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AY: 2021-2022

A. Essay:
1. ‘The new melodies for the vernacular texts certainly need to undergo a period of
experimentation in order that they may attain a sufficient maturity and perfection.
However, anything done churches, even if only for experimental purposes, which is
unbecoming to the holiness in of the place, the dignity of the liturgy and the devotion of
the faithful, must be avoided’ (MS 60). How do you understand this statement from the
document Musicam Sacram?

2. Write the things that you can still remember about our discussion on ‘Sacred Music In
The Celebration Of The Sacraments And Sacramentals, In Special Functions Of The
Liturgical Year, In Celebrations Of The Word Of God, And In Popular Devotions’? Why
does these things remain in your thinking?

3. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist or the Holy Mass is a sacrament wherein special
attention is given to the kind of music that is to be used. What are some of the elements
that needs to be considered in selecting the kind of music to be used in this celebration?

4. Through an active and conscious participation by means of singing appropriate songs of

the liturgy, the faithful get holds of an effective means to enter the paschal mystery of
Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection which continues to be present and operative in
the liturgical celebration. It is also by this full, active, and conscious participation by
singing that the faithful will continue to grow and live out daily their Christian faith and
continue to give glory to God. Explain.

5. In composing and in performing the given project for this semester, what are the things
from the document Sacred Music that helped you in realizing this project? What are the
difficulties that you encountered as an individual and as a group? Why?

B. Below is a sacred/liturgical music which is appropriate for the Eucharistic celebration.

A. Make an analysis of the different elements especially the melody, rhythm, and the
B. What part of the Mass this liturgical song may be used, what liturgical season and

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