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1. HTTP/ 1.

2. en-us, en;q=0.50
3. ,
4. 200
5. Mon, 28 Nov 2022 07:22:00 GMT
6. 1071
7. No
8. IF-MODIFIED-SINCE is not present in the first GET
9. The text returned in response to the first GET request is
“Congratulations again! Now you’ve downloaded the file lab2-2.html.
This file’s last modification date will not change
Thus if you download this multiple times in your browser, a complete copy
Will only be sent once by the server due to the inclusion of the IN-MODIFIED-SINCE
Field in your browser’s HTTP GET request to the server.”
10. If-Modified-since: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 07:22:00 GMT
11. 304 Not modified
The file's text is NOT returned within the HTTP message.
12. 1&8
13. 10
14. 200(ok)
15. 10,11,13
16. packet 10 , packet 17, packet 20
Packet 10 -, packet 17 -, and packet 20 -
17. The downloads occurred in parallel. Packets 17 and 20 contain the two GET requests for the
images. Packets 25 and 54 contain the 200OK response with the attached pictures. That's why
you didn't get the first image file (in packet 25) until after you asked for the second one (in
packet 20).
18. Packet 6 and packet 9
Packet 9 is: 401 Authorization Required.
19. Basic: field

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