretch zone of a b r o k e n (Fig. 3). Also Fig. 6 shows exactly the same
specimen half. ( A f t e r refs. 11 and 12.) behaviour for Jic as Fig. 4 does.

(a) (b)

(e) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of the stretch zone in specimens with different amounts of prior cold work
R: (a) R = 0 , G= 375,6 =45°;(b) R = 1 % , G = 2 5 5 , 5 =45°;(c) R = 2 % , G = 3 6 5 , 6 =22°;(d) R = 5 % , G = 2 5 5 ,
6 =15°;(e) R= 10%,G=375,~ =15°;(f) R = 1 5 % , G = 2 5 5 , 5 = 4 5 °.

4. DISCUSSION values obtained by the intersection of the

theoretical blunting line ( A a = J / 2 o f ) and the
There seems t o be general agreement crack advance line (Fig. 5). These results agree
between the results obtained using t he J resis- with those of Berger et al. [15] who found
tance curve m e t h o d and those obtained from t hat t he theoretical blunting line defined by
measurements o f the stretch zone width. J = 2o~ Aa always overestimates the real crack
However, the measured values of the stretch advance during the blunting process. The
zone (Fig. 3) are slightly lower than the Aacr values of Jm deduced from the stretch zones





000 I I I
0 5 I0 15
COLD WORK R (%} t~
Fig. 3. E f f e c t o f prior d e f o r m a t i o n on the stretch
zone width. 50


~5o L L J
0 5 10 15
Percentoge Cold Work R
Fig. 6. JIc values measured f r o m J resistance curves
as a f u n c t i o n o f prior cold w o r k R.
~I--- 50 q

o 5 I0 15

Fig. 4. d]c values calculated from the critical stretch 2.0 o

z o n e w i d t h m e a s u r e m e n t s as a f u n c t i o n o f prior cold
w o r k R.


0.0 I I I
0 5 I0 15

Fig. 7. Variation in the parameter m (eqn. ( 3 ) ) w i t h

prior cold w o r k R.


m = 2 in eqn. (3) for all percentages of prior

cold work. This assumption (m = 2) was pre-
viously justified by finite element calculations
i [14]. However, values of m in these present
0 S 110 l~S
Percentage Cold Work R
experimental results were found to decrease
with increasing percentage of prior deforma-
Fig. 5. T h e e f f e c t o f prior cold w o r k o n Aacr.
tion, as shown in Fig. 7. Such decreases in m
with increasing prior deformation have also
been reported by Chipperfield [9]. The
measurements are in general 10% - 20% higher observed decrease in m with increasing
than those obtained by the J resistance curve prior deformation can be attributed to the
method, especially at higher percentages of low work-hardening capacity of the material
cold work (10% and 15%). This may be due as the amount of prior deformation is
to the use of a constant value for m, namely increased.

The actual increase in t he stretch zone ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

width at R = 2% confirms our previous
hypothesis [10] t hat the increase in the The authors would like to acknowledge the
toughness of the material is due t o an exces- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
sive blunting o f the crack tip resulting f r om Council of Canada and the University of
the availability o f mobile dislocations near t he Manitoba Research Board for the support of
crack tip. Th e observations of dislocations by this investigation.
transmission electron m i c r o s c o p y showed t hat
the density o f dislocations had increased
markedly after 2% prior d e f o r m a t i o n and t ha t
most of these dislocations were assumed to
1 C.E. Turner, Advances in Fracture Research, Proc.
be mobile. The increase in mobile dislocation 5th Int. Conf. on Fracture, Cannes, March- April
density arises f r om t he unpinning of disloca- 1981, Vol. 3, Pergamon, Oxford, 1981, p. 1167.
tions from impurity atoms and f r om the mul- 2 P. Nguyen-Duy and G. Philippeau, J. Test. Eval.,
tiplication o f these dislocations during the 7 (1979) 310.
slight predeformations. These incurred mobile 3 A. Penelon, M. N. Bassim and J. M. Dorlot, A S T M
Spec. Tech. Publ. 677, 1979, p. 449.
dislocations would c o n t r i b u t e significantly to 4 B. Marandet, G. Philippeau and G. Rousselier,
the blunting and stress relaxation ahead of Advances in Fracture Research, Proc. 5th Int.
t h e crack by dislocation mechanisms [ 1 6 - 18] Conf. on Fracture, Cannes, March - April 1981,
of interaction with a crack tip. Vol. 2, Pergamon, Oxford, 1981, p. 871.
5 G. A. Clarke, W. R. Andrews, P. C. Paris and
D. W. Smidt, A S T M Spec. Tech. Publ. 590, 1976,
p. 27.
6 P. Albrecht, W. R. Andrews, J. P. Gudas, J. A.
5. CONCLUSIONS Joyce, F. J. Loss, D. E. McCabe, D. W. Smidt and
W. A. Van der Sluys, personal communication,
May 1980.
The effect o f prior cold w or k on the frac-
7 G.G. Chell and V. Vitek, Int. J. Fract., 13 (1977)
t u re toughness, expressed as Jic, o f AISI t y p e 882.
4340 steel was studied. The parameter Jm was 8 G. G. Chell, J. R. Haigh and V. Vitek, Int. J.
d e t er min ed f r o m J resistance curves and from Fract., 17 (1981) 61.
measurements of the stretch zone width. Both 9 C. G. Chipperfield, Int. J. Fract., 12 (1976) 873.
10 K. F. Amouzouvi and M. N. Bassim, 5th Can.
techniques agree in showing that, up to 2%
Conf. on Fracture, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1981.
cold work, t h e r e is a marked increase in 11 J. N. Robinson and A. S. Tetelman, Eng. Fract.
toughness while, for m o r e than 2% cold work, Mech., 8 (1976) 301.
the toughness decreases with increasing 12 P. Nguyen-Duy and S. Bayard, J. Eng. Mater.
a m o u n t s o f cold work. The stretch zone Technol., 103 (1981) 55.
13 J. D. Hayes and C. E. Turner, Int. J. Fract., 10
width approach is shown to be a suitable
(1974) 17.
back-up tech n iq u e for verification of the J 14 M. G. Dawes, A S T M Spec. Tech. Publ. 668, 1979,
resistance curve m e t h o d . The increase in p. 307.
toughness in p r e d e f o r m e d AISI 4340 steel is 15 C. Berger, H. P. Keller and D. Munz, A S T M Spec.
believed to be due t o crack blunting which Tech. Publ. 668, 1979, p. 378.
16 A. H. Cottrell, Properties o f Reactor Materials,
is caused by the availability of mobile dislo-
Butterworths, London, 1962.
cations at the crack tip as well as by the 17 A. S. Tetelman and A. J. McEvily, Fracture o f
increase in the mobile dislocation density and Structural Materials, Wiley, New York, 1967.
distribution. 18 J. Weertman, Philos. Mag. A, 43 (1981) 1103.

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