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Tugas Tutorial 1

Nama : Roy Andreas Hutagalung

NIM : 0487183338

1. Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below.

1. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan
alasannya. / Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your
in my opinion, the style of languages in the conversation used informal language, because in
these conversations they still use non-standard words. and the conversation between friends
in a casual way . example : - hey, jane !
- so, what's going on ?

2. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation

Answer : the topic of the conversation is about jane's experience at a job interview.

2. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini. / Please look at the picture below.

Answer :

Hello , I will describe my office. I am a assistent manager of a company. my office

is located in central jakarta . In my office I work on a computer. in several occasions I can
design my office beautifully. such as adding some furniture such as flowers, bookcases,
blackboards to record what activities I will do, and I have some books to read when I rest. I
really enjoy working in this place, apart from the friendly office atmosphere, my favorite
place is my office because my office is very clean and comfortable. and i am very happy in
this job .

3. Perhatikan memo bawah ini. / Please read the memo below.

Please identify:
a. the sender of the memo,
the sender of the momo is manager

b. for whom the memo is for, and

The memo is addressed to all office employees

c. what the memo is about

The memo contains an invitation to a farewell ceremony for Jesse Careillo, marketing
Dear Sir/ Madam (solution )

My name is Roy Andreas Hutagalung, I am a 27 years old male from Jakarta.


I am interested in applying for the My City Got Talent competition and I visited websites,
social media, such as facebook, twitter and instagram, but I can't find a registration form for
me to download. can you send me the website where i can download the registration form ?

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Best Regards,

Roy andreas

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