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IELTS Writing Task 2

I. Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Match the following expressions with more concise alternatives
Expressions Concise alternatives
1. The money citizens pay to the government a) Profit
2. Be more easily impressed upon b) Advertising strategy
3. The amount of money gained after expenses c) To expand
4. The way in which the company shows their product to their audience d) To promote
5. To increase the size and scope of something e) Tax
6. To face rival companies f) Commercial market
7. To increase sales of something g) Be susceptible to
8. The market for the sale of products and services to users and public and h) To compete
private companies

Exercise 2: Choose the word which is correct in the context of the following sentences
1. A business must release its product with an excellent marketing and advertising strategy if it is to
manipulate / compete / regulate with other businesses.
2. The money that a business makes, after expenses are accounted for, is called the face / tax / profit.
3. Advertisements that use content which plays on people’s emotions have been accused of being
manipulative / impulsive / susceptible towards their customers.
4. An increase in regulation / manipulation / competition is recommended to prevent the ongoing use
of toxic chemicals by companies in the agriculture industry.
5. The promotion / expansion / employment of the company into China means that they will enjoy access
to cheaper labor.
6. Too many corporations in the modern capitalist market have found legal loop holes that help them
avoid profit / tax / competition.
7. Their susceptible / regulation/ promotion helps generate the recent spike in sales.
8. Many businesses have to impulsive / face / advertise a tough decision when deciding whether to close
branches in one country in favor of expanding overseas.

Exercise 3: Fill in the missing collocation using at least one of the words you have learnt and words from
the table below.
targets margin latest advertising avoidance buying
1. Their most recent commercial was rejected because of new ______________________________ put
in place.

IELTS Writing Compiled by Mr.Hoang Do 1

2. Their ______________________ means that they now have four locations.
3. _______________________ is a serious crime, and companies that practice this should be prosecuted.
4. Young children and the elderly are particularly _________________________ for advertising
5. Purchasing a product without thinking about it is often referred to as _________________________.
6. A company generally wants to increase their _______________________________ so that they can
grow at a faster rate.

Exercise 4: Match the following words / phrases with their alternative expressions / paraphrases
Words / phrases Alternative expressions / paraphrases
1. Advertising a) The omnipresence of advertising / the ubiquity
2. Commercial break of advertising
3. Advertorial spread (trang quảng cáo trên báo/ tạp b) Standardized products
chí) c) Advertising break
4. Incessant promotional campaign (chiến dịch quảng d) Promotional budget
cáo không dứt) e) Advertisement, promotion
5. The growing popularity of advertising f) A culture of consumption
6. A crowded market g) A sponsored article/ branded content
7. Homogeneous products h) A saturated market
8. Marketing budget i) A continuous advertising campaign
9. Consumer culture

Exercise 5: Analyze the following topic questions, brainstorm ideas and write essays
1) Advertising is becoming more and more common in everyday life. Some people believe that it is a negative
development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2) Society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose, and can
even be damaging. Do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Writing Compiled by Mr.Hoang Do 2

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