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Being a part Civic Welfare Training Service has been a transformative experience for me. The
opportunity to actively engage in community service, particularly through our “Mental Health Awareness
and Teenage Pregnancy Awareness” campaign, has been both enlightening and rewarding.

Throughout the campaign, we focused on educating children about the importance of mental
health and the consequences of teenage pregnancy. We provided them with essential knowledge and
skills that would encourage healthy decision-making as they grow older. This initiative allowed me to
develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by children and adolescents, especially in our
rapidly changing world.

One of the major lessons I learned during this journey was empathy. I discovered the need to
truly listen to children’s concerns, fears, and aspirations without judgment. This helped me connect with
them in a meaningful way, which ultimately made our campaign more effective.

Additionally, my communication skills improved significantly as I learned how to simplify

complex information related to mental health and teenage pregnancy in a manner that children could
understand. I believe that effective communication is crucial in raising awareness about sensitive topics
among young individuals.

Furthermore, teamwork played an integral role in our success. Working alongside my fellow
volunteers allowed us to share ideas, resources, and knowledge to execute a well-rounded campaign for
children. It taught me value of collaboration when addressing important social issues.

In summary, being a part of the Civic Welfare Training Service has not only enabled me to make a
positive impact on society but also contributed immensely to my personal growth. Through the “Mental
Health Awareness and Teenage Pregnancy Awareness” campaign, I have learned valuable life skills such
as empathy, effective communication, and teamwork. These experiences will undoubtedly serve me well
throughout my life as I continue pursuing endeavors that promote social welfare and community

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