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Amerindians are among the most famous titles given to a group of people who lived on the

continent of America. The name of the Amerindians was named after the First Americans
and called by some ancient Americans, Native Americans or American Indians, The reason
for the designation of Amerindians was the Federal Government's desire to distinguish
between indigenous people and early tribes, as well as the distinction between immigrants
from India to America and Amerindians living in America, Undoubtedly, the world has
contemplated many changes over the past years, and in the old world the first inhabitants of
the American continent were the Red Indians, The Amerindians of their religion differ
between Christian religion and others owe paganism, Despite the prolonged struggle that
faced the Amerindians for survival, they are still already there and making America their
home. The Amerindians are a group of 565 tribes in America, Despite significant progress in
the world and in America in particular, the Amerindians still retain their old works. Most of
them work in agriculture and fishing, they are the first to grow tobacco and cocoa, and they
are very distinct in agriculture, They still retain the same customs, customs and traditions
and use bird feathers to cover their bodies, Some do some acts of paganism and idolatry to

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