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The Morbius post-credits scene raise huge
questions for both Sony's Spider-Man Universe
and the MCU. Mid- and post-credits scenes have
become a tradition in the superhero genre,
inspired by the success of the Marvel Cinematic
Universe. Sony is essentially attempting to build
their own version of the MCU, one centered
around Spider-Man and the associated
characters whose rights they possess. Given
that's the case, unsurprisingly Morbius features
both a mid-credits scene and a post-credits
Morbius' mid-credits scene opens with a shot of
the night sky fracturing, a visual effect that's
clearly lifted straight from Spider-Man: No Way
Home. Michael Keaton's Vulture - last seen
in Spider-Man: Homecoming - shimmers into
existence in a jail cell; he's been transported
from the MCU into Morbius' reality. This is
followed by a news bulleting announcing that a
man named Adrian Toomes randomly appeared
in a prison cell, and an emergency hearing is
being held about his release, given there's no
reason for him to be in jail in this reality. This is
followed by a post-credits scene in which
Michael Morbius is approached by Toomes,
who's suited up as the Vulture again. Vulture
claims not to know how he wound up in this
world, but he's convinced it has something to do
with Spider-Man. He then offers Morbius the
chance to work with him as part of a team,
because he believes together they "could do some
Post-credits scenes in shared universes tend to
be about setup, and Morbius' is certainly no
exception. Many viewers will be a little surprised,
however, given the concepts in play in these
scenes - the multiverse and even the existence of
Spider-Man - aren't signposted at all by the main
film. As a result, they raise more questions than
they do answers - and even leave some major
character arcs unresolved from Morbius.
Why Didn't Morbius Kill
Himself (And Is He Now A

Morbius faced its protagonist with an unenviable

choice. Synthetic blood had kept Morbius'
appetite in check, but it was losing its
effectiveness; at first a dose of synthetic blood
could keep him sated for over six hours, but by
the end of the movie it only worked for just over
four. Recognizing that soon his hunger for real
blood would become insatiable, Morbius
prepared two doses of a toxin designed to kill
both the human and the bat parts of his DNA. He
used one of the doses on Matt Smith's Milo, and
planned to use the other on himself.
The Morbius post-credits scene is set some time
later, but it doesn't even hint at the resolution of
this dilemma; why has Morbius chosen not to kill
himself? And given this choice, has he been
forced to move on to ingesting human
blood? The latter seems unlikely, because
Vulture suggests it wasn't too hard to reach out
to Michael Morbius, implying he's no longer a
wanted man. The FBI correctly deduced Milo
was responsible for several of the recent
murders, so Morbius must have been cleared,
but he'd surely be in more trouble if he had
started to consistently feed on humans. At this
stage, it's unclear whether this is a plot hole or
simply a detail Sony intend to explain later on, as
they continue to build their shared universe.

What Morbius' End-Credits

Scene With Vulture Is Setting

Sony Pictures executives have always dreamed of

their own team-up movie featuring ancillary
Spider-Man characters - a Sinister Six film, in
which their individual protagonists team up to
hunt down Spider-Man. Morbius' end-credits
move on from the main film to explicit setup for
the Sinister Six, with Michael Keaton's Vulture
playing the Nick Fury figure who invites Michael
Morbius into the team. It's reasonable to assume
Venom will be on board as well, and the
upcoming Kraven the Hunter movie puts
another key piece in place. Asked about
the possibility of the Sinister
Six, Morbius director Daniel Espinosa seemed to
openly admit this is in the works. "It sure looks
like a start," he confirmed. Interestingly, this
builds on plans Sony has had in place since the
early 2010s when the studio initially tried
jumpstarting the Sinister Six through The
Amazing Spider-Man films. In fact, The
Amazing Spider-Man 2's credits scene plainly
set up the Sinister Six team.

How & Why Was Vulture

Transported To Morbius'

The fundamental problem with the Sinister Six,

of course, comes from the fact Vulture really
shouldn't be in this reality at all. The energy
effect associated with Vulture's being
transported to this universe is the same as the
one seen in Spider-Man: No Way Home, which
presumably means Vulture is supposed to have
jumped dimensions as a result of Doctor
Strange's spell in the final act. It's possible the
fact Vulture knew Spider-Man's secret identity
before Mysterio revealed it to the world led to the
magic misfiring in some way, leaving him
shunted into another timeline. Alternatively, it's
also possible Doctor Strange knew a lot less
about the magic he was using than he believed,
and that countless beings were shuffled between
the universes. Ironically, there's a sense in which
this means Vulture has become
what Mysterio pretended to be in Spider-Man:
Far From Home - an interdimensional refugee
who's jumped from one timeline to another.

Why Does Vulture Want

Revenge On Spider-Man
After Homecoming?
Doctor Strange's spell does seem to have worked
its magic on Vulture, however; he seems to have
forgotten what he knew of Spider-Man, although
he has a lingering sense that he knew something.
This is probably why Vulture has deduced his
interdimensional jaunt is due to Spider-Man;
and it may well explain why Vulture wants
revenge on Spider-Man, because he blames the
superhero for ripping him from his own
universe. It's easy to forget that, in Spider-Man:
Homecoming, Vulture justified his crimes
because he believed he was trying to keep his
family financially secure; this was the perfect
Spider-Man villain twist, central to Vulture's
motivation. Now, Vulture has been torn away
from his family, literally tossed into another
universe. No doubt Vulture had always hoped
there was a possibility of reconciling himself with
his wife and daughter, but now that seems
impossible, because they're literally in different

How Did Vulture Get A New

In the MCU, Adrian Toomes' Vulture tech was
derived from reverse-engineered Chitauri
technology. Morbius' post-credits scene
reveals Vulture has created a new suit in Sony's
Spider-Man Universe, although the design is
notably different, feeling a little cruder. Clearly
Vulture has already begun establishing
connections, and he has technical help. But the
big question is where the technology came from,
since it doesn't seem the Chitauri ever invaded
New York in the Venom/Morbius universe. It
will be interesting to see how Vulture's new
wings compare to those he possessed in the
MCU, and what their strengths and limitations
are in comparison to his original suit.

Who Is Spider-Man In
Morbius' Universe?

Morbius takes place in the same universe

as Venom, and it's now clear there is indeed
a Spider-Man in Morbius' universe. Spider-Man
is only mentioned, not shown, meaning there will
no doubt be intense speculation over which
Spider-Man it is. While it's possible Sony will
introduce a brand new live-action Spider-Man,
they could also choose to respond to fan pressure
by bringing back Andrew Garfield. There'd be a
certain degree of irony in Andrew Garfield's
Spider-Man getting drawn into Sony's Sinister
Six plans, because Sony's eagerness to proceed in
that direction was a major reason The Amazing
Spider-Man 2 failed and Garfield was retired as
Spider-Man. According to Morbius director
Daniel Espinosa, viewers should find out the
answer to this question very soon.

Who Else Will Join The

Sinister Six After Morbius'

It's now possible to identify four potential

members of Sony's Sinister Six. Venom: Let
There Be Carnage's post-credits potentially set
the tongue-slavering symbiote on a collision
course with his universe's version of Spider-Man,
given the symbiote's reaction to footage of the
wall-crawler; Morbius sets up both Vulture and
Michael Morbius himself; and a Kraven movie is
in the works starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson,
who's traditionally a member of the team in the
comics. At the moment, there seems to be
something of a loose "Dark Avengers" riff about
the team; Vulture is the Nick Fury figure, the
wealthy (and publicly known) Morbius is a Tony
Stark analogue, and Venom is of course a dark
Spider-Man. It's possible Dakota Johnson's
Madame Web will be part of the group as well,
given Madame Web is apparently Sony's answer
to Doctor Strange. If Madame Web is indeed part
of the team, then only one more member of the
Sinister Six needs to be introduced. Morbius'
post-credits scene really does leave a lot of
questions unanswered.

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