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ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

1. The dimensional formula of torque is:

a) M-2 b) ML2T-2
c) ML-T-1 d) ML 3T-3
2. The speed of sound is 350 m/s, its wavelength is 5 meter. What is its frequency?'
a) 50 Hz b) 60 Hz
c) 65 Hz d) 70 Hz
3. The resultant of two vectors is maximum when the angle between them is:
a) 0° b) 180°
c) 110° d) 120°
4. The area under acceleration-time graph gives:
a) distance travelled
b) change in acceleration
c) Force acting
d) Change in velocity
5. For a car not to turn safely on curved road:
a) Speed is low
b) Distance between tyres is large
c) Center of gravity of car is low
d) Low frictional force
6. With increase of temperature, the frictional force acting between two surfaces:
a) Increases
b) Remains the same
c) Decreases
d) Becomes zero
7. An object starts from rest and acceleration uniformly down an inclined plane. If the object reaches with a speed
of 40 ms-1 in 5 seconds, its average velocity is:
a) 8 ms-1 b) 10 ms-1
c) 20 ms-1 d) 30 ms-1
8. Which of the following statement is wrong about satellite?
a) It is freely falling body
b) It is not accelerated
c) It is weightless
d) It is weightless
9. Construction of submarine is based on:
a) Archimede's principle
b) Bernoulli's theorem
c) Pascal'slaw
d) Boyle's law
10. While viewing a distant object with a telescope a housefly sits on objective lens. The correct statement is that:
a) Housefly will be seen enlarged in image
b) Housefly will be seen reduced in image
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

c) Intensity of image will be reduced

d) Intensity of image will be increases
11. A person who is using a bifocal lens is suffering from:
a) Myopia b) Hypermetropia
c) Presbiopia d) Astigmatism
12. Good absorbers are good emitters. This statement is:
a) Provost law b) Kirchoff's law
c) Stefan's law d) Weins law
13. A light ray passes into a 5 cm wide glass block with an angle of incidence of 30°. The angle of refraction is How
far apart are they?
a) 0.85 cm b) 2cm
c) 0.92 cm d) 3 cm
14. A device used for increasing or decreasing the magnitude of alternating emf is:
a) Rectifier b) Voltmeter
c) Transformer d) Voltmer
15. Which of the following has again been considered to be a planet?
a) Neptune b) Pluto
c) Mercury d) Uranus
16. Calculate the number of Na atoms in 5.3g of Na2 CO3.
a) 6.023 × 1022 b) 3.04 × 1023
c) 9.034 ×1022 d) 6.023 × 1023
17. The symbolic representation of a molecule of an element or compound is called:
a) Empirical formula
b) Molecular formula
c) Structural formula
d) Geometric formula
18. Shape of orbital is given by the ………… quantum number.
a) Principal b) Azimuthal
c) Magnetic d) Spin
19. Equal volume of all gases at same temperature and pressure has equal number of molecules is the statement of:
a) Dalton's law
b) Berzelius hypothesis
c) Avogadro's law
d) Charle's law
20. Atoms of the same atomic number but different atomic weight are known as:
a) Isobars b) Isotopes
c) Isotones d) Isomers
21. Down's process is used in the manufacture of:
a) Na b) K
c) NaOH d) Na2CO3
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

22. (NH4)2 Cr2 O7 

 Cr2O3 + 4H2 + X X is:
a) NH2 b) NO2
c) O2 d) N2
23. Brass is:
a) Cu + Zn b) Cu + Sn
c) Cu + Sn + Zn d) Cu + Zn + Ni
24. Rarest element in the earth's crust is:
a) Bromine b) Uranium
c) Astatine d) Technetium
25. Which of the following act as hoth oxidizing and reducing agent?
a) H2S b) H2SO4
c) HNO3 d) H2SO3
26. Which of the following is an amphoteric oxide?
a) Na2Oz b) MgO
c) Al2O3 d) SO2
27. Ozone is:
a) An allotrope of oxygen
b) An isomer of oxygen
c) An isotope of oxygen
d) Isostructural with H2O2
28. Aqua regia is a mixture of:
a) HNO3 + 3HCL
b) 1 HCl + 3HNO3
c) 3HNO3 + 1 H2SO4
d) 3H2SO4 + 1 HNO3
29. Phosphorus is:
a) Monoatomic b) Diatomic
c) Triatomic d) Tetra-atomic
30. Oxidation number of nitrogen ranges from:
a) -3 to + 5 b) -3 to -5
c) + 3 to -5 d) + 1 to -3
31. Silk worm is a/an:
a) Fly b) Worm
c) Arthropod d) Beetle
32. A respiratory pigment is absent in:
a) Earthworm b) Frog
c) Rabbit d) Cockroach
33. Preen glands of birds serve:
a) To keep the body warm
b) To keep feather smooth
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

c) The help in digestion

d) To provide vit. K
34. The common name of Physalia is:
a) Dead men's singer
b) Coral
c) Portuguese man of war
d) Jelly fish
35. Paramecium belongs to:
a) Rhizopoda b) Ciliata
c) Flagellata d) Sporozoa
36. Which is not a locomotory organelle in protozoa?
a) Flagellum b) Cillia
c) Seta d) Tentacle
37. Animals of phylum porifera are charecterised by:
a) Perihaemal systemb) Coclenteron
c) Canal system d) Coelom
38. Pinacocytes are found in the body of:
a) Snail b) Rabbit
c) Sponge d) Hydra
39. Leech possesses an anti-coagulin called:
a) Hezarin b) Aspiring
c) Hirudin d) None of above
40. Water vascular system is found in:
a) Annelida b) Starfish
c) Apple snail d) Fish
41. …….are plants growing on rock.
a) Psammophytes b) Halophytes
c) Lithophytes d) Epiphytes
42. Energy flow in an ecosystem is:
a) Unidirectional b) Bidirectional
c) Multidirectional d) Cyclic
43. Who for the 1st time applied Mendel's Law of Heredity in animals?
a) Lamarck b) Darwin
c) Hugo do Vries d) Morgan
44. ……not found in DNA.
a) Thymine b) Adenine
c) Uracil d) Cytosine
45. Size of viruses ranges from:
a) 25 – 250 nm b) 25 –250 m
c) 25 – 150 nm d) 25 – 150 m
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

46. Mycelium is formed by small tabular hair like structure called:

a) Gills b) Hyphae
c) Filaments d) None
47. Embryo is found in:
a) Seed b) Fruit
c) Zygote d) Flower
48. Fission generally occur in:
a) Plants b) Animals
c) Unicellular d) Protozoa
49. Gametes having flagella are:
a) Motile b) Non-motile
c) Spore d) None
50. How many times a cell undergoes mitosis to form 64 cells?
a) 4 b 6
c) 16 d) 32
51. If the straight line makes an angle /4 with each x – axis and z – rays then the angle made by the line with y –
axis is:
a) /3 b) /2
c)  /8 d) /4
52. The locus of the point such that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed line is a:
a) A circle b) A parabola
c) An ellipse d) Hyperbola
2 2
53. The equation of the circle passing through (1, –2) and concentric with x + y – 2x – 4y –4 = 0 is:
a) x2 + y2 – 2x –4y + 1 = 0
b) x2 + y2 –2x + 4y + 2 = 0
c) x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y + 4 = 0
d) x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y + 8 = 0
2 2
54. If the equation ax + 2hxy + by 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents a pair of parallel lines the distance between them is:
g2 -ac f2 - bc
a) b)
a2 - ab a2 + ab
h2 - ab g2 - ac
c) d) 2 a2 + ab
a2 + ab
55. ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. If AB = 
a and BC = 
a) a +b b) 2 
b -a
c) 2 a +b d) 
b -a
56. If 
a is a unit vector perpendicular to 
b and (
a +3
b ) (2 
a -
b ) = -10 then b = ….
a) 5 b) 3
c) 4 d) 2
57. The maximum value of sinx + cosx is….
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

a) 1 b)
c) 2 d) 2
58. If cos + sec = 2, then value of sec  + cos 
7 5

= ……
a) 2 b) 1
c) ½ d) 2
59. Tan 15° + Tan30° + Tan 15° Tan30° =
a) 1 b) -1
c) 2 d) 4
60. If f(x) = 2 then f(0),f(1), f(2) are in:
a) A.P. b) -1
c) H.P. d) None
cos sin  
61. If A=   ten A2 equ als:
–sin2  cos2 
cos  sin 
2 2
a)  
–sin2  cos2 
cos 2 sin 2  
b)  
sinc 2  cos 2
cos2 –sin2
c)  
sin2 cos2 
cos2 sin2  
d)  
–sin 2 cos2
62. The two matrices A and B are inverse of each other if and only if:
a) AB = 0, BA = I
b) AB = BA
c) AB = BA = I
d) AB = BA = 0
63. If the sum of an infinite G.P. and sum of their square of its terms is 3 then common ratio of 1st term is:
a) 1 b) 1/2
c) 2/3 d) 3/2
64. The sum of any 3 terms of A.P is 36; the 1st term is:
a) 14 b) 10
c) 12 d) 8
65. The roots of equation x2+ ax + c = 0 differ by 1 then:
a) b2= ac + 1 b) a2 = 4c + 1
c) c2 = 4ab d) a2 = bc + 2
1 1
66. If  and  are roots of equation 2x2 – 3x + 8 = 0, then +
 
a) 1/4 b) 4
c) 3/8 d) 8/3
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

67. Evrybody in a room shake hand wih each other. The total number of handshake is 66. The total umber of persons
in room is:
a) 11 b) 12
c) 13 d) 14
68. Ram sells 10 articles for the same money he paid for 12 articles. What is his gain percent?
a) 12% b) 20%
c) 25% d) 30%
69. The price of sugar is increased just by 10% and then by 5%. The total increment is:
a) 20% b) 18%
c) 17.5% d) 15.5%
70. If a .a = a and a2y.a 3x +5 = a20,then:
x y+1 7

a) x = 3, y = -3 b) x = - 3,y = 3
c) x=3,y =3 d) x = 3,y =-3
71. Find the number, if the sum of diits of number is 7 and when digits are reversed, the new number will be two
more than two times original number?
a) 25 b) 43
c) 16 d) 34
72. The volume of prism in figure is:
a) 64 cm3 L K
b) 72 cm3 9cm

c) 78 cm3 C B
3 A
d) 84 cm
rd 2
73. The width of rectangular plot is 2/3 its length. If area of park is 5400m , what is its length in metres?
a) 90 m b) 60 m
c) 80 cm d) 11 0m
74. From a bag containing 3 red marbles, 4 black marbles and 5 green marbles, a marble is drawn randomly. Find the
probability of getting either red or green marble?
a) ¼ b) ½
c) 2/3 d) 3/4
75. The equation of line passing through (2, -1) and perpendicular to the line x + 3y = 0 is
a) x – 3y = 0 b) 3x – y = 0
c) 3x – y + 7 = 0 d) 3x – y – 7 = 0
4x3 + 3x
76. What is the derivative of
2x + 1 ?
16x3 + 12x2 + 3
a) (2x +1)
16x + 12x2+3
b) 2x+1
c) 8x2 + 3
d) None of the above
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

9 4
77. Find the derivative of 7 -
x2 + x3 + 3x.
18 12
a) x3 - x4 + 3 b) 13x2

18 18
c) x2 + 3 d) x - 12 x + 3
x x+1
78. Solve: 3.9 -3 + 1 =3x
a) 0 or 1 b) 0 or -1
c) 1 or -1 d) 0 or 2
x x2
79. Solve: 5 × 25 = 125
a) 1,-2/3 b) 0,-2/3
c) 1,-3/2 d) 0,-3/2
80. If the height and the radius of a cylindrical wood are equal and curved surface area is 308cm2, find the radius of
the wood.
a) 5 cm b) 7 cm
c) 11 cm d) 9 cm
81. He arrived…. The airport…time for the plane.
a) in, in b) at, on
c) on, in d) at, in
82. We are committed….a policy of peaceful co-existence.
a) to b) over
c) for d) in
83. Find the error.
The recent folds caused many damage to the
houses. No error.
84. Chaos:
a) Lawlessness b) Inexperienced
c) Disturb d) Mould
85. Today we need …to advocate.
a) the judge b) a judge
c) Disturb d) none
86. Choose the incorrect spelling:
a) Handicraft b) Handmade
c) Hankerchief d) None
87. Education: development::
a) Man : speech b) Nutrition : health
c) Game: play d) Child: grow
88. We are looking forward to… the vacation.
a) enjoying b) be enjoyed
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

c) enjoyment d) to enjoy
89. We are going to California and…..
a) so did they b) so are they
c) so they did d) they are also
90. We are going to the cinema,…?
a) Shouldn't we b) are we
c) aren't we d) weren't we
91. He is good in mathematics…. Calculus.
a) except for b) excepting
c) except d) so expect
92. He was writing a letter…I went to meet her.
a) while b) before
c) after d) when
93. Synonym of EXTINCT is:
a) Dull
b) Wonderful
c) Still in existence
d) No longer in existence
94. Antonym of manifest is:
a) Apparent b) Visible
c) Obscure d) Noticeable
95. "Put him on the mat" means:
a) Honor him b) Elevate him
c) Defeat him d) Entertain him
96. The feminine gender of 'Duke':
a) Express b) Dush
c) Dukes d) Duchess
97. The correct meaning of 'vis-à-vis".
a) Versus b) Opposite
c) Violent d) Version
98. To take the leaf out of somebody's book means:
a) To steal something valuable.
b) To conform to other's standard.
c) To follow dictates of someone.
d) To take him as a model.
99. Which of the following means 'work energetically at a task'?
a) Give somebody the cold shoulders
b) Put one's shoulder to the wheels
c) Stand head and shoulders above
d) Straight from the shoulder
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam PAST QUESTION PAPER with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

100. The structure for "They found him playing cards" is:
a) S + V + O + Gerund
b) S + V + noun/Pronoun + Gerund
c) S + V + O + ing– form
d) S + V + Noun/Pronoun + Present Participle

1.b 2.d 3.a 4.d 5.d 6.b 7.c 8.b 9.a 10.c
11.c 12.b 13.c 14.c 15.b 16.a 17.b 18.b 19.c 20.b
21.a 22.d 23.a 24.c 25.d 26.c 27.a 28.a 29.d 30.a
31.c 32.d 33.b 34.c 35.b 36.c 37.c 38.c 39.c 40.b
41.c 42.a 43.d 44.c 45.a 46.b 47.a 48.c 49.a 50.b
51.c 52.b 53.a 54.d 55.d 56.d 57.c 58.a 59.a 60.b
61.d 62.c 63.b 64.c 65.b 66.c 67.b 68.b 69.d 70.c
71.a 72.b 73.a 74.c 75.d 76.a 77.a 78.b 79.c 80.b
81.b 82.a 83.b 84.a 85.b 86.c 87.b 88.a 89.b 90.c
91.c 92.d 93.d 94.c 95.a 96.d 97.b 98.d 99.b 100.a

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