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END 112E - Introduction to Manufacturing Systems

Term Project Instructions

Due date: 25 May 2023


• Describe the concept given and indicate their importance in terms of manufacturing. If
applicable specify definition, types, basic principles, advantages/disadvantages,
application areas, etc. Your project note will relate to how well the explanations of
concept are summarized therefore, according to each concept explain only what you
think is the most important in terms of manufacturing.

• Use a numeric style referencing where citations are numbered in the order of appearance
(e.g., IEEE style). Citations should lead to a reference page at the end of your report.

• At least 5 references are expected in the report.

• The report is expected to be your individual work. No cheating will be tolerated!


• Project reports are expected to be maximum 5 pages (excluding the references page).
Thus, the references page is considered separately from the main body of the report and
does not contribute to the maximum page limit.

• Use Times New Roman font, 12pt font size, 1.5 line spacing, and justified text pattern.

• Project reports should include the subject title, name surname, and student number.

• Project reports should be uploaded to as a PDF file. The PDF file
should be named as “END112E_TermProject_YourStudentID_YourName.pdf”.

Delivery Date:

• 25 May 2023 via Ninova

The reports submitted after 25 May 2023 will not be accepted.

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