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Heathfield High School

PO BOX 153


7945 Cape Town

25 April 2023

Dear Parent/ Guardian


The grade 10 Life sciences learners will be partaking in a field trip which is important as it is an excellent
opportunity for them to develop scientific skills that will allow them to do practicals and analyze data.
They will gain knowledge, and this will cause them to appreciate the wonders of the natural world. It will
also help them understand the importance of protecting our planet and conserving resources that will
enable sustainability for future generations.

The proposed field trip will be at Jan Marais Nature Reserve located in Stellenbosch. The distance
between Heathfield high school and the nature reserve is 49.3km which will require the school to hire
buses to transport the students and staff to the destination. We will leave at school 9 am and be back by
2 pm. The bus will drop us in front of the Nature Reserves front gate and we will deport from the front
gate in case anyone gets lost they should call the life sciences trip coordinator or the extra staff available
that day.

Please ensure that the learners bring along some snacks and most importantly a water bottle.
Additionally, ensure that the learners dress appropriately and comfortably for the weather. Every learner
should behave themselves that day if not, they will be punished the following day at school e.g.,
punishment is detention or any disciplinary action as this field trip is a school-related event .

There are many potential risks and hazards that the learners may encounter during the field trip such as
wildlife encounters etc., however, we have made all the necessary arrangements to ensure that the trip
is safe and enjoyable for all learners. Special care taken involves the inclusion of extra teachers, bringing
along a first aid kit, partnering with the learners, etc.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the field trip please do not hesitate to contact the school
for clarification. We are looking forward to a fun and educational experience for our learners.

Yours faithfully

Ms. Molisi

(Trip Coordinator for Grade 10 Life Sciences)

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