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Triskelion Course

Reading: The third pillar of the TK System is “Do it now”

“Focus solely on what you are doing. Isolate yourself. Block out
distractions and interruptions.”

Avoid procrastinating. Start NOW. Develop your “Do Now Spirit”.

Don’t fool yourself by doing things that are not important just to have the feeling that you
are making progress. A good time manager will devote time almost exclusively to important

Identify what is really important for you, define the “next step” and START NOW.

The TK System’s third pillar can be divided into three sub-pillars.

1. Start working on your T+

Identify which is the most important task to accomplish on a daily basis. This is the one you
will have to start working on first thing in the morning before embarking on anything else.

2. One by one, once and till the end Remain focused

Concentrate 100% on what you are doing. Isolate yourself. Avoid distractions and
interruptions (yours and that of others). Flee from multitasking. Dedicate time to each task
once only. You will not want to go back to it once you have started working on it. You must
cross it out after your first attempt. Work on the task until you finish. Avoid the temptation to
switch to another activity before having finished what you were doing.

3. Go back to the “To-Day List”

Don’t fall into inertia once you have finished what you were working on. Don’t start checking
emails, working on superfluous tasks, don’t get distracted… Go back to focusing on your
“To-Day List” and start working on the next task on your list. There will be interruptions, crisis,
unexpected matters that will arise… You cannot control your agenda 100%. But when you
do get to be in control again, even if for a short space of time, focus on what is important: on
what you decided to work on at the start of the day. You wrote it down in your To-Day List.

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