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Arteta, Jomar T.

1. The entrance hymn uses pipe organ as its instrument. It has a long introduction before it the
singer goes in. the second introduction song is purely acapella kyrie eleison with light voices. The
third song is a responsorial psalm which the audience respond to sing in turn. The theme of the
responsorial psalm is “the lord has done great things for us, we are filled with joy”. The fourth
song is alleluia which is repetitive

2. The entrance hymn uses digital piano as its instrument. It has a short introduction and in Filipino
text. The second song is “alleluia” as its responsorial psalm. The offertory is “Lord we gather
today” it is an original song from my conductor sir Lester Delgado from the book Misa Delgado.
The first song in communion is then sung by the priest with piano as its accompaniment and
choir as its backup vocals.

3. The entrance hymn uses pipe organ as its instrument and is sung by a solo tenor in a Filipino
language. It is repetitive until the priest gets in the altar. The second song is responsorial psalm
“panginoon kaawaan mo kami” which also has repetitive in melody but has variations of texts.
The second responsorial psalm “Alleluia” is also repetitive in melody starting from top note to
bottom and is preceded with a Filipino language after the word alleluia. The communion song is
sung by a male soloist “unang alay” which is a classic communion song that I hear in church
during my childhood days.

4. The entrance hymn uses pipe organ and is sung by male ensemble. It is short in form and is
repetitive until the priest arrives in the altar. Responsorial psalm is “alleluia”. I am not familiar
with the offertory, but it is sung in english language with male ensemble and pipe organ. The
communion is “holy”.

5. The entrance hymn uses digital piano as its instrument and is sung by a choir in Filipino
language. It is repetitive in form. The mass response is “Lord have mercy”. The responsorial
psalm is “alleluia” and is repetitive. The acclamation song is “Holy, holy, holy”. The mystery of
faith is “when we eat this bread”. For the communin song, they haven’t used any or maybe the
video is muted.

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