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Theatre Long Shot

A Bee puppet is laying down on the floor of the stage. A hand

comes down and picks up the bee. The Vignette turns on and is
aiming at bee. The hand picks the Bee up.
Crowd claps

The bee is fully stood up.

The music fades in.
The hand turns around to face the same way as the bee. Bee
walks to the end of the screen and then turns around. Bee goes
to left doing a cartwheel.
Audience claps.

Bee turns around and walks back to the right. Bee turns
around, walks 1/3 of the way across the screen and then jumps
1/3 of the screen and walks thee rest of the way. He then
turns around again. He walks to the right 1/3 of the way, does
a straddle jump for 1/3 of the screen distance and then lands
and carries on walking to the end of the screen. He then turns
around. He walks 1/3 of the way, jumps up to do a backflip but
the hand drops him.
Audience sad sighs.

Hand catches the puppet and holds him still for a moment
before walking to the edge. Bee turns around. Bee walks to the
right and turns around. Bee goes to the left doing a
Audience claps.
Bee turns around again. Puppet walks to right and turns
around. Bee walks to left 1/3, does a jump for 1/3 of the way
and then walks the last 1/3 and then turns around. He walks
back to the right 1/3 of the way and does a straddle jump for
1/3 and then walks the rest of the 1/3 and turns around. Bee
goes to the left doing a front flip.
Audience claps.

Bee turns around, walks to the right 1/3, jumps 1/3, walks the
rest of the 1/3 and turns around. Bee goes to the left and
does a backflip.
Audience claps.

Bee turns around, goes back to the right jumping up cheering.

Once bee is at the right he moonwalks back to the left, turns
around and moonwalks half way, does a jump and moonwalks the
rest of the way. Bee goes back to the left, tries to do a
front flip and falls.
Audience sad sighs.

Hand comes down and picks up the bee, hand turns around to
face same way as bee and walks to the right-hand side of the
screen. Bee turns around. Bee goes back to the left doing a
Audience claps.

Bee turns around, bee goes to the right doing a backflip.

Audience claps.

Bee turns around, goes to left doing a cartwheel.

Audience claps.

Bee does a jump and then turns around. Bee then does a worm
going to the right of the screen.
Audience claps.

Bee then turns around; Bee does a front flip to the left of
the screen.
Audience claps.

Bee moonwalks to the right side of the screen. Bee does two
backflips going to the left of the screen.
Audience claps.

Bee does double front flip to right of screen.

Audience claps.

Bee turns around, bee does cartwheel to the left.

Audience claps.

Bee turns around, bee walks 1/3, does a straddle jump for 1/3
and then again for the last 1/3 and then turns around. Bee
goes to the right doing a normal jump in the middle, gets to
the end and turns around, Bee moonwalks to the right. Once bee
is at the end bee comes back to the left doing a front flip
but falls.
Audience sad sighs.

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