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Unit 42 A.

capitalism- an economic system in which a country’s businesses and industry are controlled
and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government.
capitalist- a person who supports capitalism.
associated with smth- sth/sb - connected with sth/b. Взаємодійний, пов‘язаний
association- асоціація.
the Conservative Party- one of the main British political parties, on the political right, which
especially believes in free enterprise and that industry should be privately owned.
Консервативна партія
conservative - opposed to great or sudden social change; showing that you prefer traditional
styles and values. Консервативний, поміркований.
favour sth/sb- support and agree with sth/sb (also be in favour of sth/sb). Підтримувати,
ставитися прихильно.
status quo- the existing situation (maintain the status quo). Статус-кво.
opposed to sth/sb - disagreeing strongly with sth/sb. Виступає проти, супротивний.
opposition- the act of strongly disagreeing with somebody/something. Опозиція,
radical- 1.complete and fundamental. Основний, корінний. SYN far-reaching
(далекосяжний) 2.(of a person) in favour of political and social change. Радикальний. OPP
reactionary- opposed to political or social change (реакційний, протидіючий)
socialism- a set of political and economic theories based on the belief that everyone has an
equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the
main industries.
distribute sth - share sth among a number of people. Роздавати, розподіляти.
distribution- the act of giving or sharing something out among a number of people. Роздача,
equally- in a way that is fair and the same for everyone. Порівно, однаково.
equality - the fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages, etc. Рівність, рівноправність.
left-wing - Лівий. OPP right-wing Правий(also on the left/right). Left-wing beliefs are liberal
in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government. People on
the right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil
liberties are paramount and the role — and especially the power — of the government is
extremist- a person whose political views are not considered to be normal or reasonable.
extreme (adj)- (of people, political organizations, opinions, etc.) far from what most people
consider to be normal, reasonable or acceptable.Екстремальний, крайній. opp moderate-
having or showing opinions, especially about politics, that are not extreme. Поміркований,
Liberalism- a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty,
consent of the governed, political equality and equality before the law.
centre party- a political party that is not left-wing or right-wing (be in the centre).
Центральна партія.
means. A means (засоби) is a way of doing or achieving something e.g, means of transport/
communication/escape/expression. The means of production is the materials and equipment
needed to produce things. A means of identification is a way ol showing who you are
B. cracks- a weakness in an idea. a system, or an organization. Тріщина, розкол. (crack- a
line on the surface of sth where it has broken.)
be in the driving seat- be in control of a situation, syn- pull the strings. контролювати
ситуацію (driving seat - the place where the driver sits.)
rock the boat - cause problems by making changes to a situation that is satisfactory as it is.
Портити рцвновагу, портити стан речей, ставити під загрозу. (rock - move from side
to side.)
lay the foundations - create the basic ideas or principles from which sth can then develop.
Закласти основи, покласти початок. (foundations- the structures that form the underground
base of a building.)
be out of it’s depth- be in a situation that is too dificult for you to control. Не під силу, не по
зубам. (depth (espectally of water)- the deepness of sth.)
be thrown in at the deep end- be faced with a new and difficult task that you're not prepared
for. Стикнутися з складною ситуацією без підготовки, кинути як щеня в воду. (deep end-
the end of swimming pool where the water is deep.)
sink of swim- fail or succeed. Або пан, або пропав.
a heated debate- an angry discussion (also heated discussion) бурна дискусія, гарячий спор.
(heat sth- make sth hot.)
a safe pair of hands- a person you can rely on. Пара надійних рук. (safe - opp dangerous.)
to head in the right direction- making good progress. Рухатися у правильному напрямку.
opp heading in the wrong direction. (head - move in a particular direction.)
under the microscope- direction being watched and examined very carefully. під
спостереженням (microscope- an instrument for looking at things which are too small to see.)
spin- a way of giving information to make it appear better, or less bad (the people are spin
doctors спеціалист по контактам з пресою) (spin- a quick turning movement. round and
round, to spin.)

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