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- Is attributed mainly to the changes brought about by technology. Although the original idea is
for technology to help everyone, it cannot be denied that until today, not everyone is
comfortable in using the different kinds of technologies.

 Instead, it is a challenge for people in the field of science and technology to make this
technological advancement more accessible and less confusing for people who are not as young

 This is also a challenge for the younger generation to take the older generation on an exciting
journey in science and technology in this way everyone can experience what it is like to live with
ease and comfort because of the availability of modern technology.

 Even before, people were already fascinated with science and technology. This fascination led to
numerous magnificent inventions that people in the present are able to enjoy and benefit from.
Through science and technology, people get to experience what it really means to live because it
helps people in more ways than one.

 People from the past and present all have different perspectives on what it means to flourish,
primarily because of the type of environment in which they lived and the time period during
which this occurred. Additionally, how society is organized and how people live their lives also
have an impact on how one interprets the idea of human flourishing.

 The environment need to be assessed in order to know the possibility of human flourishing and
to what extent it is possible since there have been drastic changes in people's way of life it can
be inferred that there have been drastic changes not only in the conception of human
flourishing but the people's actual human condition these changes were brought about by the
interplay of different factors but essentially it was brought about by science and technology.

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