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UNIT 1: Learning Foundation

1.0 Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Develop a working definition of learning;
2. Articulate the importance of learning theories in the teaching learning process;
3. Compare and contrast the different learning approaches; and
4. Evaluate the relevance of connectivism as a means of autonomous learning.

1.1 Introduction

Definition, Perspectives, and Approaches in Learning

The foundations in preschool learning are very much vital and essential in order to
strengthen school readiness in learners for them to be able to achieve competencies and skills
needed. An integral part of this curriculum would be high quality programs that are able to
address varying types of support needed from learners to learners, given that other learners
have specific needs that require certain accommodations and adjustments. These high quality
programs can be adapted from different preexisting domains. Teachers are able to broaden
and encompass the foundations of learning with the aforementioned domains. Teachers use
a combination of practices, strategies, and materials to set up the learning foundation

Together with the different perspectives, teachers are able to broaden and encompass
the foundations of learning with the aforementioned domains. These perspectives are
behavioral, cognitive, developmental, social cognitive, and constructivist. Educational
psychology has these perspectives that approach learning differently. However, teachers
must be equipped with the different approaches that may address knowledge and

Are you ready? Let’s fly!

1.1.1 The Meaning of Learning

THINK: The Meaning of Learning

Learning is an activity where an individual gains knowledge, behavior, values, skills, and
other preferences through studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something that
involves an individual's feelings and senses that may result in permanent change.

There are different ways on how an individual learns, particularly the young learners.
Learning is a process where it involves many means of acquiring knowledge and other
preferences. According to researchers, learning can be meant as:

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1. Learning is an active process.

Engaging and manipulating objects, experiences, and conversations in order to build mental
models of the world (Dewey 1938; Piaget 1964; Vygotsky 1986). Learners should be given
an opportunity to explore the world around them and to experience interaction with
phenomena. This process will enable them to build knowledge and concepts through
making connections between new ideas and previous understanding.

2. Learning builds on previous knowledge.

Previous knowledge enables young learners to enrich, build on, and change prevailing
understanding, where "one's knowledge base is a scaffold that supports the construction of
all future learning," (Alexander 1996, p. 89).

3. Learning occurs in a complex social environment.

Children should not be given limitations in the recognition of the things that happen around
them. It is essential for them to perceive learning as a social activity involving the things
they use, the people they engage with, the cultural context that they are in, and the language
they use (Bransford, et al. 2006; Rogoff 1998).

4. Learning is situated in an authentic context.

This provides learners with the opportunity to engage with specific ideas and concepts on
a need-to-know or want-to-know basis (Greeno 2006; Kolodner 2006).

5. Learning requires learners' motivation and cognitive engagement.

Motivation will help children to sustain learning particularly on complex ideas because it
may require mental effort and persistence in order for learning to take place, which
eventually change behavior and can help to optimize knowledge.

Perspectives in Learning
There are different learning theories that have been developed by educational
psychologists based on three main paradigms. These paradigms refer to behaviorism,
cognitivism, and constructivism (Agarkar 2019), though other educational psychologists
consider connectivism as one of the learning theories aside from behaviorism, cognitivism,
and constructivism.

Behaviorism believes that behavior is shaped by the forces in the environment.

Teachers are capable of helping children to learn such behavior by determining the desired
behavior first. Such desired behavior can be learned if children are motivated and will acquire
and remember responses that lead to satisfying after-effects.

Behaviorism also believes that learning will occur after responses to stimuli are
reinforced by adults and gain feedback from actions. On the other hand, cognitivism and
constructivism believe that through having interactions with people, events, and objects that
surround them and making reflections and evaluation regarding interactions, a learner
actively constructs his or her own understanding of the world. More so, previous experiences
of the learners determine what can be learned and makes learning process balance

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assimilation and accommodation which is called equilibration that leads to an organized

structure of learning.

The teaching-learning process in the education

system is influenced by understanding how children
acquire knowledge. The role of the teachers is not only to
increase the flow of information but to act as facilitators
in the construction of knowledge. Teaching became a
more challenging role and it can be relevantly influenced
by the changing psychological ideas about the teaching
and learning process. Nevertheless, emerging digital
technology has changed and forced educationists to
design appropriate methods of teaching-learning in the
light of learning theories.

These are reasons why teachers should consider learning theories in designing their

1. A theory aids teachers to become more informed and provide guidance in creation of
designs, as well as on how to develop and deliver learning based on the
understanding of how people describe, explain, analyze, learn, and make predictions
about learning.

2. Teachers can leverage their learning design and enable them to think critically about
learning because theories provide comprehensive thoughts about learning,
contemplations, and extensive research.

3. Learning theories give frameworks that aid teachers to be oriented on how

information should be used, how knowledge must be developed, and how learning
takes place. Learning designers can use these frameworks according to the learners'

Approaches in Learning

It is important for an individual to acquire knowledge and learn from what he or she
had experienced. This will allow an individual to adapt with his or her environment. That is
why it is necessary for educators to see learning in wide lenses and consider the four
significant learning theories which are cognitivism, behaviorism, constructivism, and
Learner is passive, learns via external process (i.e., positive reinforcement)

• Lecture
• Drill and practice
• Rote learning
• Multiple choice tests

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Learning goes beyond external; it is an internal process- short and long term memory

• Lecture Visual tools: mind maps, charts, and the like to facilitate memorization for
• Multiple choice and essay assessment

Learner builds on personal experience (internal), active and social in the learning process

• Discovery
• Collaborative group work
• Scaffolding
• *Self-guided learning based on personal experience
• Peer grading/review

Leamer is self-directed, learning via node (content source, people. groups) within network

• Self-directed quest for content sharing of content, sources
• Spontaneous learning groups
• Creates knowledge collaboratively


Cognitivism is a theory that focuses on how people perceive and remember information
which is vital in order to solve problems and engage in learning. Cognitivism emphasizes that
learning is a process where pieces of information are acquired and stored. It is in the cognitive

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view where information is processed and the brain interprets and compares the information from
the stored ones in the memory and then the brain will be using all the information in order for
the person to respond to the environment. Such information is stored and can be drawn later in

Jean Piaget, who introduced cognitive learning theory, stated that

cognitivism deals with an understanding of how the human mind works
while the learning process occurs. It focuses on how information is being
processed and how learning happens through the internal processing of
information. It was based on the idea that people mentally process the
information rather than simply reacting to particular stimuli from their

It was explained in the cognitive learning theory that mental

processes and how they are influenced by both internal and external factors
enable the individual to produce learning. Piaget believed that knowledge
is something that is actively constructed by learners based on their existing cognitive structure.
Piaget also claimed that it is inside the mind that the learning is processed and it does not involve
any physical behavior.

Cognitive and learning entirely happens internally.

Nevertheless, cognitive learning theory suggests that the different processes concerning
learning can be explained through thoroughly analyzing the mental processes first. Effective
cognitive processes allow learning to be easy and making new information be stored in the
memory for a long time. However, ineffective cognitive processes result in learning difficulties
for an individual.


Behaviorism was formally established by John Watson in 1913. The behavioral

approach gives emphasis that learning is a response to external stimuli and an
individual learns from doing actions with a corresponding positive
reinforcement. The brain is being trained by reinforcement to have the desire in
doing the action again. On the other hand, negative reinforcement makes an
individual stop or even avoid something unpleasant. Behaviorism deals with
conditioning the learner on how he will respond to the stimuli.
There are two major types of conditioning. According to behavioral psychology, they are
classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

Creating a positive environment by the teacher is one of the evident applications of

classical conditioning. This will allow learners to overcome their anxiety or fear. Associating
positive emotional experiences with learning will enable the learners to sustain their interest to
get involved in the learning process and even enable them to possess the courage to accomplish

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the given tasks. Likewise, if the child associates negative emotional experiences with school, this
can result in school phobia. Humiliation or punishment imposed by the teacher or encountering
bully schoolmates, once experienced by a child, can cause association of negative emotions which
explains why some learners show disinterest in certain subjects.

Classical conditioning also emphasizes the importance of learning from the environment,
supporting nurture over nature. It describes behavior based on the interaction of humans with
his or her environment. Therefore, to make the learning process effective and teaching styles
efficient, the teachers must establish a positive environment where learners will feel safe,
comfortable, and experience desirable feelings.

On the other hand, operant conditioning by B. F. Skinner gives emphasis

on the theory that learning a particular behavior is usually followed by a reward
or punishment. The argument lies that one's behavior depends on different
situations. People behave in a repeated manner if they get benefits from it. On
the contrary, people avoid doing behavior if they get nothing. Skinner believed
that establishing pleasing consequences to specific forms of behavior would
elevate the frequency of the behavior.

Learning based on observation and scientific study on how learning occurs to an
individual is the given emphasis of constructivism as another approach. This theory claims that
people construct their own understanding and knowledge through evaluating their own
experiences. Reconciling something new with previous ideas and experiences enables the person
to change what he or she previously believes in or may regard the new ideas as irrelevant. Hence,
an individual is an active creator of their own knowledge through exploration and assessment of
what he acquired. Teachers, in order to be constructivists, should encourage learners to
constantly assess how the given activity helped them to acquire understanding.

The learning theory that explains how Internet technologies have created new
opportunities for people to acquire learning and share information in any part of the world is
called connectivism.

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This theory began in recent years and particularly significant to digital society. Such
technologies involve Web browsers, social networks, email, video-sharing platforms, and any
other platforms that allow the user to learn and share information with others. One good thing
about connectivism is that learning can occur online. In this kind of learning, the teacher may
guide the learners to seek information to be able to answer the questions.

According to Siemens (2004), "knowledge is created beyond the level of individual

human participants, and is constantly shifting and changing. Knowledge in networks is not
controlled or created by any formal organization, although organizations can and should "plug
in" to this world of constant information flow, and draw meaning from it." In other words,
knowledge in connectivism is still in the stage of refinement and it is considered as chaotic,
unstable phenomenon comes and goes and information flows across networks that themselves
are interconnected.

In addition, Siemens (2005) stated that connectivism plays a vital role in the connection
and the way information flows which results in knowledge existing beyond an individual.
According to him, learning becomes the ability to access into significant flow of information, and
it presents a model of learning that acknowledges the tectonic shifts in the society, where learning
is no longer an internal and individualistic activity.
Furthermore, Siemens, Downes, and Cornier argue that the teacher should provide the
learning environment and content to the learner. Also, teachers must help the learners to make
their own personal environments which will make them exposed to the flow of information and
autonomous interpretation of what information meant leading to the successful networks.
Hence, learning that is available to all participants through engaging on social media does not
require formal institutions to support the said learning.

Recall all processes that enable you to acquire all the learning that you have right now. How
do you think learning took place….

a. When you were in kindergarten?

b. When you were in elementary grade?
c. When you were in high school?
d. Now that you are in college?

1.1.2 Instructional Technology and Media

In this lesson, you will be able to:

• Define instructional technology;
• Differentiate educational technology from instructional technology; state the importance
of instructional technology to education; and
• Discuss how media enhances the teaching and learning process.

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We have discussed connectivism as a theory wherein the Internet is being utilized as the
tool in the teaching and learning process where learners get involved in using different social
media platforms to enhance their learning.

Teachers provide assistance on how they

can learn even if they are not inside the classroom
and without pen and paper. They can learn at the
same time from different places or they can learn
even if they are not studying at the same time.

Traditionally, teachers use instructional

materials to present their concepts, arouse interest of the learners, and sustain learning
engagements. With the use of teacher-made materials, learners learn a lot and enjoy it at the
same time. Those were the times when technology had not yet bloomed.

But today, living with digital learners armed with gadgets and
equipped with technology wisdom, even the system of education
should adapt to instructional technology. Such adaptation will
improve the teaching and learning process through pervading
instructional design and development that aims to make
learning more concrete. With the availability of technological
tools for academic objectives and inspiration, instructional
technology will enable the learners to be more engaged and
establish effective learning experiences.

Once learners learn the innovative and creative use of available instructional technology
resources, learning can be simplified but maximized at the same time, because technology itself
will instruct the learners how interaction with the materials and opportunities to apply
knowledge and skills will be possible.

Instructional Technology

Basically, there are two views in giving the definition of instructional technology. From
the point of view of a traditionalist, instructional technology is the systematic application of
science to practical problems while contemporary view defines it as the application of knowledge
so it can be built from one generation to the next (Braudel in Seels and Richey, p. 7),

On the other hand, the second view pertains to instructional education relative to
implication for integration but in a systematic way of utilizing technology with inclusion of tools,
processes, application, skills, and organization. Utilizing technology in education is not merely

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an application of knowledge and skills in tools and machines but also encompasses how to apply
science principles that will enable the learners to solve problems. (Sees and Richey, p. 6)

Here are some of the definition of instructional technology:

1. Instructional technology is designing a process which brings out and assesses teaching and
learning in a systematic way, employing a combination of human and nonhuman resources
to carry a more elective instructions (Momurin 1970).

2. Instructional technology is a network of technology and devices employed to accomplish

certain learning objectives (Sharma 1989).

3. Instructional technology applies the principles and theories of psychological learning to

get deep insight into the content, structure, and sequence of instruction to develop
instructional resources in order to attain the desired learning objectives.

In other words, instructional technology deals with instructional delivery that promotes
effective learning environments to learners and aids the application of practical techniques
whether or not learners are involved in the use of media.

Also, teachers using instructional technology provide instruction which involves the use of
computers in the classroom and design tools for distance learning, and foster direct and meaning
control of learners to education on how they will utilize the technology that is being used in the
learning process.

What is the difference between instructional technology and educational technology?

Educational technology focuses on the learners' knowledge on how to apply web-based

learning or mobile technology to create an exciting platform for the delivery of education. This
aims to promote interactive and immersive experiences among learners through either
augmented or virtual reality.
More so, educational technologists design instruction and create instructional materials in
order to deliver education without compromising the application of theories of research and
cognition in using technology where the learner can benefit from.

Instructional technology, on the other hand, involves

the process of performing the instruction to develop in-
depth realization of the teaching and learning process
for both technology-motivated for online and offline
learning. The instructions are implemented and given
in a very specific way in order for the learners to solve
problems and be able to come up with ideas in a
systematic way.

Furthermore, instructional technologists identify and

analyze problems of instructional design. He or she also formulates solutions to the problems,

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integrate people, procedure, concepts, and equipment which improve the learning process in all

Nevertheless, meanings of instructional and educational technology can be simplified:

instructional technology is the tool while educational technology is the procedure on how to use
the tool.


• It is utilized for the advancement of • It deals with the integration of
teaching and learning processes. technology in the instruction.
• Educational technology assesses, • It gives descriptions to the
designs, implements, and evaluates technologies that allow access to
instructional materials based on the information.
research dealing with instruction, • It includes acquiring, handling,
learning, behavioral, and cognitive keeping, and spreading of information
psychology. in all of its forms.
• It is also being carried out in solving
instructional and performance
difficulties through the application of
theory, technologies, and psychology.
• It is a method being used to
accomplish educational goals.

Importance of Instructional Technology to Education of the Modern World

Instructional technology aims to foster creative and
effective learning engagement and experiences among
learners in consideration of individual's differences. It
is a definite procedure of creating, assessing, and
dealing with the whole instructional procedure in
order to guarantee successful and proficient learning.
It is also essential in delivering information among
learners to determine the effectiveness of the teaching
and learning process and to monitor the strategies and
techniques being utilized in the execution of the lesson.
Appropriate tools should be created which will elicit feedback and to measure the
effectiveness of the process so that the course designer may impose improvement if necessary.

One of the innovative ways of teaching inside the classroom nowadays is to use computers
in order to arouse the interest of the learners to learn. Searching and interpreting data are
essential skills to be taught in making projects and other performance tasks, especially if the
learners are not capable of going to school or they are on vacation, instructional technology plays
a vital role in providing the learning to learners even if they are in different places and time zones.

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At this time, it is very necessary to make some improvements with the standard of
education through uplifting the value of instruction to meet the needs of every learner with
regard to their differences and to what the modern world requires of their environments.
Hence, technology of instruction can be considered as one of the necessary elements in providing
appropriate stimuli to learners to make them responsive to learning. The use of instructional
technology gives systematic process of teaching-learning, both in formal and informal teaching
situations. Developing instructions with the media is one of the latest trends in presenting
instructional technology. It is more than any medium or device and it is considered as an
important aspect of educational technology.

Learning online has many advantages. Some of which are the following:

1. It makes the instruction more appealing to learners.

2. It has more standardized delivery of instruction.
3. Through applying accepted learning strategies, learning becomes more interactive.
4. It can improve quality learning.
5. Instructions can be provided as and when needed.
6. It can foster a positive attitude of learners toward learning and to the process of learning
7. The change of instructional direction can be changed as unexpected circumstances arise.
What is instructional media?

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Materials and all physical means that might be

utilized in the implementation of instruction and
facilitate the achievement of learners toward the
attainment of learning objectives is called
instructional media.

This may include traditional materials such as

teacher-made materials, charts, real objects, and
video tapes. Also, newer materials like computers,
DVDs, CDs, and interactive conferences are also
considered as instructional media.

Media is used to facilitate learning and to

increase understanding of the materials. It also helps
in attracting the attention of the learners in order to
develop interest and to help them to adjust to and accept the learning climate.

In other words, instructional media refers to all the materials that aid the lecturer and the
learners which do not only include electronic communication media but also devices and
materials used in the teaching and learning process (Romiszowski 1981).

Why use media in enhancing the teaching and learning process?

Fostering active learning strategies like group discussion may use media as a component.
This could be a clip of a film, a song from a radio, or even a newspaper article. Learners can also
create their own media and it will definitely provide them a powerful learning experience.

Like all other teaching techniques, media should be used carefully in the learning process,
particularly in sustaining the interest of learners during the discussion or during the
development of the concepts. However, teachers must be reminded of some important
considerations before integrating media, like exploring tips for effective use of media, taking
notes of common mistakes to be avoided, and preparing activities that will promote learners'
involvement. Though in some aspects, the dramatic growth of social media creates new
opportunities for the learners to engage in the learning process.

In one way or another, the media complements the ability of the instructor to lead
learning. Media encourages learners to listen to music, read print materials, or watch a
documentary or a movie clip. This approach helps learners interpret what they listen, read, or
see. Media can also be learner-generated. Through this approach, the learners become the teacher
and create content that will engage learners and help them master concepts. Lastly, social media
allows people to communicate easily via the Internet and enable them to share information and

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Make a research for another definition of instructional technology.

According to:

CHALLENGE: In 10 sentences, state the importance of instructional technology to


Write IT if the statement describes instructional technology and ET if educational technology.

1. It includes acquisition, processing, storage, and dissemination of information in all of its
2. It applies research, theory, technologies, and psychology to solve instructional and
performance problems.
3. It assesses, designs, implements, and evaluates instructional materials based on the
theories of instruction, learning, behavioral, and cognitive psychology.
4. It is the tool being used in education.
5. It is used for the development of teaching and learning processes.
6. It is an approach used to attain the goals of education.
7. Evaluation, management, and integration of instruction with tools available are part of
instructional technology.
8. Instructional technology involves technology in the process of instruction.
9. It is the procedure of how to use the tool in education.
10. It describes the technologies that facilitate access to information of all types.

1.1.3 Phases of Learning

In this lesson, you will be able to:

• Identify the four phases of learning;
• State the characteristics of each phase;
• Give the benefits of each phase in the teaching and learning process; and
• Construct a matrix of a lesson using the four phases of learning.

Theories, principles, and philosophies are some of the preferences in the acquisition of
learning. Traditionally, when we talk about learning, the initial thought is basically it focuses on
acquisition of knowledge during the childhood and adolescence stage. However, it is now being
recognized that learning is a continuous process wherein an individual learns from birth until
death. Experiences, particularly those that were reflected and evaluated lead to a realization and
learning. It is where we learn to deal with difficult situations and to develop relationships as well.
Many of the learnings an individual acquires occurs throughout his or her life.

New information gives new ideas, information, and perceptions, though in some points,
an individual has an option to choose whether he wants to learn from one learning opportunity
or not. Experiential learning is different from formal learning, where an individual learns from
mentoring, training, teaching, or any planned activities. These structured learning opportunities

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involve not only the thinking skills, but also the whole personality of an individual. Learning is
essential if it meets some personal needs and recognition which enable the person to evaluate the
learning as it has been worthwhile and successful.

Nevertheless, alongside the learning acquisition involves different phases to go through

in order to make learning worthwhile and successful. Teachers must realize that considering the
phases of learning will enable the learner to sustain interest in learning and make it permanent.

According to Dave Meier in the Accelerated Learning

Handbook, there are four phases of learning. These are
preparation, presentation, practice, and performance.

Four-Phase Learning Cycle

1. Preparation Phase
2. Creative Presentation Phase
3. Practice Phase
4. Performance Phase

1. Preparation Phase
Preparation is also defined as planning.
At this stage, the teacher plans and prepares all
the necessary activities which may help to arouse and sustain the interest of the learners
throughout the learning process. Also, at this initial stage, the teacher must anticipate the possible
barriers and difficulties that may be encountered in the teaching and learning process. The
teacher must also foresee how to attain the expected outcomes through preparations of
instructional materials, provoking questions, and the evaluation tool to evaluate the effectiveness
of the teaching strategies.

This stage requires comprehensive and complete step-by-step procedure and visualization of
how the learning will be implemented in a way that learning objective will be attained.

A good plan enables the teacher to:

Ø be confident;
Ø keep in track with the sequence of the activities;
Ø improve his or her teaching for future lessons;
Ø be organized in a time frame;
Ø consider the level and the previous knowledge of the learners and guide the teacher in
the preparation of activities;
Ø anticipate possible conflicts in the execution of the lesson; and
Ø ask relevant, proper, and important well-constructive questions.
On the other hand, the objective of the preparation phase is to foster positive feelings among
learners toward the learning experience. This will enable the learner to be in the optimal state of

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learning where he or she becomes ready to engage in the learning process. Lack of interest to
learn may create blocks wherein the learner will not realize the benefit of learning.

Here are some ways in preparing the learner before the presentation of the lesson:
Ø Stimulate the learner's curiosity by providing questions and pose problems for each other.
Ø Establish a positive social environment by giving group activities.
Ø Develop a learning community through giving a chance to everyone to choose and change
their learning partners throughout the program.

2 Presentation Phase
This stage encompasses the encounter of the learners with the new materials in ways they
find them interesting, enjoyable, relevant, multisensory, and appealing to all learners regardless
of their differences. At this stage, learners are giving opportunities to get involved in establishing
and adapting their own learning content. Hence, the learners are initially acquainted with the
new knowledge and skills in ways that these interactive presentations enable them to incorporate
their own learning styles whether they are visual, auditory, intellectual, or kinesthetic.

Developing presentation skills is necessary to improve communication and create a positive

learning environment and experiences among learners. Good presentation skills enable the
teacher to present complex information to a simplified and interesting way to keep the learners
engaged, help them develop self-confidence, and encourage them to communicate their thoughts
and feelings effectively.

3. Practice Phase: Integrating the New Knowledge or Skills

A learner does not absorb knowledge. It is something that a learner creates which requires
time for integration. The objective of the practice phase is to assist learners in integrating and
incorporating the newly acquired knowledge and skills into an action learning exercise.

Researchers uncovered that repeating a task would not improve performance. Deliberate
practice involves attention, rehearsal, and repetition which might lead in the development of a
more complex knowledge and skills. Though intelligence and motivation affect performance,
practice is necessary if not sufficient for acquiring expertise (Campitelli and Gobet 2011).

Practice is important for teaching and learning in at least five ways:

1. Practice promotes retention that learners will permanently remember new information.
2. Practice capacitates the learners to apply the knowledge automatically, without any
3. Providing learners with opportunity to practice solving problems; the ability to transfer
practiced skills to new and more complex problems increases.
4. Practice enables the learners to become experts in the subject matter.

Giving sufficient exercises and adequate activities will help the learners practice their learning
and help to validate the effectiveness of the teaching strategies used by the teacher in the
implementation of the lesson.
4. Performance Phase: Applying the New Knowledge and Skills
Learners must be given a chance to immediately apply what they have learned to the real
world, otherwise only 5% of learning will retain. An immediate application of what has been

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learned and with proper coaching and support, learning retains 90% to the learners.
The objective performance phase is to assist learners apply and extend their new
knowledge or skills in the real world.
In addition, evaluation plays a vital role in the learning process. It is important to evaluate
the performance of the learner as to evaluate the teacher's performance as well. Evaluating is a
way of assessing the learners if they have grasped the concepts. Evaluation helps teachers and
learners to improve teaching and learning processes. It helps in the formulation of judgements,
educational status, and even the achievements of the learners.

Search for a vlog where the four phases of learning is also implied. Be ready for your

1.1.4. The Roles of Technology in Learning and Development of Higher-Order

Thinking Skills

In this lesson, you will be able to:

• Define technology;
• Describe the role of technology in learning;
• Discuss the higher-order thinking skills; and
• Explain the relevance of technology to the development of higher-order thinking skills.

Traditional methods of teaching have been the most convenient way being used by seasoned
teachers. This kind of method, which involves the use of teacher-made materials, flash cards,
pictures, charts, and other essential instructional materials, have been proven to be effective tools
in the execution of the teaching and learning process.

As much as traditional methods are effective

in developing concepts, sustaining their interest, and
encouraging them to keep engaged in the learning
activities, it also creates a "gap" between the
generation of teachers and the digital learners. A vast
gap between learners' and teachers' perspective on
technology make the teachers uncomfortable
teaching technology to learners because learners are
often more capable of teaching technology to them.

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The possibilities of using technology to have an access to education significantly creates

barriers in order to broaden the range of learning styles of learners and also challenge the teachers
to be more creative, flexible, and responsive to adapt
with the digital world of the learners.
Innovation is part of progress.

One way of teachers being innovative is to bring

technology inside the classroom. Through employment
of technology inside the classroom, it can definitely help
educators in allowing the learners to be active and
attentive to the learning process. Incorporating modern
technology will provide learners substantial
experiences and can enhance their individual learning.

Because learners already depend on technology in their everyday lives, integrating

technology into the classroom can be considered a big step in removing educational barriers
between the teachers and the learners in relation to their generations. Since many learners today
feel comfortable using technology from a young age, introducing new ideas using tools that they
are already familiar with, it will make them feel more confident and empowered. Hence, using
technology in education will allow them to focus more on other aspects of learning and may help
in developing higher-order thinking skills.

THINK: The Role of Technology in Learning and the Higher-Order Thinking Skills
There are many schools today that are privileged to have access to technology. Teachers
are trained and innovative and enjoy a positive policy environment. Still, the use of technology
is slow and its use for teaching and learning remains a challenge.
Some attribute low levels of technology use in education to the pedagogical beliefs of
teachers. The role of technology is to improve and facilitate learning. The purpose of using
technology in education is to change the way teachers and learners collect, access, analyze,
present, and transmit information into more creative and innovative ways that will enable both
teachers and learners to make concepts easier to captivate.
However, surprisingly, many educators find it more difficult to integrate technology into
education. This is because many educators have not yet explored technology and pedagogy
relationships. Hence, using technology can only be effective as a teaching tool if the teachers
willfully participate to adopt technology. Because technology can create pedagogical change,
technology can therefore be considered as both a tool and a catalyst for change which can address
the issues that affect the teaching and learning
Through technology, education is becoming
more flexible and accessible. Teachers must
provide a wide range of tools to enhance classroom
experience and motivate the engagement of
learners in learning.

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Here are some ways that technology could improve learning:

1. Teachers are encouraged to determine learning objectives and create differentiated
instructions to cater the different needs of their learners. With the extensive availability of
the databases, it is easier to keep track with every learner's progress.
2. Teachers should use links that are relevant to the objectives, learning style of learners,
mode, and the technology they have chosen whenever the teachers attempt to present
instruction using technology.
3. Teachers can make follow-up activities when they employ technology-based instruction
in evaluating learners' learning and the role of technology is vital in that process.

From the learners' perspective, there are many benefits in using technology in education. Some
of which are the following:
1. Learners become active and learning through technology becomes part of their lifestyle.
2. Through technology, learning becomes easier. Engaging with technology does not only
help learners to learn but they also learn the skills of engaging in multitasking activities.
3. Integration of technology enables the learners to learn at their own pace. Learners learn
the ability to slow down and go back to the lessons, while advanced learners can go ahead
and have no need to wait for others to catch up with the lessons.
4. Technology provides many different means of learning the concepts and helps them to
become more hands-on in performing their academic tasks.
5. Technology strengthens the relationship between teachers and learners. Teachers who
effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers' roles increased. They are not
only the advisers but also a content expert and a coach where learners can easily approach
them for consultations and other concerns, especially for distance learning. More so,
learners learn how to collaborate with their classmates through technological applications.
6. Assessing learners' performance will be more accessible with technology. Teachers in the
application of asynchronous learning, test scores can be seen in real-time, and teachers can
track how the learners understand and grasp the concepts.
7. Learners can engage with exciting new features and apps. With the use of computers,
tablets, and other forms of technology, it brings multiple resources and teachers have other
options aside from the books. Hence, learning with technology becomes fun and

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What is higher-order thinking skills?

Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Creating - designing, constructing, inventing, devising

Evaluating - hypothesizing, judging, checking, critiquing
Analyzing - organizing, structuring, outlining, integrating
Applying - using, implementing
Understanding - summarizing, inferring, interpreting, comparing
Remembering - recognizing, listing, naming, identifying

Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) is a concept aimed for educational reform using
Bloom's taxonomy. The idea of HOTS deals with six basic levels of cognitive outcomes, such as
knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. It applies with the
learning of complex skills which involve analytical judgement and problem-solving. Though it
is difficult to learn or teach higher-order skills, it is more valuable because it can be widely used
and more applicable to more novel situations.
Educators define higher-order thinking that deals with the different types of learning and the
difference in the amount of cognitive processing. It is a way that can help learners to think and
not only memorize and to improve their cognitive ability. Bloom's taxonomy gives the hierarchy
of levels that create higher-order thinking skills.
Ø Remembering is the ability to remember or recall previous learning, facts, terms, and
basic answers.
Ø Understanding deals with the understanding of facts or ideas in the form of comparing,
organizing, and interpreting information that people learned.
Ø Applying is a way where learners apply their knowledge by employing strategies and
Ø Analyzing is the level where the learners break information into bits and pieces by
determining the cause or effect of a particular variable and finding pieces of evidence to

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justify their claims.

Ø Evaluating is a phase where learners make judgements on information and seek
validation of the idea.
Ø Creating is the last level where learners combine information that they have in order to
create a new pattern or new solutions.

This allows the learners to take their knowledge outside the

ee levels-
It is on the last thr , and four corners of the classroom and apply it in their own lives.
analyzing, evalu Bloom's taxonomy does not only enable the learners to know the
re lea rne rs can
creating-whe fosters
e it information they are studying but it makes them understand the
benefit from becaus blem-
an d pro
critical thinking usefulness of the knowledge and keeps them motivated to learn.
solving ab ilit ies .

More so, the learners are able to determine the significance

of the things being taught, and having reflection will help them
evaluate the relevance of the performed activity in contributing changes using the created

Technology and Higher-Order Thinking Skills

It is every teacher's goal to develop higher-level thinking skills among learners. In every
lesson plan that the teacher makes, he or she includes an activity that will enhance the thinking
skills of the learners. The teacher makes tools and assessments that enable him or her to evaluate
not only how the learners grasp concepts, but also how the concepts relevantly influence the
thinking skills of the learners.

Thinking skills are mental processes that enable an individual to solve problems, make
decisions, ask questions, create plans, judge ideas, organize facts, and construct objects. But the
aim of education is not only to enhance thinking skills, but also to dig beyond the surface to
emerge critical thinking skills among learners.

Critical thinking skills help an individual not only to arrive

at a certain decision, but also to be able to construct sound
decisions; and not only to solve problems, but also to determine
consequences of actions. Critical thinking as part of higher-
order thinking skills allow an individual to focus, possess strong
self-control, and follow through his or her goal. It is like putting
together puzzles to map out the best route to work.

Developing higher-order thinking skills among digital learners

is a challenge to teachers particularly for those who are living in
remote areas where access to Internet connection is a big concern.
There is a belief of the teachers that the use of digital devices in school
is harmful and devices can be distracting rather than contributing to
the development of the higher-order thinking skills among learners.
Higher-order thinking skills is a critical skill that the learners need to
develop so they will be equipped before pursuing their endeavors into the real world.

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Technology as a tool that can contribute to enhance the

development of higher-order thinking skills.
Here are some ways that can be used by educators to help their learners learn how to think
1. Reflection and discussion prompts encourage learners to consider multiple viewpoints
Requiring the learners to make reflections from certain selections or articles forces them to
examine and organize their thoughts. Keeping those reflections or journals relating to classroom
experience in an online word processor is a way of recording their ideas and can be used as future
reference with regard to evaluation of their progress and see how learners improved in the target

2. Develop your own podcast

Learners need to develop their critical thinking as well as their speaking skills. Teachers may
provide learners the tools they need so they can create their own podcast on a given topic. Also,
freedom in selecting the manner on how they would like to present the materials can be set as an
agreement provided that they have to do all of the needed research on their own. This will require
them to learn a large volume of information, put it into writing, and record the finished product.

3. Help them to organize their thoughts in mind maps.

There are some learners who can easily grasp on higher-order thinking skills but are not
capable of organizing their thoughts. Checking their work in a printed form would be essential
in developing mind maps or any other types of diagrams to see how their thoughts flow into one
another. Using graphs to map their thoughts provides learners with clear relationships between
ideas and will allow them to connect the concepts that you are teaching them.

4. Peer-Review Activities
Giving peer review activities allow the learners to display communication skills through
giving feedback on each other's work and enable them to expose to alternative perspectives. This
provides opportunities for learners to question what they are reading. Online peer- review
activities protect the learners' concealment and make them more likely to be honest in their
feedback toward other learners' various thinking styles without informing their names. Teachers
may provide rubrics that will serve as their guide in evaluating their peers' work.

5. Discussion Forum
This kind of activities will allow learners to communicate with their peers, answer questions
that require them to display both lower-level and higher-level critical thinking skills, and will
help them analyze the content of the course. Provision of clear guidelines enables learners to
foster engagement to develop critical thinking skills during the discussion or forums.

6. Small Group Activities

Small group activities provide opportunities for the learners to communicate, solve problems,
listen to different perspectives, and collaborate in analyzing and synthesizing course content.

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Through grouping learners into small groups, it would be easy to design an online presentation
about their readings. Teachers may encourage learners to comment on the strength and
weaknesses of the argument and post the links for their reactions to the presentation.
7. Digital Storytelling Activities
Using multimedia to present information is one way of engaging in digital storytelling. This
can include (1) stories that are personal narrations, (2) stories that document events, and (3)
stories that aim to instruct or inform. Such digital storytelling allows learners to evaluate, reflect,
and analyze the content. Evaluation or comment from digital storytelling can be presented
through a slide presentation.

Teaching higher-order skills should be the priority for

every teacher because it significantly influences the long-
term success of their learners. Integration of education gives
opportunities for teachers to provide learners a chance to
enhance their skills through practice. With the proper
technology, teachers can help learners to imagine creative
solutions to whatever problems they may encounter in life.

Conduct a virtual meeting and assign someone to present a specific topic. Determine the
strengths and the weaknesses of the presentation and create a link where your evaluation will be
posted anonymously.

1.1.5. Key Players and Their Roles in the Learning Process

In this lesson, you will be able to:

• Identify the key players in education;

• Recognize the roles of the key players of education to the nation's development;
• Discuss the roles of the key players in learning; and
• Make a reflection on the effectiveness of their school's key players in performing their

The milestones of a nation's

economic and social development
depend on how the state provides
education to its constituents. Education
is an engine that provides knowledge
and shapes the personality of the people,
which is very essential in an individual's
success and to improve one's quality of

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Nevertheless, education is the foundation of the society that brings economic wealth,
social prosperity, and political stability.

Key players in education are the significant people who can influence the kind and
quality of education that every learner can achieve. Regardless of the budget, no matter how
good the educational programs are, without the competent key players in education, its
implementation would be a failure.

Furthermore, key players are the agents who

implement the educational system which aims to
meet the national goal for the nation's development.
That is why key players must have a strong
foundation in terms of educational and service
orientation together with academic achievements
and competencies.

The roles of key players in education are involved in the inevitable responsibility of
producing new generations that are capable of solving social and economic problems, support
youth's development toward shaping a nation's positive identity, and transmitting and fostering
values that determine distinct characteristics of the constituents. With the help of the key players
in sustaining the education among learners of the nation, they will unlock the keys of poverty
and uplift the quality of life of every individual.

Curriculum specialists are also called instructional specialists. In order to be curriculum

specialists, they are required to have a master's degree, preferably in education or curriculum
instruction. Aside from engaging in research, revising school materials, and implementing
curriculum, they also support school teachers by giving constructive feedback on their
performance using data analysis and observation.

Constructive criticism also involves providing

feedback on how teachers are implementing the created
materials. Since they have significant experiences as
classroom teachers, their evaluations and suggestions can
be helpful for teachers. Other roles of curriculum specialists
involve facilitating curriculum review committees, staying
informed of trends in instructional methods and
educational technology, assisting teachers in incorporating
new technology into their lessons, and providing feedback
to teachers based on individual observation and learner
performance data.
The school administrator is one of the influential key players of the school. The kind of
leadership that the school administrator utilizes can greatly affect the success and failure of the
school. In spite of the multiple and remarkable duties of the school administrator in managing

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the school, he or she also has a significant impact on the kind of culture a school can establish
and play a vital role in the development of the staff while under his or her supervision. Likewise,
school administrators must also support and promote the welfare of the learners and other
stakeholders, ensure that all academic and nonacademic staff are collaborating toward the goals
and objectives of the school, and establish a distinguished culture to foster camaraderie among
members of the school.

Teachers are known for the role of educating the learners while under their custody. More
so, teachers serve other roles inside the classroom. They set warm environments and mentor and
nurture learners. With the given curriculum, all pertinent knowledge is dispensed to the learners.
However, their role is not to merely teach learners but also to love and care for them. Encourage
learners to strive their best while learning, listen to the learners, demonstrate attitudes that can
inspire learners to do things better, translate valuable and empirical intelligence into more
sophisticated language which learners can accept and understand, and help them establish self-
confidence and assist them with their undertakings.

It is very clear and well-defined in traditional educational model roles and responsibilities
that the teachers are responsible for the effective delivery of content and for evaluating learner's
achievements. The teachers' primary role is to impart knowledge to the learners in the most
effective ways as an educational expert. However, learners also have their responsibilities in
return. They are obliged to attend classes, pay attention during the discussion, and complete the
tasks given to them by their teachers. Though sometimes learners are passive inside the
classroom, the learners are expected to be active with regard to studying outside the classroom.

Nevertheless, the primary role of the learners is to get involved in the learning process
and to recognize that they are accountable for their academic success. The responsibility of the
learners is demonstrated whenever they make choices and take actions which lead them to their
educational goals.

Key Players in Education and Their Roles in the Learning Process

1. Curriculum and Instruction Specialists

• Design and implement curriculum that aim to
meet the learning objectives for the
• Create and revise school materials to improve
learning based on the evaluation
• Engage in research and search for appropriate
curricula to enhance learning outcomes of the
school and raise the standard of learning while
inspiring learners to learn through new
textbooks, helpful technologies, and unique
teaching methods
• Stay informed of trends in instructional methods and educational technology and assist
teachers in incorporating new technology into their lessons

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2. School Administrators
• Perform administrative duties, such as attending meetings with school's stakeholders;
interact with the parents concerning learners'
performance; create and implement rules and
regulations of the school for disciplinary measures
of learners; allocate budget for learners' programs;
and foster personal and professional growth of
teachers to improve their teaching skills
• Formulate strategic and long-term plans for the
school development program
• Conduct class observations; monitor and evaluate teaching strategies, materials, and the
content mastery of teachers
• Support and evaluate learners' academic performance
• Set and ensure academic guidelines preparedness of the learners

3. Teachers
• Control the climate contained in the state of the learning process which will make the
learners feel safe and comfortable
• Create learning activities which will motivate learners to engage in learning, to encourage
them to be responsive to the questions using language easy to understand, and to develop
the skills that will enable them to construct the learning concepts Prepare learning
materials suited to the abilities and competencies of the learners
• Employ effective teaching strategies and methods
to ensure knowledge acquisition among learners
• Evaluate the learners' academic performance
using standardized tools Administer learners'
assessment to measure their learning
• Utilize innovative devices that will allow learners
to be flexible and adaptive to new trends in the
teaching and learning process

4. Learners
• Display academic integrity and honesty
• Attend and partake in classes, labs, and seminars prepared and on time
• Accomplish the assigned work in a timely manner with attention to quality of work
• Talk in a cautious and respectful manner with professors, peers, and other members of the
college community
• Perform in a courteous manner that respects the college learning/social environment and
comply with policies being implemented as the learning rules
• Utilize resources wisely
• Show respect to diverse ideas and opinions
• Determine, create, and implement a plan to achieve educational goals

Conduct an interview with a co-learner about performing his or her role in the learning process.

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Among the given roles of the key players in education, what do you think is the most pertinent
role that the key player should possess? Why?
Curriculum Specialist:______________________________________________________
School Administrators: _____________________________________________________
Teachers: _________________________________________________________________
Learners: _________________________________________________________________

1.1.6. Selection and Preparation of Methods, Media, and Materials

In this lesson, you will be able to:

• Describe the relevance of ASSURE model in teaching education technology;
• State the importance of selecting the appropriate method to have an effective teaching
and learning process;
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used by the teachers; and
• Discuss the elements to be considered in creating own materials.

The ASSURE model was developed by Heinrich and Molenda in 1999. It is a well-known
instructional design guide using constructivist perspective which integrates multimedia and
technology to enhance the learning environment (Patrick Lefebvre 2006).

"Careful planning will increase the

effectiveness of instruction" (Daniel Callison

Techniques are very important in order to

make the teaching process effective. A teacher
must educate himself or herself on the different
teaching models to improve his or her teaching
techniques. It is necessary that he or she follows
recognized models which may help to enhance
his or her teaching techniques. Effective
teaching leads to effective learning and
attainment of the desired objectives. In this era
of technology, integrating technology can be
considered as one technique in improving
teaching and learning processes in education.

The aforementioned model was

intentionally developed to assist teachers utilizing technology and media in the implementation
of the instruction in the classroom.

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The ASSURE model gives emphasis on the effective use of educational technology in
instruction. With the great value of using technology, this model can be used to support online
course enhancement which has a demand of integrating technology, naturally in the lesson.
Through integrating a variety of assessment and content delivery methods by using technology
and media, an online training project allows learners to interact and have connection.
The ASSURE model was developed by
Heinrich and Molenda in 1999 that aims to
guide teachers in developing lesson plans
with the integration of technology and media
(Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell 2008). It is a
model focused on the learner and the entire
outcome of accomplishing learning
objectives. The odd feature of this ASSURE
model is it focuses on "planning and
conducting instruction that incorporates
media" (Heinich, Molenda, and Russel 1993).
It seeks ways on how to integrate media into
instruction in a way that will help to produce
the desired learning outcomes.

This model is used from a constructivism

perspective that made it a well-known instructional
design. Also, the model was modified to be used by the
teachers in the classroom (Smaldino, Lowther, and
Russell 2008) and it is an enriched evolution of the
ADDIE general model. While ADDIE has five steps,
ASSURE has six steps.

Most of the teachers prefer the ASSURE model and its design of instruction and for each
individual learner it can only be used for a few hours. This model is very helpful to inexperienced
teachers to decide on content, appropriate teaching strategies, and delivery of medium because
it provides a general roadmap to follow and enables them to think more like expert teachers.

The Six Steps in the ASSURE Model

There are six steps in this model. These are: analyze learners; state objectives; select media;
utilize media materials; require learners' participation; and evaluate and revise.

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Analyze Learners
The first step in this process requires the teacher to analyze the characteristics of the learners.
Focusing on the attributes of the learner can be associated with the desired learning outcomes.
Those collected information are necessary in making decisions on what kind of strategies and
resources that the teacher will consider in making a plan for the learning process. Such analysis
should include the learners' general attributes, like their gender, age, academic abilities, interests,
and others; and previous competencies and their learning styles if it is auditory, visual, or tactile.
Statement of the Objectives
Stating the objectives and standard for the learning module should be done after the analysis of
the learner's characteristics. The said statement must consist of specific learning outcomes of the
instruction which the learners are expected to manifest and to perform. Learning objectives can
be used in assessing the achievements of the learners and informing learners what they should
accomplish throughout the process.
It is necessary that in stating the learning objectives, it should be emphasized to use the verb.
Bloom's taxonomy can be a useful guide with the appropriate verbs to be used in stating the
learning objectives. It must be remembered that assessment can only be based on the behavior of
the learners.
Selection of Media
After knowing the learning objectives, it is important to pick instructional strategies,
technology, and media that will bring about the result that the teacher wants, though learning
becomes more exciting when there is more class participation. Thus, it is the learners who must
gain mastery over the materials. If media is relevant and the content of materials, such as sound,
graphics, text animation, and videos, are selected carefully, learning will be at its best. Best
learning can be obtained if the teacher leads the learners into discovering the solution to the
Utilize Methods, Media, and Materials
This step deals with making plans on how the teacher will utilize the technology, media, and
materials that have been selected with all the instructional steps. This stage is where teachers
develop their plan for the implementation of instruction and utilizing media and materials. The
teachers choose and describe how they will implement the media into the lesson that will meet
the learning goals. The chosen media should be appropriate with the method. Both the teacher
and the learners should be ready for the learning experience.
Require Learning Performance
At this step, it requires to have a plan on how to keep the learners engaged in the material that
you are teaching and the need to be met both for class and individual level. The teacher must
require the learners to participate in class discussion and to allow other strategies to emerge as
the discussion is on-going.

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Evaluate and Revise

The final stage allows the teacher to evaluate the impact of the teaching-learning process to
the learners. This also includes evaluation on the learning objectives, strategies and technology,
media and materials used by the teacher, and the weaknesses and strengths of the presentation.

What do you think is the most important step in the ASSURE model? Justify your answer.

In order to be an effective teacher, he or she must be able to know how to select and
prepare methods and use a variety of
instructional media and materials.

Selections and preparation of

methods, media, and materials enhance
the quality of their lessons and make an
impact to the quality of teaching and
learning process. This also contributes
to having a successful presentation of
the lessons, encouraging learners to
actively participate in the discussion or
in the learning process. Proper selection
of methods, media, and materials are
vital because they help to increase
learner achievements and provide opportunities for the learners to explore the knowledge
Nevertheless, teachers must be informed of the appropriate ways in selecting methods,
techniques with regard to preparation of materials, such as modifying the available materials or
designing their own materials that will suit to meet the needs of the learners.
In utilizing media and technology in a systematic way, it certainly requires method,
media, and materials. The selection process has three steps:
(a) choosing the suitable methods for the given learning tasks;
(b) selecting a media format that is appropriate for carrying out the method; and
(c) deciding, modifying, or designing a particular material within that media format.

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During the process, the school media specialist or technology personnel's assistance can
be asked in eliciting ideas and help on what specific method, media, and material is available.

The Selection and Preparation of Methods, Media, and Materials for Teaching
Choosing a Method
In presenting the lesson, it would be prudent and practical to consider two or more
methods that would meet the needs of all the learners. For example, the teacher might facilitate
one simulation activity to catch the learners' attention and arouse their interest before the start of
the lesson and then use another activity to present new information. More so, the teacher can
provide different activities to allow learners with different learning styles to pursue their
individual learning at home. Considering various activities will enable the learners to grasp the
concept based on their capabilities and learning preference.

Choosing Media Format

A media format is a physical form in which a message is incorporated and displayed.
This includes flip arts, slides, audio, video, and computer multimedia. All of these have
strengths and weaknesses in terms of types of messages that can be displayed and recorded.
Selecting media format is a quite complex task for media and technology available has a wide
array, there are various learners and numerous objectives to be followed. Though different
formulas were proposed to simplify the tasks, media selection models usually take the form
of the checklist. It is necessary for the instructor to learn the approach in selecting appropriate
media formats.
Teachers must be aware of the options in terms of setting where the learner
characteristics are critical and the objectives are the most important in balancing simplicity
and comprehensiveness in any media format that the teacher decided to employ.

Obtaining Specific Materials

Obtaining appropriate materials constitute: (1) choosing the available materials, (2)
altering existing materials, and (3) creating new materials. In case that materials are already
available that will meet the desired learning objectives, this will surely save time, effort, and
resources of the teachers. However, when the materials are not capable of meeting the
objectives or are not suitable to the learning process, the final alternative is to alter or to even
create a tailored material in order to meet the set learning objectives.

Selecting Appropriate Materials

Most of the instructional materials used by teachers are "off the shelf," this means that
they are ready-made and available and accessible from school. However, there are times that
the appropriate materials needed to execute the presentation of the lesson happen not to be
found or the teachers themselves cannot even decide what kind of materials to be used, the
media technology can be of help in suggesting the most suitable materials for the lesson.

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Hence, collaboration with the media technology is important because he or she has
connections or he or she participates in training where he or she can secure the needed
materials and make it available to your school. In addition, there are criteria in selecting
instructional materials.
The decision to whether or not use the instructional materials depends on several
factors. Research confirmed that setting criteria in appraising materials is essential to make
the teaching and learning process more effective (McAlphine and Weston 1994).

Ø Is it suitable to the curriculum?

Ø Does it show accuracy?
Ø Is it clear and precise?
Ø Does it sustain interest?
Ø Does it encourage learner engagement to learning?
Ø Does it promote technical quality?
Ø Does it provide proof of effectiveness?

Selection criteria may vary with different media formats. Though, rubrics can be
considered to provide a systematic procedure for judging the qualities of specific materials, but
such selection depends on instructional setting. Thus, it is suggested that every instructor must
develop or design a file of media references and appraisal for personal use.

Modifying Existing Materials

If in case, the instructor cannot find the appropriate materials and media for his or her
presentations, modifications can be made. Though it could be challenging, it may enhance the
creativity of the modifier. In the aspect of cost and time, it is more advisable to design own
materials. Languages, visuals, and audio can be modified depending on the structure that the
instructor thinks to make it more suitable and tailored to the set learning objectives.
Designing New Materials
Using available materials with or without modification is easier and less costly than to
start from scratch. However, there may be times when your only recourse is to design your own
materials. There is a need to consider certain elements when designing new materials.
Objectives: What do you want your learners to learn?
Audience: What characteristics do your learners possess? Do they acquire the
necessary prerequisite knowledge and skills to use and learn from the materials?
Cost: Is there adequate resources available to meet the cost of supplies?
Technical Expertise: Do you have the necessary expertise to design and produce the
kind of materials you wish to use?

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Conduct an interview with your five teachers and find out what they consider in selecting methods
for teaching.
Teacher #1 _________________________________________________________________
Teacher #2 _________________________________________________________________
Teacher #3 _________________________________________________________________
Teacher #4 _________________________________________________________________
Teacher #5 _________________________________________________________________

1.1.7. Utilizations of Media and Materials

In this lesson, you will be able to:
• Determine the ways in utilizing the media and materials;
• Explain the need to preview the materials before the presentation;
• Enumerate the sequence in preparing the materials; and
• Give ways on how to prepare the environment in order to use media and materials

Educators have been using media to enhance learning, whether inside the classrooms or
out- of-class assignments. Blogs, posting, articles, television clips, short films, and others can be
viewed to reinforce ideas and initiate arguments. Music videos, songs, or online storytelling can
be used by teachers as well, having the same effects.
According to Salomon (1979), people learn abstract and novel concepts easier when they
are represented in both verbal and visual form. Other pertinent researchers claim that visual
media make concepts more understandable and retainable to a person rather than text media.
Bransford, Browing, and Cocking (1999, p. 94) also noted that the crucial role of technology
is to create a learning environment that extends one-way communication media, such as
television shows, movies, documentaries, and music into areas that require interactive learning,
such as learner-created content and visualization.

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Advantages of Using Media

Ø Many media sources are capable of presenting the complexity of the issue or
concepts in a short period of time which allows the learner to develop
quantitative reasoning.
Ø Cognitive and affective experiences can be provided by the media. It can
ignite discussion, an evaluation of one's value, and assessment of self with
scenes that have strong emotional impact on the viewers.
Ø Update media allows to connect the learners with particular events that are
pertinent to their culture.
Ø News stories can be utilized to connect the real world with the theories being
taught in the school.
Ø Through analyzing the theories and concepts they learnt, learners can hone
their analytical skills.
Ø The learners see the concepts and new examples when they are watching
television or movies or listening to music and are able to experience the
world beyond their own, particularly if the media being used are different
from their local environment.
Ø Films, music, and other popular media are familiar mediums to learners that
help gain attention and allow them to see the theories and concepts in action.
Meaning, the theories and concepts leap from the screen.
In addition to numerous advantages, there are also a number of cautions that faculty
members should keep in mind in utilizing media. Using media requires a complete understanding
of copyright law, an appreciation of the workload involved, and some skill in recognizing content
that will enhance learning, instead of becoming a distraction.

THINK: Utilizing Media and Materials

Preview the Materials
An effective and cautious teacher should preview the materials before utilizing it. In the
process of selecting, the teacher can immediately determine if the materials are appropriate for
the learners and the learning objectives.
However, the teacher should take time to preview the materials first. Only through a
profound understanding of the contents will enable the teacher to use the media and materials
to their full potential and to prevent from presenting sensitive, violent, or unsuitable pictures,
video clips, and language that are included in the materials. The teacher unintentionally
presented the inappropriate materials because he or she failed to preview it.

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Prepare the Materials

The teacher needs to prepare the media and materials to support the instructional
activities he or she plans to use. The primary step in preparing the materials needed by the
teachers and the learners in executing the activities is to gather all the materials and equipment.
Next is to determine in what sequence the teacher will be using the media and materials. The
teacher may create a list of the materials necessary for each lesson and an outline of the
presentation sequence of the activities. It is also suggested that the teacher may have a practice
of using the materials, media, and equipment before presenting the lesson. The role of the teacher
aside from being the facilitator is to anticipate what materials the learners will need and be
prepared to secure any additional materials as the need emerges.
Prepare the Environment
Wherever the learning is to take place, whether inside the classroom, at the auditorium,
laboratory, or in the gymnasium, facilities should be prepared and be arranged for the proper *
use of media and materials. Unconsciously, this is one of the aspects that is usually neglected or
taken for granted in the preparation of the utilization of media and materials-the environment.
Any instructional situation requires to make it fit to learning, such as provision of portable
seating, adequate ventilation, climate control, and suitable lightning. Some media require dark
rooms, useful power source, and accessibility to the light and switches. Thus, the teacher must
arrange the facilities in a way that the learners can hear, see, and feel comfortable.
Prepare the Learners
It was clearly stated in research that what was learned from the activity depends on how
the learners were prepared for the lesson. Preparing learners is essential to make the learning
acquisition more efficient.
There are proper ways on how to prepare learners for the lesson, such as:
Ø allowing the learners to have an overview of the content of the lesson;
Ø providing a rationale stating the relevance of the topic being studied;
Ø creating a motivating statement that will enable them to understand the benefit of studying
the lesson; and
Ø giving cues to direct the attentions to specific aspects of the lesson.
Provide the Learning Experience
Regardless if the materials are teacher-based or learner-centered, it should be presented
professionally. A term "showmanship" can be used for this. Teachers must perform like an actor
in order to control and direct the learners' attention. If the experience is learner-centered, the
teacher must play the role of a facilitator or guide who would help the learners to explore the
topic on the Internet, discuss the content, and present the information to their classmates.

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1.1.8. Assessment of Learners, Methods, and Media

In this lesson, you will be able to:

• Discuss the importance of assessing the learners, methods, and media;
• Rate the quality of the media being utilized by the teacher; and
• Formulate a tool to assess the media utilized by the instructor.

Learners' assessment is a critical part of the teaching and learning process. It is

necessary for the instructor to evaluate learners' learning strategically in order to measure the
effectiveness of the teacher's approaches and to validate the acquisition of knowledge by the
According to Stassen (2001), assessment is the systematic collection and analysis of
information to improve student learning. Learner assessment allows the instructors to measure
the effectiveness of their teaching. This is done through linking learners' performance to
particular learning objectives. Hence, learner assessment provides substantial feedback not only
to the instructor, but also to the learners with regard to the extent of the learners' successfully
meeting the learning objectives.

THINK: Importance of Assessment

In the book Understanding by Design, Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe give emphasis on
the critical role of assessment. They urged that assessment enables the instructor to determine
the understanding of and proficiency in the learning object through using metrics of
measurement which is the tool to be used to administer assessment. They claim that assessment
provides documents that serve as pieces of evidence and these articulate the meaningful
learning that has occurred in the classroom.
Nevertheless, assessment is so important for education professionals specifically in
dealing with their pedagogical designs and perspectives which will encourage teachers and
curriculum experts to see themselves as assessors before creating particular units and lessons
and, thus, to consider up front how they will determine if the learners have attained the desired
understandings (Wiggins and McTighe 2005, p. 18).
In addition, learners' assessment also supports reflective teaching. In the book, Becoming
a Critically Reflective Teacher, it states that critical reflection on one's teaching is a vital part of
developing as an educator and improving the learning experience of learners. Learner
assessment also supports critical reflective teaching. Stephen Brookfield, in his book Becoming a
Critically Reflective Teacher, states that learner assessment enables teachers to measure the
effectiveness of their teaching, but is also useful in developing the rationale for pedagogical
choices in the classroom.

Assessment for learning is the process of looking and understanding evidence to be used
for process. It is a critical piece of a learning process. It may affect numerous facets of education

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which the learners so their teachers can come up with the assumption if there is learning
occurring in the includes learners' grades, instructional needs, school funding, and even the
When learners see how they perform
in class, they are able to identify if they
understood the next assessment or to
continue studying hard to maintain their
standing in the class. Assessment grasped the
materials. Assessment also motivates learners
to work harder to get a better grade in does
not only help learners, it also helps teachers.
Regular assessment allows the teacher to see
if their teaching has been effective.
Assessment enables the teachers to ensure
learners learn what they are supposed to
know in order to meet the learning objectives.
What are the different forms of assessment?
All assessment methods have different purposes that are administered before, during, and
after the instruction. There are assessments that provide results from specific evaluation of
students to serve as a basis for learners' achievements and others provide results to evaluate
where are the learners in the learning process which is essential in order to know ways on how
to achieve the learning goals. Regardless of the particular purpose, assessment is vital to
determine the learning occurred on the learners and results may serve as references to improve
the educational system being implemented, whether inside the classroom or in a certain locality.
A. Pre-Assessment or Diagnostic Assessment
It is being administered before creating the instruction. It is important to know what kind
of learner the teacher will be dealing with so that the kind of instruction to be created will be
tailored according to their capabilities and learning styles based on the gathered data. The goal
here is to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the learners.
B. Formative Assessment
It is used in the first try of developing instruction. This aims to monitor learners learning
to instruction to identify what to focus on to enhance the instruction. provide feedback and helps
in determining the gaps in the instruction. Feedback will enable the instruction to identify what
to focus on to enhance the instruction.
C. Summative Assessment
This assessment is aimed at assessing the outcomes at the end of the teaching and learning
process. The focus of this assessment is the effectiveness of learning, reactions on the instruction,
and the benefits on a long-term basis. These long-term benefits can be determined through

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having follow-ups with the learners who attended the course or lesson. For the instructor will be
able to know whether and how they used the learnt language, skills, and attitude.
D. Confirmative Assessment
After which the instruction has been implemented in the classroom, it is still important to
have an assessment. The aim of this assessment is to know if it is still successful after a year.
E. Norm-Referred Assessment
This assessment aims to compare the learner's performance against an average norm, such
as comparing the average grade of the learners against the average grade of the whole school.
F. Criterion-Referenced Assessment
This is a measure used for learner's performances against a fixed set of predetermined
standards. It aims to check what learners are expected to learn and perform at the particular stage
of their education. Criterion-referenced tests are used to assess a definite body of knowledge or
set of skills and to evaluate the curriculum being taught in a course.
G. Ipsative Assessment
It measures the performance of a learner against previous performance from that learner.
Through this method, the instructor can enhance his or her ability in designing instructions.

Assessing Media
It is necessary to assess media in order to have success in teaching because it encourages
the instructor to be a reflective practitioner (Schon 1983) and to actively reflect on what media
and materials are needed to be an effective instructor. We use media in presenting the lessons so
that we can respond to the needs and wants of our learners and to maintain our learner's
motivation and interest (Norton 2011).
Why do we need to assess the media?
1. It helps instructors to examine whether the media will fit the prescribed course.
2. It allows instructors to determine the extent to which media will permit learners to achieve
more learning objectives.
3. It aids instructors to identify whether the media to be used are suitable for a course or lesson.
4. It enables instructors to identify the famous and successful features of existing media that
might help him or her and others to produce better materials.
5. It assists instructors to select appropriate media that better suit the needs of the learners and
the needs of teaching.
6. It helps instructors to determine if the media to be used will foster desirable behavior and
establish cultural identity among learners as prescribed by the curriculum.

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Assessing Methods of Instruction

Assessing teaching methods will give teachers better feedback about how to improve the
instructor's methodology of teaching. More so, learners will appreciate the effort that the
instructors took to include their ideas in the teaching process and to individualized classroom
approach to a group of learners.
In preparing the teaching instruction, it is necessary for the instructors to evaluate the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that he or she wants to impart to his or her learners as he or she
develops the lessons. In the process of learning, the instructor should take a while to check if the
particular method in imparting knowledge is effective.
How to assess the teaching method?
A. Make a reflection. Jotting down some notes after class about what things need to be
improved and what worked well is one way of assessing the methods of the instructors in

B. Collect feedback from the administrators. The regular observation conducted by the
school administrators can be a great source of assessing the instructor's methods and
strategies that he or she employed in the presentation of the lessons. Conferences which
serve as a venue in having thorough discussion on the employment of method can be of
help in determining the strengths and weaknesses of the method. In addition, school
authorities who have expertise and substantial experiences may recommend better
methods to be used in the next instructions.

C. Solicit suggestion from colleagues. There are colleagues of the instructor that may assist
him or her in assessing the methods that he preferred in presenting the lessons.
Collaborations and soliciting opinions and suggestions may contribute to the collections of
the methods which may be appropriate to a group of learners and to their learning styles.
Through application of various methods to instructions, the learners will benefit from it and
be encouraged to engage in learning, sustain interests, and motivate themselves to achieve
a high standard of academic performance.

D. Elicit feedback from learners. Learners are the beneficiaries of all the effort and efficiency
of the teachers. They are the ones who can evaluate how effective are the methods used by
the instructors through their evaluations of their performance. Hence, the learners must be
the source of the feedback with regard to the effectiveness of the methods employed by the
instructors. Through validated questionnaires, the learners can fill in their responses and
be given the chance to give constructive criticisms and other concerns that aim to improve
the methods employed by the instructor.

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UNIT 2: Instructional Approaches

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes

• Discuss the different kinds of presentation, instructional games, cooperative
learning, and simulations.
• Justify the importance of designing a quality presentation, game-based learning, and
cooperative leaning strategies.
• Evaluate presentation, games, cooperative learning, and simulations as effective tools
in teaching.
• Develop a project/problem-based/inquiry-based collaborative plans that is ICT

2.1 Introduction

It is important for the teacher to look for the latest technology that can improve learning
inside the classroom. To accomplish the goal in improving the teaching and learning process,
instructors must be aware of the characteristics of all the latest technology for them to decide
which hardware and software will be used in presenting the lesson that could be beneficial to
their learners.
More so, to provide the best teaching and learning experience in the classroom, both the
teacher and the learners should actively use the presentation to encourage the learners'
engagement to jot notes and ask questions. It is also imperative that teachers and learners
embrace the changes and innovation in the teaching methodology of the teachers in presenting
the lessons. Modern technologies can be integrated in order to make the presentation more
creative and innovative.
Technology gives teachers an option to accept modifications, take advantage of its
benefits, to explore, and not to stick to what is already known.

2.1.1. Presentation

One of the most important tools in the teaching

and learning process or even in lectures and
meetings is the presentation.

Presentation tools, such as digital slides or visuals, allow the audience to keep track of the
discussion. Both the teacher and the learners can be guided in the lesson and this enables the
learners to understand more the topics as they see the examples visually which helps in the
retention of important points in the presentations.

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Engagement in modernized teaching through advanced technology became the way

for educators to embrace improvements in traditional teaching and ignite their interest to try
new more methods of enhancing instruction in order to impart knowledge and it aids in the
development of concepts among learners.

Standard classroom lectures that use tried-tested presentation tools such as a slide
presentation and other blackboard or whiteboard methods can be improved to become more
interesting and effective but not expensive and require a short time of presenting lessons.
Blended education that involves integration of traditional and modern methods of teaching
enhances efficiency in the classroom.

Learners have different learning styles; blended learning that engages in utilizing
innovative and highly informative presentation could be of help in order to meet their needs.

One of the presentations commonly used by teachers are slide presentations.

Slide presentation
software are powerful tools and
easy programs in giving a
presentation, especially a
presentation utilized in a
teaching and learning process.
These enable the teacher to
perform a variety of
manipulations, such as selecting
the font and the font size. These
also allow the teacher to edit the text and add new slides, add pictures, videos, and put
animation on slides. Thus, slide presentations help learners' learning motivation, increase
authentic material to study, encourage interaction between the teacher and the learner, and
help sustain the interest of the learners until the end of the presentation.

However, there are several risks in using

slide presentation software, such as the component
system sometimes does not work, which results in
failure to project. Files can be corrupted or even
damaged magnetically or physically.

In some cases, incompatibility of media used

can be the cause of the failure to present. It is also
suggested that the teacher should be oriented on how

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to make a good slide presentation in order to capture learners' attention and interest. Slide
presentation software have been the choice of the teachers as a tool in presenting lessons.

But there are other options and tools that have better features when creating
presentations. These are all commercially available and all have unique features than others.
of No matter how innovative and efficient the chosen presentation is, still a presentation
could not be considered effective if the discussant himself or herself does not possess the
qualities being a good presider.

As a teacher who always presents

the lessons to the learners should possess
excellent communication skills and
therefore improve his or her presentation
One of the most important aspects
of communicating is to shape both
content and the style to fit the audience.
It is important for the teacher to
communicate comprehensively and
interestingly to the learners, otherwise
learning will be greatly reduced.

Why is it important for the teacher to design quality presentation? Why do you think it is
necessary for the teacher to have excellent communication skills in presenting the lesson?

CHALLENGE: Create your presentation with your chosen tool and topic. Be able to present
it following the guidelines for effective presentation.

Name of the Discussant:


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2.1.2. Games and Instructional Games

Game-based learning is one of the

techniques educators use to engage their
learners and to appeal to diverse learning
According to an article in 2014
entitled Learning Media and Technology, it
is also used by educators to help learners
recall the lesson easier by stimulating an
increase in the midbrain dopamine. In choosing which game would be most appropriate to
use, determine first the purpose of the game so that the options would be narrowed down.
To assure its effectiveness, the educators could play the game themselves. It is also important
to take note that the game must be engaging and the educators must assess the progress
whilst in-game play.

Game-Based Learning
Game-based learning (GBL) is
created in order to balance a lesson or
subject matter with a game play that aims
to enhance the player's ability to retain
and apply the aforementioned lesson to
the real world.
Hence, game-based learning is a
game utilized by the children during the
instruction to define learning outcomes.
In game-based learning, learners are
allowed to explore pertinent aspects of
games in a context designed by the
teacher for the learning process. Collaboration between the teacher and the learners should
be displayed which will enable them to add depth and perspective to the experience of
playing the game. Game, as one of the activities that catches the interest of the learners, is
being utilized in developing concepts and to go beneath the surface of the context of the
Through this approach, the entire class together with the teacher, work toward the
attainment of the learning goal, experiencing fun and at the same time keeping them highly
engaged in the learning process.

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Thus, effective application of the lesson can be drawn and can be easily transferred
from the simulated environment to real life. Game-based learning is associated with
"gamification." It is a different breed of learning experience. It has the potential to turn a
routine or ordinary task into a refreshing, motivating experience.
Through a game-based learning system, learning can be fun.
This could be well used to understand how games keep children's interest and
attention and how games can be used to educate them. However, educators must design
instruction where game-based learning that will be taken seriously by the learners,
policymakers, and parents should come up with a game-based learning system that will
allow the kids to learn while enjoying their games. This could be an advantage with the video
games industry to develop educationally engaging games.

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Four Steps in Implementing Game-Based Learning in Classroom

It is a struggle of many teachers to incorporate games smoothly into lessons due to
several issues, yet teachers consider game-based learning (GBL) as a tool to engage learners
and appeal to a diverse learning style.

According to a 2014 article in the journal of Learning Media and Technology, research
has shown the advantages of video games to stimulate and to increase in midbrain
dopamine to help store and retain information. Thus, it is recommended for the school
administrators and teachers to introduce a game though adaptation and reaping the benefits
might be slow.

These are the four steps in integrating game-based learning:

1. Determine the purpose of game-based learning.
a. Intervention: There are times when learners find it hard to demonstrate
understanding the material, considering games may address the learner's trouble
spots. The game to be chosen should be capable of delivering the content that can,
adjust itself to the player's knowledge and learning style. Through this, the learner
may gain better understanding of difficult material.

b. Enrichment: In order for the learner to master the material, consider a game that
will present the content through different media. This may encourage the learners
to challenge themselves to explore new ways to process the content.

c. Reinforcement: The entire class may play to reinforce curriculum content instead
of using games to teach and engage individual learners. This can also make a group
activity for game-based learning for some games with multiplayer features and
learners may compete against each other to earn their scores.

2. Play the game, making sure it is aligned with learning goals.

Playing the game will help the teacher determine if it is aligned with the learning goals
that he or she set. After finding the appropriate game, the teacher may consider the following:

a. Teacher Control: Most educational games offer teachers the ability to control
content and to adjust settings for individual learners.
b. Intuitiveness: It is encouraged for the learners to challenge themselves through
processing and demonstrating knowledge of the content and discourages them to
focus on how the game works.
c. Engagement: Depending on how the content is presented, the teacher may
determine if the learners enjoy the game. If the game is engaging, they want to play
more and as a result, they learn.

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d. Content Types: In order to accommodate diverse learning styles, the game should
offer different types of content. Some educational math video games may present
graphs, numbers, and word problems.
e. Content Levels: In addressing diverse trouble spots and aptitudes, the game
should utilize differentiated instruction principles so that it can adapt with the
content to each player. Though, the teacher should pay attention if the game will
properly support the learning goals.

3. Ensure it meets expectations from parents.

Parents must also be acknowledged in the content of implementing game-based
learning. According to the National Committee for Citizens in Education, parents'
participation is a predictor of the success of the learners. It cannot be denied that the family
contributes to the learner's achievements. When the school considers the engagement of the
parents, there will be a possibility of significant effects to the achievements of the learners
because they perform better and stay longer in school. Providing clear communication will
result in smooth implementations of game-based learning systems because all concerns
pertaining to the integration of the system can be properly addressed and discussed.

4. Assess progress throughout the play, informing instruction.

Collecting data from the games the teacher implemented can help him or her to
uncover the trouble spots and aptitudes of the learners and help him or her to shape in-class

Examples of Game-Based Learning Options for

Your Classroom

1. Video Games
There are many video games which offer
comprehensive game-based learning experiences.
This allows devices to become more readily
accessible to the teacher in order to design an instruction.

2. Adaptations of Common Games

Teachers can create games through adaptation of other common games. This will allow the
learners to engage in learning activities without completely depending on the computers and
other digital devices.

3. Original Games
Creating games is not only limited to adopted games or well-known games. Teachers are free
to create their own games based on the learning goals that they set and to the materials that
are available.

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4. Other Examples of Game-Based Learning

There is a great growth of games in the market. Games are not only being used for
entertainment alone, but also as an effective tool used for educational purposes. There are
statistics which proves that people enjoy playing games, the fun and excitement of winning
challenges and tasks and others are the key elements in a game that hook learners to engage
in games.

Advantages of Game-Based Learning

Ø Games may help learners to engage in their classroom more while making an
environment of learning with experience.
Ø Games are enjoyable and can encourage the learner to sustain their interest in learning
while playing.
Ø Games allow the learners to understand the lesson better.
Ø Games may improve critical thinking skills as well as reading comprehension.
Ø Games can be a source of stress relief for some people.

Disadvantages of Game-Based Learning

Ø If games are not designed correctly, it could be a disadvantage to the learner's thinking.
Ø Games may distract the learners and can be a waste of time.
Ø The gap between the teacher and the learners in technology perspective may create a
barrier in the implementation of the instruction.
Ø Games could lead to learner addiction, thus, causing physical/psychological

Why do you think there is a need to integrate game-based learning in the implementation of
the instruction?

Instructional Games

Teachers utilize a variety of strategies in order to make the teaching and learning process
more enticing and interesting to children, making them more engaged and motivated to learn.
Pictures, stories, videos, and presentations are visual stimuli that arouse curiosity and capture
their attention. However, sometimes, physical involvement is important to keep learners
participating in the learning process.

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Instructional games enable learners

to ignite enthusiasm and willingness to
learn while enjoying the activities. Learners
learn more when they are active and
involved in the activity. They are willing to
invest considerable time and effort playing
the game.
In view of diverse learning styles and
preferences, the game seemingly caters to
individual needs inside the classroom.
If instructional games are appropriately created, they may become excellent and essential part of
the learning techniques. Hence, teachers must be creative, resourceful, and innovative to introduce
a variety of instructional games, they are more likely to meet the needs of all the different types
of learners. Relevant classroom activities like instructional games help learners to understand the
concepts and be eager to complete the assigned tasks. More so, these enable learners to achieve
the learning goal set at the beginning of the lesson.

Instructional game is a learning activity that motivates

learners to acquire learning, master skills, develop fluency,
and provide opportunities for them to respond to a specific
learning task in a game format.

It can be performed individually, in small groups, or by the entire class. Instructional

games are capable of combining educational skills with competitions and receiving points which
help learners to learn but at the same time enjoy the process of learning.
Instructional games, through competitions, can add the
competitive element to the classroom. These allow the
learners to engage in the content of the lesson through enticing
and exciting activities designed by the teacher.

Studies have shown that retention rate has increased using instructional games rather than
traditional classroom instruction. On the other hand, since games add the competitive element
to the classroom, there are some learners who are not motivated by competitions and this might
turn off the activity and become not a good venue to dwell with the content.
In addition, the learner may focus more on the fun aspect than the actual learning.
Learners may pay more attention to winning rather than the opportunity to acquire knowledge.

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Learning becomes more exciting for learners if interactive activities are being employed
by the teacher in the learning process. Incorporating fun and enjoyable games can motivate
learners and encourage them to draw on their creativity and imagination.
Here are some of the instructional games to let learners get out of their seats and participate in
the lesson:
1. Charades
Choose a learner and allow him or her to stand at the front of the
room and act out a word from the teacher's list (speaking is not
allowed). The whole class, except the one standing, will guess
what the learner is portraying. Other learners can shout out their
guesses or raise their hands to articulate their guess. Who guesses
the correct answer can act out the next word.

2. Hangman
Group the class into two then select a learner to stand in front of the
class and allow him or her to think of a word related to the lesson (or
the teacher can give appropriate word). The learner should draw
spaces on the board to represent each letter in the word. The rest of the
class will guess the word, one word at a time, allowing one member of
the group to guess alternately. Incorrect guesses result in the hangman
being drawn (one line at a time). The words wins, unless the hangman is complete. Then, the
game repeats who guess group with another member of the group thinking of the relevant word.

3. Scatter-gories
Divide the class into small groups and ask them to jot
down the categories on their pieces of paper. Select a letter
from A-Z at random and provide the learners one or two
minutes (depending on how many categories) to think of a
word for each category that starts with the letter. After the
time limit, give points to unique answers. In case two
groups or more give the same answer, then no one will get
the point. Repeat the game with different letters.
In case the class only has a small number of learners, then
they could fill in categories individually, rather than working in groups.
Example: Letter M Topic: Earth and Space
Weather: Mist Rocks: Metamorphic
Landforms: Mountain
Solar System: Mars

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4. Bingo
Allow the learners to draw a six by six grid on their whiteboards
then choose six words or images from the given list to write or
draw in the grid. The teacher must describe the word and the
learners must guess the word in order to cross it off on the grid
if the word is present in the grid. The teacher may continue to
describe words until any of the learners successfully complete
their grid and shout "BINGO." The learners can also insert their
own subject-related words into the bingo grid, but this will make
the bingo game more challenging because of the extensive word

5. Puzzles
Divide the class into groups and give the puzzle for learners to
piece together. Puzzles could be pictures, a concept, or a word.

6. Draw swords
Divide the class into small groups and select a learner from
each group to start. The designated learner places the
dictionary or textbook under their arm. When the teacher
says the word, the learners must look at the word from
their book under their arm in race. The first learner who
finds the word is the winner. The game continues with
different words/images until every learner has a turn. It
can also be a contest for the whole class if all the learners
have their book or dictionary of their own.

7. Hot potato
Group the class into small groups and hand out soft
toys or an object to each group. The person with the
object or toy in each group will start. The teacher will
name a title or a theme and it is then a race against time
for the learner who was able to give five correct
responses, before the toy has been passed around
everyone in their small group and returned to them. If
the class is small, they can play in one large group.

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8. Pictionary
Learners may work in small groups. The teacher will
choose one learner to start. These chosen learners must
draw the subject-related concept that the teacher states
within a given time of two minutes. The rest of the
group must then guess what he or she is drawing. The
first group who guesses the word wins. The game
repeats until every learner has had a turn and there are
no more words on the teacher's list.

9. Thumbs up, thumbs down

There will be three to four learners to be
chosen to stand in front of the room. Then, the
rest of the class then put their heads on the
table and hold their thumbs in the air. The
chosen learners will stand in front of the class
and carefully tiptoe around the classroom
with their heads down and gently pinch one
thumb each. Once these learners have
pinched a thumb, the class raises their heads.
The learners whose thumbs were pinched
will then stand and have to guess who pinched them. If they guess correctly, then they swap with
the learner in front, and the game continues.

Give the benefits and limitations of using instructional games in the classroom.

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2.1.3. Cooperative Learning

It is not familiar with the learners to work together in a small group inside the classroom.
Effective cooperative groups depend on learners who pay regard and respect to each other, listen
to one another, and feel comfortable to share their ideas and feelings.
Instructors can help learners learn the skills of working in a group through short,
structured lessons which aim at promoting turn- taking, involving all learners in the instruction
and clarify their roles, rights, and responsibilities as a member of the group.
Introducing cooperative groups is one way of allowing learners to work as one group and
letting the other learners to watch the group as they engage in a discussion. In using cooperative
learning with learners, it is necessary to establish team rules. These norms will serve as their
guidelines wherein every member of the group agrees to follow them. Rules like treating one
another with respect, value new ideas and suggestions of others, and make decisions as a team
should be observed by the members of the group in doing a collaborative work.
Let it be clear that in cooperative norms, learners work with others to accomplish the tasks
and should not work independently.
In cooperative learning, the group will work
interdependently and enable them to support one another.

Cooperative learning is the process of grouping a class according to clusters in order for
them to learn and acquire new knowledge together and help each other learn. It highlights the
importance of interdependence while also acknowledging own responsibilities and duties to the
group as an individual. Social skills are also honed if cooperative learning approaches are used.
In using this approach, the educator must keep an eye on everyone still because learners have

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the tendency to socialize within their groups rather than doing their assigned task; an assistant
teacher could be of help in this approach.
One of the highlights of cooperative learning would be career and technological
education (CTE). CTE allows the educators to have a broader range of opportunities as compared
to a traditional classroom setting.
Cooperative learning or sometimes called small-group learning is an instructional strategy
employed by instructors wherein small groups of learners collaborate in accomplishing a
common task. The given tasks can be simple or complex that each group member is accountable
for whatever outcome the group has accomplished. Though it can also be possible that members
of the group work together without a given formal role of assignment.

According to David Johnson and Roger Johnson (1999), there are elements of the
cooperative learning strategies that allow small-group learning:

a. Positive Interdependence
This is when the learners adapt the sense of responsibilities and enable them to feel that they
are responsible for their own and the group's effort.

b. Face-to-Face Interaction
Here, the learners support one another and the environment encourages them to have eye to
eye contact while having the discussion.

c. Individual and Group Accountability

Each of the learners is responsible for doing their part and attaining the group's goal is every
one's accountability.

d. Group Behavior
Members of the group acquire direct instruction through interpersonal, social, and
collaborative skills needed to work with others.

e. Group Processing
Cooperative learning tries to change the roles of the teacher and the learners. It is no longer
a sole responsibility of the teacher to facilitate the learning process but it becomes shared
responsibilities by all which involve setting goals, assessing learning, and facilitating
learning. Through this, the learners will have more opportunity to actively participate in their
learning, question and challenge each other, discuss and share their ideas, and be able to
internalize learning.

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Cooperative learning also enables the learners to improve their academic learning and
help them to engage in a substantial dialogue and examine different perspectives. It has been
proven that cooperative learning helps the learners gain self-esteem, motivation, and
However, there are some challenges in using cooperative learning which include
control in learning, resolving conflicts, managing noise level, and assessing learner learning.
More so, the provided structured activities may allow the learners the skills of working
together while structured discussion and reflection can help the group to process learning
and minimize the problems they might encounter.

What is the importance of cooperative learning?

The authors of Classroom Instruction that Work cited that research shows that
organizing learners in Cooperative learning groups can lead to gain as high as 28 percentiles
in measuring the achievements of the learners (Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock 2001). It was
also reported by other researches that cooperation group and individual achievements,
healthier relationships with peers, more metacognition, and affects higher psychological
health and self-esteem (Johnson and Johnson 1989).

Cooperative learning, when implemented well, encourages learner's achievements,

discussions, and active participation, fosters self-confidence, and motivates learners.

Collaborating with others learners may develop skills which are different from the
skills that they may develop in working independently. Using cooperative groups not only
provides opportunities for the learners to develop interpersonal skills, but also provides
genuine learning experiences that will help them be successful in their future careers.

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Cooperative Learning Strategies

1. Numbered Heads Together (NHT)

It is a cooperative learning strategy that promotes
accountability among learners for learning
materials. Each member of the group is given a
number. Questions will be posted by the teacher
and calls a specific number which was assigned to
each member to respond as spokesperson for the
group. This strategy ensures everybody must be
prepared because no one knows who will be called
by the teacher.

2. Think, Pair, Share

It is a cooperative learning technique that
encourages every learner to participate and it is
applicable to all grade levels and class sizes.
Thinking is done with these three steps: Think:
Members of the group think independently and form ideas of their own about the posted
Pair: Learners are grouped into pairs to discuss their ideas. This step enables the learners to speak
out for thoughts and to consider those of others. Share: Paired learners share their ideas with the
larger group or even with the whole class. Presenting ideas to a group with a partner allows the
learners to feel more comfortable.

3. Jigsaw Groups Strategy

It is called "jigsaw" because the members of the class are organized into "jigsaw" groups. After
which, the learners are reorganized into "expert" groups containing one member from each
jigsaw group. The members of the expert group will work together in order to learn the
material or try to solve the problem then go back to their jigsaw group to share whatever they
have learnt. Through this, the work of the expert group will be quickly distributed
throughout the class having one member taking responsibility for sharing a piece of

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2.1.4. Simulations

There are times when learners must be the firsthand participants in a learning experience
where they can apply what they have learned and to keep them actively engaged. Looking and
hearing instructional materials are essential in presenting the lesson, however, making the
learners involved in the significant activities allow them to enhance their critical thinking and
dig deeper into the content. Teacher-designed activities may influence them to be aware of the
relevance of the lesson and develop the sense of responsiveness and social responsibility as a
member of the society. Imitation of real-world processes in a safe environment through activities
is called simulation. This gives learners an experience as close to the "real thing" as possible where
the learners need to reset the scenario and try other alternative strategies and approaches.
Through this, learners may develop experience of specific situations where they can apply their
knowledge and learning. This simulation approach is another strategy that can be employed by
the teacher inside the class that will stimulate interest of the learners to engage in the learning


Simulations are instructional scenarios where the learner acts in

a "world" defined by the teacher, such as controlling the
parameter of the said "world" and using it to attain the set
instructional results.

The learners interact with the representation of a reality and gather meaning from it
through experiences. Hence, simulation is a form of experiential learning. It is a strategy
that fits with the learner-centered principle and constructivist learning and teaching. It may
concern. elements of a game, a role-play, or an activity that acts as a metaphor. The success of a
simulation depends on the inventiveness and commitment of the participants. Simulations foster
among learners the use of critical and evaluative thinking because of its ambiguity. Learners are
encouraged to contemplate on the scenario and its implications. It feels so real and it enables the
learners to be more engaged in interaction. It also helps the learners to grasp and understand the
concepts because of the experiential learning.

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Thus, they go deeply engaging in the activities because of firsthand experience rather than
hearing or seeing it. Moreover, simulation allows the learners to appreciate more deeply in terms
of managing the environment, politics, community, and culture.
Experiences like participating in social relevant activities may develop the sense of
responsiveness and assess inequality among members of the society. Though there are times that
simulation activities reinforce other skills indirectly like participating in debate.

Simulation also has its limitations. One of these is the time and
resources needed in order to develop quality learning
experiences with simulation.

However, simulation as a technique has its limitations. Assessment of learners learning

through simulation is more complex. Experiences using simulation are more realistic than other
techniques which allow the learners to engage and absorb that they forget the educational
purpose of the exercise. It also possesses the element of competition, thus, it is important to
remind the learners that the objective is not to win, but to acquire knowledge and understand
the content.
Usually, simulation is being used as an approach not only for the learners to develop skills
and experiences but also to orient them on safety issues or cost to consider to prevent them from
happening in the real world.
Simulation is a very general and flexible teaching approach that most disciplines are fond
of using, though the manner of how it is implemented greatly varies. The essential key to
simulation approach is not the fixed experience but its dynamics
Changing scenario to more realistic aspect according to the actions of the participants and
their adaptation may influence the changes in the scenario. This allows the simulation
mechanism for learners to attain real-time feedback on their action.
For example, an exercise for software engineering learners could deal with the making of a system
according to a very realistic specification applying some modification and refinements being requested by
the clients during the process.

Through this, real- world environments

would accurately model it where learners will like to
work on. Similar exercises would also work well in
other disciplines like in education.

In order for simulation to be successful, it is

important that the scenario reflects an actual practice
and authentic situation as close as possible.

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Simulation approach often used in "real time" with participants fully immersed in the scenario
for a period of time. Though, it is also possible to slow down or to increase the speed of the
scenario. These could happen in a situation wherein there is a series of decisions to be made,
learners must be given time to contemplate with each decision.
On the other hand, there would be lots of time waiting for the effects of a decision to
appear for a slow process of stimulation. Making adjustments on the timescale of the simulation
allows learners to consider decisions, reflect on their choices, and analyze the results in a greater
detail would be possible in a fast, real-time situation.

What are the technologies to support the approach?

There are different tools and technologies that would suit for simulation exercise.
However, it will strongly depend on the situation or scenario that is being simulated. Since it
aims to model real world as closely as possible, it is essential to have specialist equipment and
spaces available.
Though there are situations which do not require anything rather than the tools and
software that the learners are already using. Screen recording software gives a mechanism to
capture details of the scenario and enables the learners to find an approach for the scenario. Such
recording can be used by the learners as an assessment or as basis for reflection on their particular
approach prior to rerunning the simulated scenario.

Attributes of the Simulation Approach

Ø It can be utilized for acquisition of information, enhancement of new process, and
recognition of alternatives in decision-making.
Ø It fosters cognitive, affective, and interpersonal skills that emphasize response accuracy,
speed, self-pacing, and convergent questioning abilities.
Ø It gives practice and experimentation with skills to be learned.
Ø It makes complex matter in the real world simple and focuses on essential characteristics.
Ø It is enticing, encourages intense effort, and maximizes learning.
Ø It enables learners to develop decision-making skills.
Ø It is capable of creating deep emotional involvement.

Advantages of Simulation as an Approach

Ø Realistic - The primary advantage of simulations is that they allow practice of real-world
skills, under the condition of similar to those in real life.
Ø Safe - Learners can engage in an activity without any risk or harm.
Ø Simplified - The intention of the simulation is to capture the important features of the
situation without dwelling on details that may distract or allow complexity for the
learners' present level of understanding.

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Limitations of Simulations
Ø Time-consuming - Simulations are often used with problem-based learning methods to
allow the learners to get involved in a problematic situation and to find different ways to
solve the problem. Such trial-and-error learning requires more time and more expositive
Ø Oversimplification - It is being argued by the constructivists that learning should take
place in realistic situations considering the complexity of life. Simulation might give false
understanding of real-life situations.

Integration of Simulation Approach

Instructional simulation like role-playing in particular is suited for the following:
Ø Motor skills training including athletic and mechanical skills and complex skills that may
be too hazardous or expensive in real-life setting
Ø Instruction in social interaction and human relations where empathy and other forms of
reactions of people are the major goal
Ø Enhancement of decision-making skills

What is simulation and problem-based learning?

Implementation of problem-based learning methods is one of the specific values of simulations.
In problem-based learning, the leaner is being led toward the understanding of principle through
dealing with the problem situation. Through simulation, learners could be the firsthand
participant to practice their learning in a simulated situation and find the real relationships.

Role Plays
Role play refers to the type of simulation wherein the dominant feature is relatively open- ended
interaction among people. In a role play, someone is asked to be another person and behave the
way the situation demands him or her to behave. The purpose of role play is to allow the person's
own traits to emerge so they can be discussed and possibly modified.

Look for some simulations designed and used by teachers in the implementation of a lesson.

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1 & 2 | ECED 15 Instruction Technology in ECE

3.0 References

Buttfield, J. (2019). What is Child Development? Kid Sense Child Development.
Crandel, T.L., Crandell, C.H., & Vander Zanden, J.W. (2009). Human Development. McGraw Hill
Companies, Inc.
De Haan, M. (2001). The Neuropsychology of Face Processing During Infancy and Childhood. In
Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. pp. 381–398. MIT Press.
Ednick, M., Cohen, A., McPhail, G., Beebe, D., Simakajornboon, N., & Ain, R. (2009). A review of
the effects of sleep during the first year old life on cognitive, psychomotor, and temperament
development. Sleep Research Society, 32(11), 1449-1458.
European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. (2017). Inclusive Early Childhood
Education: New Insights and Tools – Contributions from a European Study.
Quizalize. (2018). Top 10 Classroom Games, Best Teaching Practices. Retrieved from

4.0 Acknowledgment
The images, tables, figures and information contained in this module were taken
from the references cited above.

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1 & 2 | ECED 15 Instruction Technology in ECE

(Individual; Legal sized bond paper – Stapled and organized in the designated clear book)

Output A: Learning Plan integrated with Instructional Approaches.

Directions: Look for 3 Lesson Plans available online/offline and determine the different approaches
that were integrated by the LP writer.

Sample Lesson Plans:


Ø Lesson Plan #1
Ø Integrated Approaches:
HIGHLIGHT which part of the lesson plan has an Instructional Approach.

(e.g., Presenting of Pictures, Using Cooperative Learning in one activity, Application is in a form of
a game, showing of YouTube Videos, utilization of games etc.)

Ø Lesson Plan #2
Ø Integrated Approaches:
HIGHLIGHT which part of the lesson plan has an Instructional Approach.

Ø Lesson Plan #3
Ø Integrated Approaches:
HIGHLIGHT which part of the lesson plan has an Instructional Approach.

Note: The Lesson Plans must be printed and attached.

Output B: Select a game that is appropriate to integrate in the chosen topics.

Lesson #1 :___________________________

Lesson #2 :___________________________

Lesson #3 :___________________________

Lesson #4 :___________________________

Lesson #5 :___________________________

C. M. D. Hamo-ay

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