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8. Trg dong ti va dong ti thwdng (Auxiliary and ordinary verbs) 3.1. Trg déng tit (Auxiliary verbs) Tro dong tif 1a cdc dong tir dae biét (special verbs) be, have, do, can, may, must, ought, shall, will, need, dare, used duge chia thanh hai nhém: tro ong tit chinh (principal auxiliary verbs) va trg dong tit tinh thai (modal auxiliary verbs). a. Trg dong ti chinh (Principal auxiliary verbs) gém be, do, have, duge ding v6i dong tit khéc dé chi thi, thé, va dé thanh lap cau héi hode cau phi dinh. to be am, is, are was, were to do do, does did to have have, has had © Be duc thém vao dng tit khac dé tao thanh thé tiép dién hode bj dong. Ex: The children are playing in the yard. (Bon tré dang choi trong san.) He was imprisoned for three years. (Ong ta bj bé ti ba nam.) © Do duge ding dé thanh 14p cau héi, cau phi dinh va dang nhén manh cia céc dng tit khong c6 trg dong tir . Ex: Do you smoke? (Anh cé hut thuéc khéng?) I didn’t see them. (T6i khéng thdy ho.) She does like you. (C6 dy rdt mén anh.) Have duce ding dé tao thé hoan thanh. Ex: We have lived here for a long time. (Chung #0i da sdng 6 day lau réi.) I realized that I had met him before. (T6i nhan ra rang true day t6i da gdp anh ta.) ‘ye Luu y: Be, do, have cing cé thé duge ding nhu d6ng ti thudng (ordinary verbs). Ex He is lazy. (Anh ta Iu0i biéng.) He does nothing. (Anh ta chéng lam gi cé.) He has no job. (Anh ta khéng cé viéc lam.) b. Tro d6ng ti tinh thai (Modal auxiliary verbs) gém can, could, may, might, must, ought, had better, will, would, shall, should, duge ding truéc hinh thie nguyén thé (bare-infinitive) cia dong tit khéc dé chi kha nang, sv chée chén, sy cho phép, nghia vy, v.v. Trg dong ti tinh théi c6 nhiing nét van pham sau: % ~ Ngoi thi ba 86 it khdng c6 -s. Ex: She can swim. (Co dy biét bai.) [NOT She-eans=] Khong ding trg dong tit do trong cau héi, cau phi dinh, céu héi dudi va cau tra li ngén. Ex: Can you speak French? ou c6 biét n6i tiéng Phép khéng?) (NOT: ‘You shouldn’t tell lies. ‘oon khong nén néi déi.) (NOT You-don't-should tell... = Dong tif theo sau céc trg dong tif tinh théi (ngoai trir ought) ludn 6 nguyen mu khong fo (bare-infinitive). Ex: I must water the flowers. (T6i phdi tuéi hoa.) (NOT L-must-to-water-] You should drive more carefully. (Anh nén Idi xe edn than han.) [BUT You ought to drive more carefully.) — Khéng c6 hinh thie nguyén thé (te-ean) va hinh thie phan ti (maying; musted). Khi cin ta phai dang nhiing tit khéc dé thay thé. Ex: I'd like to be able to stay here. (Ti muén la minh c6 thé 6 Iai day.) (NOT ... te-ean-stay ..] She's going to have to leave soon. (Chdng bao du nita cé ta sé phdi ra di.) (NOT ... J] CAN (cé thé): Can 06 hinh thite phi dinh 1a cannot (can’t) va dang qué khif 1a could. Can duge ding dé dién dat: Kha nang 4 hién tai hoac tuong lai — néi rang diéu gi dé c6 thé xdy ra hoac ngu®i nao d6 cé kha nang hodc co héi dé lam viée gi. Ex: I haven't got time today, but I can see you tomorrow. (Hém nay t6i khéng cé thoi gian, nhung ngay mai ti cé thé gap anh.) Scotland ean be very warm in September. (Vao thang Chin Scotland cé thé rét dm.) ‘They can speak English. (Ho biét néi tiéng Anh.) Sy xin phép va cho phép; can’t duge ding dé tir ch6i Idi xin phép. Ex: Can I use your phone? (T6i ding dién thogi ctia anh c6 duge khong?) ~ Yes, of course you ean./ No, I'm afraid you can't. (Vang, tét nhién la duge./ Khong, khong duge.) You can take the car if you want, (Néu muén anh c6 thé lity 6 to ma di.) You can’t sit there. Those seats are reserved. (Anh khéng duge ngoi 6 d6. Nhitng ché ngéi dé dé duge dat trube réi.) Lai yéu cdu, dé nghi hode goi y. Ex: Can you wait a moment, please? (Xin vui long dgi mét Idt nhé.) — yéu cau (request) Can I carry your bag? (T6i xdch tui gidp ban nhé.) + a8 nghi (offer) Let’s have lunch together. We can go to that new restaurant. (Ching ta citng an trua di. Chung ta c6 thé dén nha hang méi dé.) > ggi ¥ (suggestion) Ching ta cé thé ding can’t dé n6i ring ching ta chéc chan diéu gi dé khéng thé xdy ra trong hién tai. Ex: Harry can’t know how to ride a bike; he’s never been on one. (Harry khéng thé nao biét di xe dap; anh dy chua bao gid di xe dap.) COULD (cé thé): Could cé hinh thtic phi dinh 1a could not (couldn't). Could vita 1a hinh thtte qué khif cia can vita la trg dng tix tinh théi. Could 1a hinh thie qué khit cia can, duge ding dé dién dat kha nang 6 qué. khit. Ex: My sister could play the piano when she was five. (Em gdi ti biét choi duong cém khi lén nam.) In those days we had a car, so we could travel very easily. (Dao dé, chiing t6i cé 6 16 nén ching t6i c6 thé di Iai rét dé dang.) It was a place where anything could happen. (Dé la noi ma bat cv diéu gi cting c6 thé xdy ra.) - Could la trg dong ti tinh thdi, duge ding dé dién dat: + Diéu gi d6 c6 thé xdy ra 6 hién tai hoac tuong lai, nhung khong che chan. Ex: The phone is ringing. It could be Tim. (Chuéng dign thogi dang reng. Cé 1é la Tim.) ‘The story could be true, I suppose. (T6i cho la cau chuygn c6 thé cd thét.) It could rain this afternoon. (C6 thé chiéu nay trai sé mua.) + Sy xin phép; could 18 phép va trinh trong hon can. Nhung khong ding could/ couldn't dé dién dat sy cho phép hoa ty chéi loi xin phép. Ex Could I ask you something? (T6i héi anh vai diéu duge khéng a?) ~ Yes, of course you can. Vane, tat nhién la duge) (NOT Could we camp here? ‘Ching 16i edm trai & day duge khong a?) ~ I'm afraid you can’t. (T6i e 1a khéng dugc.) (NOT Fm-afraid-you-eouldn’t.] + Lai yéu cdu lich sv (lich su va trang trong hon can) hoc dé dua ra lai dé nghi, ggi ¥. Ex: Could you mail this letter for me? (Nhé anh giti gidp t6i ld thu nay duge khéng?) — yeu cu (request) We could write a letter to the headmaster. (Ching ta co thé vist thw cho higu trudng.) > ggi ¥ (suggestion) Luu y: Can va could thutng duge ding véi cdc déng ti chi sy nhén thie hoe tri gide nhu: see, smell, feel, hear, taste, understand, remember, d@ dién dat sy viéc (nghe, thay, gil, nigu...) & mot thoi diém cu thé nao dé. Ex | can see Susan coming. (Téi nhin thy Susan dang di dén.) [NOT tm-seeing—] + When | went into the house, | could smell burning. (Khi vao nha, t6i ngii thdy mui khét) [NOT Lwas-smelling—] Be able to c6 thé duge diing thay cho can va could. Amv is/are able to c6 thé dugc dung dé chi kha nang thay cho can, hoje duge ding thay cho can é thi tuong lai (will be able to), thi hoan thanh (have been able fo) va dang Aguyén mau (to be able to) Ex | can/am able to run very fast. (T6/ co thé chay rat nhanh.) A hundred year from now people will be able to visit Mars. (M6t trim ndm nia con nguéi sé cé thé tham quan sao Héa.) | haven't been able to sleep recently. (Gan day t0i khong thé ngd dugc.) It's nice to be able to go to the opera, (ThAt a thi vi khi duge di xem nhac kich.) + Was/ were able to c6 thé duge diing thay cho could 48 chi kha nang ho§e co hoi trong qué kh. x She could/ was able to read when she was four. (C6 Ay biét doc khi c6 Ay bén tudi.) Nhung Khi n6i vé sy vie da xay ra trong mét tinh hudng dc bigt, hoa ngubi ndo dé 6 06 xoay x5 dé thyc hién duge vige gi, ching ta ding was/ were able to (= managed to) cha Khong ding could. The plane was able to take off at eleven o'clock, after the fog had lifted. (May bay da 6 thé ct cénh lic 11 gid, sau Khi suong mi tan.) (NOT .] The fire spread through the building quickly but we all were able to escape. (Lda lan nhanh khdp toa nha nhung tat cd chung t6i déu thodt ra duoc.) TNOT wa all eauld acnanal ge © MAY va MIGHT (cé thé; cé 12): May c6 hinh thie phi dinh 1a may not (Dang tinh luge mayn’t rit it duge sif dung); might cé hinh thie phi dinh 1a might not (mightn’). - May va might duge ding 4é dién dat diéu gi d6 c6 thé 1a that hoae 6 kha nang xdy ra 4 hign tai hode tuong lai. Ex: It may/ might be a bomb. (C6 thé dé la mét quad bom.) Where is Emma? ~ I don’t know. She may/ might be out shopping. (Emma dau? ~ Toi khong biét. C6 1é c6 dy di mua sdm.) Ann may not/ might not come to the party tonight. She isn’t well. (T6i nay cé thé Ann sé khong du tige. Cd dy khong duge khée.) Trong trugng hgp nay might khong duge ding nhu dang qué kh cia may, Ca may va might déu duge ding dé n6i vé hién tai hoac tuong lai. Nhung might it khang dinh hon may. Ex: I may go to London next month. (Thdng tdi c6 thé tdi sé di London.) [ea hoi 50%] My family might come with me. (Cé thé gia dinh t6i sé di cuing ti.) [eo hoi 30%] = May/ might + be + V-ing: dién dat diéu gi d6 c6 thé dang dién ra trong hién tai hode tuong lai. Ex: Malcolm isn’t in his office. He may/ might be working at home today. (Malcolm khéng c6 6 van phong. Hém nay cé lé anh dy dang lam vige 6 nha.) John may/ might be waiting at the station when we arrive. (Bhi chiing ta dén cd thé John dang doi 4 ga.) - May va might duge ding dé xin phép. May va might cé tinh chat trang trong, 18 phép hon can va could. Might it duge ding trong van néi, chi yéu duge ding trong cu tric cfu héi gidn tiép. Ex: May I put the TV on? (Toi mé Ti vi duge khong?) I wonder if I might have a little more cheese. (T0i mudn biét ligu toi cd thé ding thém mé6t chit pho mdt nia duge khéng?) {rat trinh trong, nhung nghe ty nhién hon Might I have ..] - May duge ding 4é chi sy cho phép; may not duge ding dé tit ch6i 10i xin phép hoac chi suf cém doan. Ex: May/ Might I borrow the car? (T6i cd thé mugn xe duge khéng?) ~ Yes, of course you may./ No, I’m afraid you may not. (Di nhién 1a duge./ Khong, toi e 1a khong duge.) Students may not use the staff car park. (Sinh vién khéng duge ding bai dau xe cua cdn b6 nha trudng.) - May duge ding trong nhiing li cdu chic trang trong (khong ding might). Ex: May you both be very happy! (Chic hai ban hanh phic!) May the New Year bring you all your heart desires. (Chuc bgn ndm mdi van sy nhu y.) 3 Luu y: Khong ding may trong cau hdi tryc tiép dé dién dat kha nang c6 thé xdy ra diéu gi, nhung c6 thé ding may trong cau hdi gidn tiép. Ex Are you likely to go camping this summer? (Ban co di cém trai vao mua he nay khong?) [NOT May-you-go-camping—-] Do you think you may go camping this summer? (Ban c6 nghi la mua hé nay ban sé di cém trai khong?) ¢ MUST (phdi): Must c6 hinh thie phi dinh 14 must not (mustn’t). Must duge ding dé: - Dién dat sy cfn thiét, hoac su b&t bude & higén tai va tuong lai. Ex: Plants must get enough light and water. (Cy cdn phdi cé dil dnh sdng va nude.) — sy can thiét (necessary) I haven't phoned Ann for ages. I must phone her tonight. (Lau réi t6i khong goi dign cho Ann, Téi nay tdi phdi goi cho cé dy.) You must get up earlier in the morning. (Buéi sng con phai day sém hon.) > obligation (sy b&t bude) - Dua ra ldi khuyén hoae léi yéu céu duge nhdn manh. Ex: She’s a really nice girl. You must meet her. (C6 dy that sit la mét c6 gai t6t. Anh nén gap co dy.) You must be here before eight o’clock tomorrow. (Ngay mai ban phdi cd mat 6 déy truéc 8 gid sdng.) = Dua ra mét suy ludn hgp ly va chdc chan, Ex: You must be hungry after a long walk. (Sau chuyén di bé dai chdc la anh doi bung.) John’s lights are out. He must be asleep. (Ben nha John tdt. Chde la anh dy dang ngu.) Must not/ mustn’t duge ding 4é chi suf cm dodn - n6i rang diéu gi khong nén lam, hodc bao ai khéng dugc lam diéu gi. Ex: Look, double yellow lines. We mustn’t park here. (Nhin kia, hai vach vang. Ching ta khong duge dé xe & day.) You must keep it a secret, you mustn't tell anyone. (Ban phdi giit kin chuyén dé, ban khong duge néi vdi bat cit ai.) You mustn't use the office phone for private calls. (Ban khong duoc diing di¢n thogi cong ty vao vite riéng.) « HAVE TO (phdi): duoc ding dé dién dat sy cdn thiét, hode su bat budc. = Have to 6 thé duge ding tuong duong v6i must dé dién dat su cén thiét. Ex: I have to/ must go to the hairdresser’s soon. (T6i phdi di ngay dén ti¢m edit téc.) Tomato plants have to/ must be watered regularly. (Cay ca chua cén duge tuéi nude thuang xuyén.) — Have to duge ding thay cho must trong cdc truéng hgp khong thé ding must: thi tuong lai, thi tiép dién, thi qué khd, thi hién tai hoan thanh, dang nguyén thé, danh dong tit, va sau cdc dng tif tinh thdi. Ex: You can borrow my car, but you'll have to bring it back before ten. (Anh c6 thé muon xe cia t6i, nhung anh phdi trd xe trude 10 gid.) (NOT you-willmust-bring...] I'm having to read this contract very carefully. (Toi dang phdi doc that ky hgp déng nay.) Emma had to go to the dentist yesterday. (Hom qua Emma phdi di nha si.) (NOT Exeme-must-go...] Mark has had to drive all the way to Glasgow. (Mark da phai Idi xe suét quang dudng dén Glasgow.) (NOT Mark-hes-must-drive...] ali Caonyese ws (Toi khong thich phai doi qué léu.) (NOT I-don‘t-want-to-must-wait No one likes having to pay taxes. hana ai thich phdi n6p thué.) Ann has a headache. She might have to take an aspirin. (Ann bj dau déu. Cé 18 co dy phai ung mét vien aspirin.) = Trg dong ti do duge ding v6i have to trong cau héi va cau phii dinh. Ex: I'm not working tomorrow, so I don’t have to get up early. (Ngay mai t0i khong di lam, vi vdy t6i khong phdi thie day sém.) When does Ann have to go? (Khi nao Ann phdi di?) Did you have to pay for your second cup of coffee? (Ban cé phdi tra tién tach ca phe thit hai khong?) & Luu y: Ca must va have to déu duge ding dé dién dat sy cdn thiét phai thyc hién diéu gi do. Ex. All applicants must/ have to take an entrance exam. (Tat cd ede ting vién phdi qua mot ky thi sat hach.) Tuy nhién c6 sy khéc nhau gita must va have to va diéu nay 46i khi rét quan trong. - Must duge ding 68 dién dat sy bat bude dén tit phia ngubi néi (cAm xtic va mong wie cla ngudi néi). Have to dugc ding dé dién dat sy bat budc do tinh thé ho&c do diéu ign bén ngoai (nhu noi quy, luét phap, quy dinh, ménh lénh cia ai...) Ex. | really must stop smoking. (Thyc su t6i phai bé hit thud thdi,) [Toi mun bé.] | have to stop smoking. Doctor's orders. (T6/ phai bd huit thud thoi. Lénh bac si day.) We must invite Claire, She's wonderful company. (Chiing ta phdi mei Ciaire. C6 dy la mot ngudi ban tuyét vei.) We have to invite Trevor and Laura, They invited us last time. (Ching ta phai mdi Trevor va Laura. Lan truéc ho d@ moi ching ta.) You can't turn right here. You have to turn left. (Anh khéng thé ré phdi d day. Anh phai ré trdi,) (Do hé théng giao thong quy dinh] = Must not /mustn’t chi sy cm doan; do not have to /don’t have to (= don't need to) chi su khong cn thigt Ec Car mustn't park in front of the entrance. (Xe hai khéng duge déu truéc I6i ra vao.) You don’t have to wash those glasses. They're clean. (Ban khng phai rila nhdng cai ly dé. Ching sach ma.) [= You don't need to ..| You mustn't wear your new dress. You'll get them dirty (Con khéng duge mac do dém mdi. Con sé lam do éo.) ‘Mark doesn’t have to finish the report today. He can do it at the weekend. (HOm nay Mark khéng cdn phai hoan thanh ban béo cdo. Anh Ay c6 thé lam no vao cudi tudn.) [= Mark doesn't need to ..] © WILL (sé): Will (1) c6 hinh thie phi dinh 1a will not (won't), va 6 dang qué khit 14 would. Will duge ding dé: - Dién dat hode dy doan su viée, tinh hudng sé xy ra trong tuong lai. Ex: She'll be here in a few minutes. (Vai phuit nia c6 ta sé cd mat 4 day.) Tom won't pass the examination’ He hasn't worked hard enough for it. (Tom sé khéng thi dau cho ma xem. Anh ta hoc thi khéng may cham chi.) Tomorrow will be warmer. (Ngay mai trai sé dm hon.) - Dy dodn vé hién tai. Ex: Don't phone to the office. He'll be home by this time. (Ditng goi dén vin phong. Gid nay chdc la anh dy 6 nha.) - Dua ra mOt quyét dinh ngay lic dang ndi. Ex: Did you phone Ruth? ~ Oh no, I forgot. I'll phone her now. a da goi cho Ruth chua? ~ Oi chua, ti quén mét. Bay gid t0i 82 goi cho ©6 dy.) = Chi sy san long, sy quyét tam. Ex: He'll take you home if you want. (Néu ban muén anh dy sé dua ban vé nha.) T'll stop smoking! I really will! (T6i sé bd hut thuéc! Nhat dinh toi sé b6!) = Din dat 1di de doa, 161 hita. Ex: I'll hit you if you do that again. (Tao sé dénh may néu may lam thé nit.) I won't tell anyone what happened, I promise. (Toi hita la toi sé khong néi vdi bat cit ai chuy@n da xdy ra.) Twill duge dig dé dua ra lai dé nghi; you will duge ding dé ra lgnh. Ex: I'll peel the potatoes. ~ Oh, thank you. (Téi got vd khoai tay nhé. ~ 0, dm an.) You will carry out these instructions. (Anh phdi lam theo nhitng chi dan nay.) Will you... (please)? duge ding 4é yéu cdu mét cach lich sy. Ex: Will you post the letter for me, please? (Anh vui long giti gittp t0i la thu nhé?) [= Will you please post the letter for me?) Will you (please) come in? (Mai anh vdo.) > Will/ Won't you... ? duge ding dé dién dat 10i 48 nghj hoac loi moi. Ex: Will you have a cup of coffee? (Anh ding mét tach c& phé nhé?) Won't you stay for lunch? (Anh ¢ lai ding com trua nhé?) v v 1 v v v WOULD (8): Would (‘d) c6 hinh thife phi dinh 1a would not (wouldn’t) Would la dang qua khit cia will trong 16i néi gién tiép. Would duge ding sau dong tiv tung thuat 6 qué khit trong céu gidn tiép. Ex: He said he would phone me on Sunday. (Anh dy néi Chis nhdt sé goi cho t6i.) ‘Ann promised that she wouldn’t be late. (Ann da huta la c6 dy sé khong dén tré.) Would duge ding dé dién td mOt gid dinh 4 qua khi hay dy dodn vé mot tinh hudng c6 thé xdy ra. Ex: At midnight Sarah was still working. She would be tired the next day. (ic nita dém Sarah vén con lam vite. Ngay hom sau chde la 06 dy sé bj mét.) It would be fun to have a beach party. (T6 chite mét bita tige & bai bién chdc la sé rét vui.) Would duge ding dé chi m6t théi quen trong qué khit. Ex: On the winter evenings we would all sit around the fire. (Vao nhitng t6i mia déng, tdt ed ching ti thung ngéi quay quan quanh déng lita.) When I was a child, I would sing folk songs. (Ehi con nhé t6i thuéng hat dan ca.) Would duge ding trong 1di yéu cdu, 13i dé nghj lich sy. Would c6 tinh trang trong hon will. Would like/ love/ prefer... + to-infinitive dig 4é dién dat mong uée hoae mong mu6n mét cach lich sy (lich sy hon ding want). Ex: I'd like to try on this jacket. (T6i muén mde thit edi do vét nay.) I'd love a cup of coffee. (T6i muén mOt tach ca phé.) Would you like + to-infinitive/ noun... ? duge ding dé dua ra loi 48 nghi hoe lai mdi lich sy. Ex: Would you like to have lunch with us? ~ Yes, I'd love to, Thank you. (Anh ding com trua véi ching t6i nhé? ~ Vang, t6i rat thich. Cam on.) Would you like orange juice? (Ban uéng nude cam ép nhé?) Would you... (please)? dugc ding dé yéu cau mét cach lich sy. Ex: Would you pay me in cash, please? (Xin vui long thanh todn bang tién m@t.) [= Would you please pay me in cash?] Would you mind + verb-ing... ? duge ding dé yéu cdu ho&c dé nghi mot céch lich su. Ex: Would you mind waiting outside? (Xin vui long dgi ben ngodi.) Would you mind standing up for a moment? (Kin hay ditng lén mét lat.)

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