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Grade Level: Grade 8

Subject Area: Physical Education
Content: Physical Activity Participation
Content Standards:
The learner . . .
demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program
design to achieve fitness
Performance Standards:
The learner . . .
designs a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness
Quarter: 1st Quarter
DLC: PE8PF-Id-29 10. distinguishes facts from fallacies and misconceptions about physical
activity participation
Topic: Distinguishing Facts between Fallacies and Misconceptions About Physical Activity
Value to be Integrated: HONESTY AND INTEGRITY
Value Concept: For this lesson plan, honesty and integrity can be a value to be developed since
we are talking about fallacies and misconceptions. Honesty and integrity are important in this
lesson because they involve a commitment to truthfulness and accuracy. Also, if we want the
students to avoid spreading fallacies, these values involve avoiding exaggeration or
misrepresentation, promoting accurate information even if it contradicts their personal beliefs or
biases, and being transparent about any conflicts of interest that may impact the information the
students may share.
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. Differentiate facts from fallacies and misconceptions about physical activity
2. display honesty and integrity in everyday life; and
3. create a dance step about the facts from fallacies and misconceptions about physical
activity participation.
Key Ideas:
Physical activity - any bodily movement that requires energy
Common Fallacies and Misconceptions about physical activity participation:
1. You don’t have enough time to do physical activities
2. No pain, no gain
3. Physical activity makes you tired
4. The more physical activity you do, the better off you’ll be
5. If you are not sweating, you are not working hard enough
6. Fruits and fluid intake before, during, and after a physical activity does not benefit
7. Exercise will make women less feminine
8. Engaging exercise during menstrual flow is harmful
9. Being thin is being fit
10. As we grow older, we need to avoid physical activity
These misconceptions and fallacies can be dangerous, because if not corrected, these can
cause health problems.
● Laptop
● Projector
● Timer
● Speaker
● Presentation
● Cartolina
● Dice
● Punch Box
● Pictures of Faces
● Colberg, S. (2011). Top 10 Physical Activity Myths Demystified. Diabetes in Control.
● Dehydration Cramps: How Hydration Can Affect Your Muscles. (2019). DripDrop.
● Myths About Physical Activity | HealthLink BC. (2016).
● Sachdev, P. (2022). Which Foods May Help With Muscle Cramps? WebMD.
● Terrani, M., MD, FACOG. (2013). Is Exercise Good For My Period?: Garden OB/GYN:
Obstetrics. Garden OB/GYN.
● Ultimate Performance. (2022, September 20). If I Train Like A Man, Will I Look Like A
Man? U.P. Blog.
● Wells, C. (2022, December 20). Exploring Physical Activity Myths. UNL Food.
● World Health Organization: WHO. (2022, October 5). Physical activity.

Learning Activities


Time Duration: 8 Minutes
Directions: The teacher will ask the students what fallacies and misconceptions they have heard
about participating in a physical activity (ex. Women can’t lift heavy things, Drinking water
during exercise causes cramps). The students will paste them in the board under the numbers 1-6.
The teacher will then roll two dice to determine which row and column to choose and what
fallacy and misconception the class would try to disprove.
Time Duration: 5 Minutes
From the activity:

1. Where do you think these fallacies and misconceptions about participating in a physical
activity came from?
2. What traits should you have to not spread fallacies and misconceptions?
3. What should we do to combat fallacies and misconceptions?
4. What do you think is the importance of combating fallacies and misconceptions in
physical activities?

Time Duration: 20 Minutes
According to the World Health Organization, physical activity is any bodily movement
produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical activity refers to all
movement including during leisure time, for transport to get to and from places, or as part of a
person’s work. Both moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity improve health.
It is general knowledge that engaging in physical activities is a way to improve our
holistic selves. There are a lot of studies that pertain to the benefits of physical activities and how
they are able to improve other aspects of our lives. But with this common knowledge, there are
also a number of misconceptions when it comes to physical activities. Here are some of the most
common misconceptions about physical activities:

1. You don’t have enough time to do physical activities. Some people might reason out
that doing physical activities requires time, space, and more effort, which is true, but
there is always time to do physical activities. Physical activities do not comprise that
much effort because as simple as walking and roaming around your community are
considered as physical activities. Now, you might say that you are just at home and you
do not go out much but by doing your household chores like cleaning and yard work are
already a physical activity.
2. No pain, no gain. This is a very common misconception about physical activity. A lot of
people are spending time doing their exercises until they feel exhausted, tired, and
sometimes physically hurting. Physical activity does include muscle soreness, minor
aches, and sometimes catching breath but it should not come to the point where the pain
is sharp and it prevents you from doing your everyday or normal routine. Avoiding pain
will give more time to progress, start slow.
3. Physical activity makes you tired. Of course, when you are engaging in more physical
activities you’ll end up tired and soon halt to a stop. But a correct physical activity later
on increases your energy and makes you more capable of managing everything you need
to do during the day. Additionally, regular exercise can help you sleep better and reduce
4. The more physical activity you do, the better off you’ll be. Just like gaining pain,
having more physical activity does not benefit you and your body. According to studies,
when you do more than 1 hour of physical activity, you are more likely to acquire
overuse injuries like joint issues. The latest research actually shows that you are better off
doing slightly more intense exercise for less long, which you can do with any type of
interval training.
5. If you are not sweating, you are not working hard enough. Sweating varies among
people and not all of us sweat the same amount even when we are doing a physical
activity. Some people are trained to lose some sweat sooner than others and sweating has
no relation to the intensity of the activity because some of us are situated in a humid
environment leading to those people to sweat while doing minimal physical activity.
Additionally, sweating reflects your hydration status rather than the intensity of your
6. Fruits and fluid intake before, during, and after a physical activity does not benefit
you. People tend to think that eating before doing a physical activity will affect their
performance. Some may also say that drinking water in-between activity breaks is not
advised for they believe it will make them bloated. A lot of people also do not eat after
doing a physical activity because they say that it breaks the purpose of working out. But
all of these are wrong, fruits and fluids are important for someone who is doing a
physical activity for it helps the body withstand the intensity of the activity and avoid
getting injuries like cramps and fatigue.
7. Exercise will make women less feminine. Contrary to popular belief, women do not
experience bulkiness after doing physical activity. According to studies, most women do
not possess the testosterone levels necessary to gain muscle and appear masculine
through exercise alone.
8. Engaging exercise during menstrual flow is harmful. Women who are experiencing
monthly periods are prone to avoid doing physical activities because it hurts them or
there are beliefs that they should avoid moving around. But studies have shown that it is
okay to engage in physical activities while having a period for it reduces stress and stress
is known to be a contributing factor to menstrual cramps. It is also fascinating to learn
that at certain times of the month, as opposed to other times, you can engage in physical
activity at a higher level of intensity.
9. Being thin is being fit. This is the most common misconception when it comes to doing
physical activity since a lot of people are engaging in these activities because they want
to be thin and not to be fit. To be fit is about having a strong and healthy heart, lungs,
muscles, bones and joints that will support you in doing your daily activities.
Additionally, to be physically fit you should also observe your food and fluid intake
through a proper diet to supplement your chosen physical activity.
10. As we grow older, we need to avoid physical activity. A lot of us are doing less
physical activity as we grow old, but being fit and engaging in physical activity is vital in
our lifetime. The capacity of older adults to carry out typical everyday tasks while
preserving their independence is increased by regular physical activity. Lack of exercise
can increase the number of doctors appointments, hospitalization, and medication uses
for a number of different diseases.

These misconceptions and fallacies can be dangerous, because if not corrected, these can cause
health problems. Spreading these fallacies and misconceptions without knowing the facts can
also cause more people to believe in these and even pass it on to generations. Participating in
physical activity should be promoted, and again, even walking around the community is
considered as a physical activity.
Time Duration: 10 Minutes
Directions: The teacher will ask the students to pair up and pick a fact about physical activity
participation that has been discussed in class and create an 8-count dance step that demonstrates
it. The students will then show their dance steps by pair and after everyone is done, the class will
form a dance routine using all the dance steps.

Criteria Score

Demonstrates exceptional understanding of the lesson through their moves, 4

exhibits creativity, and has great stage presence

Demonstrates understanding of the lesson through their moves, exhibits 3

creativity, and has stage presence

Demonstrates partial understanding of the lesson through their moves, 2

exhibits minimal creativity, and shows a bit of stage presence

Demonstrates minimal understanding of the lesson through their moves, has 1

tried to show creativity, but has a lack of stage presence

Time Duration: 5 Minutes
Directions: The teacher will give a pen and paper test which consists of the students writing
“Gabby” when the statement about physical activity participation is a fact, and “KC” when the
statement is a misconception. The students will then answer the question given below in 2-3

Time Duration: 2 Minutes

After the students have passed their papers, the teacher will then show the statements about
physical activity participation and the students will raise the picture of either Gabby Conception
when the statement is a fact, or KC Conception when the statement is a misconception.

1. Roaming around the community is a physical activity.
2. It is normal that we experience sharp pain when participating in a physical activity.
3. Women experience bulkiness after a physical activity.
4. Sweating reflects how hydrated your body is rather than how hard you are working out.
5. Physical activities reduce stress to women during their menstrual flow.
6-10. In 2-3 sentences, why is it important that we are aware of the facts from fallacies and
misconceptions about physical activity participation?

Key to Correction:
1. Gabby
2. KC
3. KC
4. Gabby
5. Gabby
Expected Answer for 6-10:
It is important that we are aware of these misconceptions and fallacies because these can be
dangerous if not corrected. These can cause health problems and if these fallacies are spread, it
can be passed onto generations.

Prepared by: Alyssa Louise T. Dofredo | BVE III-12

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