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Kaden Andersen


Squishy pickled pigs feet


Better classes at bhs

Dear brighton highschool,

My high school experience has been quite the rollercoaster and I'm sure a lot of

students can agree. I know we have a learning chorichilum but I feel we could make the

classes more engaging and interesting. For example we have a lot of classes that are

just sitting and writing/ typing which I know doesnt work very well for me and I tend to

forget a lot. I think we should make the classes more engaging by doing hands-on


As a kid I always looked forward to highschool, I thought it was gonna be so fun being

able to dissect animals and make some crazy chemical reactions but the older I got I

realized that's not the reality and all we are gonna do is take notes and look at pictures.

My best high school experiences so far have been from hands-on classes or when we

do engaging projects, some examples of this are woodworking, small engine repair, field

trips, jewelry, art, ex.

I did a survey to see what other students thought. Some questions and answers that

were asked/ said are.

question: what do you think of when you hear hands-on classes?

Responses: something with technical skills. I think about doing

assignments/experimental work. Project based classes.

Question:if you have taken a hands on class did you like or dislike it?

Responses: majority likes it.

Question:do you feel like you learned more with a hands-on class?

Responses: vast majority says yes.

And much more but overall it seems students like and also learn more with hands-on

classes. And students say it's less stressful and easier on their heads.

These kinds of classes also cause you to be more social and make more friends.

So brighton high school lets do something about this and help people get a better


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