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When I close my eyes I see nothing

I see nothing but a little sign of light in the dark

Leadin to the path

I see it its a little path with lots of thorns

Beliving the little spark that I m following
I go trough it

Pain, pain and more of it...

Thats what I felt
But I had one thing inside that kept me going

Hope that once I go trough all of it

I will finally be able to reach for that light
It was just a spark but in all of that darkness it seamed like the brightest ray of

Finnaly seein the end started runing

Thats when it all fell apart
I fell multiple times, bleed till there was no more blood to be spilled

But it was the feeling of trust, love and hope...

Hope that picked me up every time
Patched me every single time
Love that warmed my heart
Trust that I put inside that little spark leading me till the end...

I just wanted to let you know that you are my little spark
That I put all my love, trust and hope in
Trying to reach to you every time I can
I know it ain t easy but belive me all the things that I would do

To see a smile on your face

Being happy with me

I would walk troughh that path every single day

If I knew I had yours love to pick me up every time I fall
Because you are my little spark
Sunrise and the moonlight ❤

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