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Liberty University

PSYC 642: Human Resource Training and Development


Learning Strategy

An individual's preferred way of processing information and acquiring new knowledge is

referred to as their learning style. It might be helpful to know a person's preferred learning style

when creating training and development initiatives. The learning approach for a person with a

tactile learning style will be the main topic of this article. Additionally, the ethical and spiritual

factors that should be considered while persuading the person to adopt the desired conduct will

be covered.

Tactile Learners & Strategy

Tactile learners choose active, physical activities. To comprehend things, they prefer to

physically handle, manipulate, and engage with them. The term "doers" rather than "listeners" is

frequently used to characterize tactile learners. According to Noe (2021), "teaching programs

should be structured to give learners opportunity to engage with and manipulate things and to

experience the repercussions of their actions" (p. 24).

The training program should include chances for hands-on experiences and physical

engagement to establish an effective learning method for a tactile learner. For instance, the

instruction could incorporate role-playing, practical training, or physical demonstrations.

Through discussions, role-playing, or problem-solving exercises, the training program should

also encourage the student to actively interact with the information. Noe (2021) advises

employing visual aids like diagrams, graphs, and flow charts to augment the training program in

addition to practical experiences. The student may benefit from this in their quest to comprehend

concepts and the connections between various ideas. To aid the student in visualizing the topics

being taught, the training program may also include actual objects and models.

The fact that providing hands-on experiences for every topic or job may not be realistic

or viable presents one potential obstacle to a tactile learning technique. In these circumstances,

Noe (2021) advises combining visual aids, such movies or animations, to provide the learner a

virtually hands-on experience. In order to give the student a virtual environment in which to

engage with and control objects and materials, the training program may also contain interactive

multimedia, such as computer-based simulations.

Ethical and Spiritual Considerations

The person's values and beliefs are among the ethical and spiritual factors that should be

considered while creating a learning approach for a tactile learner. The training program must be

aligned with the individual's personal and ethical beliefs in order to motivate them to develop the

desired behavior. The training program, should place a heavy emphasis on the advantages of the

desired behavior for the environment, for instance, if the individual has strong values about

environmental sustainability.

The Biblical Perspective

Noe (2021) advises taking the learner's feeling of purpose into account as well as how the

training program may be able to complement their spiritual principles. The training program

need to inspire the participant to identify with a bigger cause and comprehend how their efforts

might advance society. This may boost the person's motivation and participation in the training


The Bible promotes experiential learning and real-world application. For instance,

the New International Version of the Bible (Proverbs 22:6) states, "Train up a kid in the way he

should walk; even when he is old he will not deviate from it." This verse implies that a person's

conduct and ideals may be effectively shaped through practical and hands-on learning.

The necessity of living in accordance with one's principles and ideas is also emphasized

in the Bible. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if you were working for the Lord

and not for human masters, because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord

as a reward, according to Colossians 3:23–24 (New International Version Bible, 1973/2022,

Colossians. 3:23-24). This verse underlines the value of matching one's job and behaviors with

their ideals and beliefs. Additionally, the Bible exhorts people to serve others and connect with a

greater good. In Matthew 20:28, Jesus says "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,

but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (New International Version

Bible,1973/2022, Matthew. 20:28). This passage places a strong emphasis on helping others and

working for the common good.


Hands-on activities, visual aids, and interactive multimedia should all be incorporated

into a learning approach for someone with a tactile learning style. The person's moral principles

and sense of purpose are among the ethical and spiritual factors that should be considered. By

considering these elements, the training program can be created to inspire the person to develop

the desired behavior and to link with a bigger goal.



Holy Bible - New International Version. (2023). Bible Gateway (Original work published 1974)

Noe, R. A. (2022). Employee Training and Development. McGraw Hill.

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