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“Teach Kindness and emphaty this can be learned in school or Home”

it emphasizes the importance of teaching kindness and empathy to combat bullying, which can
be learned both in schools and at home. Schools can implement programs that encourage
positive social interactions, while parents can model and reinforce these behaviors at home. By
teaching kindness and empathy, we can foster a more compassionate and caring society, where
children grow up to be empathetic and positive contributors to their communities.


The majority of the respondents (74%) reported experiencing bullying, with verbal and social
bullying being the most common types. Schoolmates were identified as the main source of
bullying. While the majority of students (44%) reported being rarely bullied, a significant number
(42%) reported that bullying affects their life as a student, even if only to some degree.

In terms of how bullying makes them feel, a significant number of students (28%) reported
feeling disliked when bullied or witnessing someone being bullied, and over one-fifth (22%)
reported that bullying affects them so much as students. However, a large percentage (32%)
reported feeling neutral about bullying. These findings suggest that bullying may have negative
effects on the academic and social experiences of students and should be addressed by the
school administration.


We chose this title for our research paper because it accurately reflects the focus and scope of
our study. We wanted to investigate the effects of bullying specifically on Grade 9 students at
Divine Word College of Legazpi Junior High School Department School Year 2022-2023, and we
believe that this title clearly communicates that objective. Additionally, we chose to use the term
"effects" to emphasize that our study is not just concerned with identifying instances of bullying,
but also with examining the impact that bullying has on the students' academic performance,
social relationships, and overall well-being. By including this information in our title, we hope to
attract readers who are interested in these issues and communicate the significance of our
research topic.

The research is significant because bullying is a common issue in schools that has negative
impacts on students' well-being, academic performance, and social relationships. By identifying
the effects of bullying on Gr.9 students of Divine Word College of Legazpi Junior High School
Department School Year 2022-2023, the research aims to raise awareness within the community,
provide insights for academic institutions and administrators to prevent bullying, equip parents
with knowledge to prevent and intervene in bullying incidents, and enhance students'
understanding of the effects of bullying on their peers. Additionally, the study can serve as a
reference for future researchers and discussions on how bullying affects students.


the gap bridged by the study has been identified as the need to investigate the effects of bullying
specifically on Grade 9 students of Divine Word College of Legazpi during the school year 2022-


he research design used in this study is a quantitative research design, specifically a survey
research design. The study gathered data through a questionnaire/survey, which was
administered to the participants. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively using statistical
tools such as frequency counts and percentages. The study aimed to measure the prevalence and
effects of bullying among Grade 9 students of Divine Word College of Legazpi Junior High School
Department School Year 2022-2023.

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