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Republic of the Philippines


Website: Mail:
CP# 09177148749, 09175785986
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur
College of Nursing

Name: Denga-ey, Melrhean Grace M.

Year & Section: BSN-2A

Growing up in a conservative area, I was expected to follow what society's norm

told me about what a girl should be and how a girl should act. One day I was messy and

playing in the sand at the playground with my best friend, and my grandparent stepped

in and said, 'hey, don't be so rough; that's not how a little girl plays. A little girl should be

friendly, and a little girl shouldn't be dirty, and so eventually, that lecture has enforced

stereotypes on what I should and shouldn't do. I was taught to act like them, to be at

home, learn things at home, and not be aggressive. I always hear that I am not as

intelligent as my brother. Throughout my childhood, I absorbed all this information from

adults, and everything around me about what a girl should be. Eventually, as I grew up,

I developed what I should call passive traits that we can now say are gender

stereotypes due to years of behavioural influence and reinforcement. I eventually

realized that this societal norm prevented me from completely expressing myself and

my feelings. I hate people who think I like pink because I am a girl. I hate people who

think I am good at make up because I am a girl. I hate that people create a concept of

me based on what they see but not on who I am.

When I began to accept my emotions, I realized I should no longer live by their

expectations. I should spread my wings, explore my feelings and be tough, bold and

articulate. I educate myself to separate myself from the stigma that my ability to perform
Republic of the Philippines
Website: Mail:
CP# 09177148749, 09175785986
Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur
College of Nursing

a task has nothing to do with being a woman. Furthermore, I give it a shot. Doing

anything safe that isn't traditionally associated with my gender. I give it a try, and I like it.

I learned that it is detrimental to women to believe they are not supposed to be

autonomous, intelligent, or assertive. Must smash gender stereotypes for everyone to

be their best self. And that I should not live by their expectations. More importantly, be

ready to respond. Women should expect and be prepared to react to offensive or

discriminatory remarks. Life may not be fair, but we can change it. Your example will

inspire others.

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