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Document Name: ICTPRG530 AT1 Knowledge Questions RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 17 Oct 2022 Review Date: 17 Oct 2027 Page 1 of 7
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Assessment task instructions:

 This is the first (1) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this
unit of competency.
 The Knowledge Test is comprised of seven (7) written questions.
 All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book assessment (this means you can
refer to your textbook during the test).
 You must complete the task independently.
 You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor via Canvas.
 You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an answer within the required word
limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this task
 If you are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a maximum of two resubmission attempts will
be allowed.

Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Satisfactory response
Q1. Briefly explain five (5) basic principles of project management. Answer each Yes ☐ No ☐
in 50-80 words.

a) Create clear and concise project goals: Every project needs clear, quantifiable objectives. Without these goals, a
project can never succeed.
b) Manage your risks: No project is risk-free. To manage risks, develop fail-safes, schedule buffers, and team
backups. Team brainstorms, risk assessments, checklists, and response planning achieve this.
c) Establish a performance baseline: Project plans include cost, schedule, and scope. Set baselines, or KPIs, to
measure these three components while planning them.
d) Establish and maintain healthy communication: Communication determines project success. Project stakeholders
and your team must communicate well. Open and consistent communication will help you avoid issues, foresee
risks, resolve project conflicts, and efficiently coordinate operations and schedules.
e) Clearly define team responsibilities: Risk management prevents confusion during project execution when you
establish and describe team member duties. RACI charts help organise teams and manage activities, milestones,
and project decisions.

Document Name: ICTPRG530 AT1 Knowledge Questions RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 17 Oct 2022 Review Date: 17 Oct 2027 Page 2 of 7
Q2. Answer the following questions: Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
a) What is SDLC? Answer in 30-50 words.
b) Briefly explain key features/stages of SDLC.
c) List three SDLC models that are currently used by ICT industry.

a) The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) produces high-quality, low-cost software in the shortest period.
SDLC software fulfils customer expectations. SDLC phases each have their own procedures and deliverables.
SDLC compliance speeds development and reduces project risks and expenses associated with alternative
production processes.

b) 1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis: This phase gathers client data to create a product that meets their
needs. Only this phase can clarify ambiguities. Business analyst and project manager meet with the customer
to learn what they want to construct, who will utilise it, and why. Understanding the product is crucial before
constructing it.
2. Design: In this phase, the collected requirements from the SRS document are used as input to determine
the software architecture that will be used to accomplish system development.
3. Implementation or Coding: Implementation/Coding commences when the developer receives the Design
document. The software architecture is translated into source code. This phase involves the implementation of
all software components.
4. Testing: After coding and module release, testing begins. This phase tests the generated programme and
assigns flaws to developers to address. Regression testing continues until the software meets customer
expectations. SRS document helps testers ensure software meets client standards.
5. Deployment: The product is deployed in production or undergoes first UAT (User Acceptance testing)
depending on client expectations. UAT involves the customer and developers testing a production-like
environment. The customer authorises go-live if the application meets expectations.
6. Maintenance: After deploying a product to production, developers repair bugs and add features.
c) 1. Agile model: By dividing the product into cycles, the Agile model offers a working product rapidly and is seen
as a very practical development strategy. The methodology generates continuous releases, each with tiny,
iterative improvements over the prior version. Each iteration involves testing the product. Throughout the
duration of the project, clients, developers, and testers collaborate in this approach. However, as this approach
relies significantly on client engagement, the project can continue in the incorrect direction if the customer is
unclear about the desired path.
2. Spiral Model: One of the most adaptable SDLC techniques, the Spiral model draws a cue from the Iterative
model and its repetition; the project repeats the same four phases in a "spiral" until completion, allowing for
multiple rounds of refinement. This paradigm enables for the construction of a highly customised product, and
early user feedback can be integrated. However, you run the risk of generating an endless spiral for an
ongoing project.
3. Iterative Model: is the embodiment of repetition. Instead of beginning with fully understood requirements, you
implement a set of software requirements before testing, evaluating, and identifying more needs. With each
phase or iteration, a new version of the software is produced. Repeat the process until the entire system is
ready. This model provides a workable version early in the process and makes it less expensive to apply
changes than other SDLC models.

Document Name: ICTPRG530 AT1 Knowledge Questions RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 17 Oct 2022 Review Date: 17 Oct 2027 Page 3 of 7
Q3. In today’s technology world, there are thousands of software’s and Satisfactory response
applications created every month. However, most of the software Yes ☐ No ☐
developers are not able to fulfil the users need due to not properly defining
the software specification.
 Explain why is it important to identify the software specifications at the
time of planning phase? Answer in 70-100 words.

The proper execution of a software development project is just as vital as the planning that goes into it. It paves the
way for the success of the final product in the long run. The planning stage places further emphasis on the
approach, standards, and processes that are used when designing a software project. It acts as a guide to maintain
the project in accordance with the budget, resources, and deadlines that have been established. This, in turn, helps
to fulfil the goals that were set and maintains communication that is clear and effective.

Q4. Answer the following questions in your own words. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
a) What is version control? Answer in 30-50 words.
b) Why version control is important? Answer in 50-100 words.
c) What process/es will you follow to manage a version control
system/software? List three (3).

a) Version control (source control) tracks and manages software code changes. Version control solutions assist
software teams track source code changes. Version control technologies enable software teams operate
quicker and smarter in fast-paced contexts. They help DevOps teams cut development time and improve

b) It is essential to have effective version control in order to monitor changes and ensure that all members of a
team are working with the most recent version. You should make use of version control software for all of the
code, files, and assets that will be worked on collaboratively by many members of the team.

c) 1. Every single file and document should be version controlled: This feature must be used on all documents.
Controlling versions is supposed to bring order and security, therefore not having a routine is pointless.
Automated programmes also simplify the process. Using a dashboard, you can set labels and track document
history. Thus, you may quickly manage versions of projects, office procedures, regulations, internal paperwork,
contracts, and other documents.
2. Stick to a logical structure and file naming procedure: If there are no file naming restrictions, things won't be
highly organised. Again, an automated system does all of this for you, but if you are doing things manually,
agree on a logical numbering approach and follow it for every document to avoid misunderstanding. File
storage will be easier, prior versions will be less likely to be viewed, and everyone will be on the same page
when editing, generating, or updating documents.

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Version: 1.0 Approved on: 17 Oct 2022 Review Date: 17 Oct 2027 Page 4 of 7
Q4. Answer the following questions in your own words. Satisfactory response
Yes ☐ No ☐
a) What is version control? Answer in 30-50 words.
b) Why version control is important? Answer in 50-100 words.
c) 3. Include helpful feedback and notes: Revision management software let you comment on changes. These
are useful for communicating changes and reasons. You could notify top management that an employee's
contract is up for renewal. Workflow changes may have rendered a procedure obsolete. Clear, understandable
notes help everyone track versions.

Satisfactory response
Q5. How will you select the right project management software? List five (5) Yes ☐ No ☐

1. Research Features: Analyze your team's needs and decide which features are essential and which are optional.
Choose a project management tool that promotes teamwork. Your team should find it useful and compatible with
their workflows and communication preferences.
2. Calculate the Cost : The programme will pay for itself if it simplifies team cooperation and project management.
Some monthly solutions cost hundreds, while others cost much less. Choose based on your budget. Consider
expense but pay for value. Tameday's freemium package, unlike others, includes all the capabilities you need to test
the software. Paid plans provide more projects, users, and storage.
3. Test the Alternatives: Read reviews, ask for recommendations, and don't pick the first app you see.
Consider if the product will improve your team's workflows when comparing alternatives.
Most project management systems provide a free trial to try them out.
Instead of watching a demo, spend a few weeks using the software. Tameday doesn't need a credit card.
4. Get Team Feedback: Encourage team members to test PM software, not only the project manager. Ask your
team if they would utilise it after testing. Implementing it if your team won't use or benefit from it is pointless.
After considering everyone's input, tell your team why you chose this app.
5. Get Everyone on Board: After researching features, cost, alternatives, and team feedback, you choose the finest
tool for your team. Create a plan to implement it and encourage your staff to use it. Adoption matters. Make sure
everyone knows how and why to utilise the software. If anyone has questions, support is crucial since most of us will
need time to adjust to a new way of working.

Document Name: ICTPRG530 AT1 Knowledge Questions RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 17 Oct 2022 Review Date: 17 Oct 2027 Page 5 of 7
Satisfactory response
Q6. How will you create a collaborative work environment? (30-60 words). Yes ☐ No ☐

1. Be transparent:
Companies that are open about their challenges and encourage employees to speak their minds often reach their
goals faster. Effectively managing workplace diversity has many benefits. Transparency and openness empower
employees to share their creative solutions. Employee engagement, workplace culture, and customer relations
2. Promote creativity:
Innovating may help companies stay ahead. Inspiring creativity and adaptability in team members starts with a
culture of innovation. Encourage your team to discuss current situations and brainstorm. Maintaining a non-
judgmental workplace where team members are encouraged to share ideas, reasoning, and thoughts is also
crucial. Doing so can inspire them to innovate and exceed expectations.
3. Use teammates' strengths:
Teammates have different strengths and weaknesses. Employee personality tests can help determine this. These
tests reveal team members' personalities and skills. Work with team members' strengths, not weaknesses, to
foster collaboration. You can use their aptitude to assign tasks that match their strengths or pair them with
teammates who complement their weaknesses.
4. Command from above:
A leader who stays in an office, isolated from the team and in a superior bubble, is unmotivating.
Maintain open communication between organisational hierarchies. Managers should pitch in with staff.
5. Encourage and reward:
Even the most diligent workers need a reward for achievement. Reward individuals and teams. Employees will see
the benefits of working together, encouraging future cooperation.
6. Use appropriate technologies:
You need collaboration-friendly technologies to establish an unified working atmosphere. This will speed
up work so employees can focus on teamwork and innovation. Cloud-based software is becoming
mainstream. A cloud-based idea management tool can help your employees interact and create new ideas
at scale. Keep up with technology to motivate your staff.

Satisfactory response
Q7. How will you monitor project progress? List four (4) steps. Yes ☐ No ☐

1. Define Expectations: Goals help track progress. A good plan outlines the project's scope, tasks, and
timeline. Breaking down the project requires knowing its goals and deliverables and how to achieve them.
To ensure project completion, you'll need to know how long each task will take and who will execute it.
Clear project expectations keep your team on track and make monitoring easier.
2. Regularly Monitor: For rookie project managers, finding the right balance between monitoring too much
and too little is difficult. You may appear to be micromanaging and distrusting your staff if you check in
with them daily. If you wait too long between check-ins, you may discover the project is behind schedule
or hit a serious snag.
3. Data Collection Method: Know how you'll acquire team data before collecting it. If you ask project
participants to self-report, you may have to spend time reminding them to report or tracking project
progress. A standing meeting at the appropriate interval can help everyone remember and acquire the
information you need. That could involve a fast weekly meeting to report progress. These gatherings let
you discuss issues. Keep meetings brief and focused to maximise efficiency.
4. Adapt: Based on information, monitoring a project's progress requires changing expectations. A delay
in initial programming delays the rest of the software product's development. If testing goes faster and
has fewer issues than predicted, you may be able to release the software product sooner. Missing a task
deadline can delay the project. If you're building a new training programme, the slide designer can't finish
until the outline and content writer is done. Software testers can't work till developers finish.

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Version: 1.0 Approved on: 17 Oct 2022 Review Date: 17 Oct 2027 Page 6 of 7
This is the end of the document

Document Name: ICTPRG530 AT1 Knowledge Questions RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 17 Oct 2022 Review Date: 17 Oct 2027 Page 7 of 7

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