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EARTH : the third planet revolves around sun which has an approximate

shape of a sphere. It is not a true sphere.

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

Axis of earth: is the diameter about which it rotates. Such axis is tilted
23.5 degrees to vertical

Parallels of latitudes: the imaginary horizontal small circle lines on

earth surface . plane of which lies perpendicular to the earth axis. Zero
latitude is given to equator. 90 degree north is to north pole. 90 degree
south value is given to south pole. Between equator and north pole, all
latitudes are north. Same way between ------ pole and --------- are south
Meridians: meridians are semi great circles on earth surface joining 2
poles. The semi circle which passes through city of Greenwich is called
prime meridian or Greenwich meridian. From the Greenwich meridian

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

towards east or right hand side longitudes are east. Same way from -----
--- meridian towards ----- or left side longitudes are west.
North pole
. The points where an axis intersects with earth’s surface are the
earth’s North and South Poles.

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

True north (geographical north)
It is the point at which axis of earth cuts the earth surface. It is the place where all
meridians of longitude meet together. Also it is the point which has the value of
90 degree latitude.

Magnetic north
It is the place where all magnetic meridians meet together.

Although True north is a fixed point on the globe, Magnetic north is quite

Magnetic north is the direction that a compass needle points to, as it aligns
with the Earth’s magnetic field.

What is interesting is that the magnetic North Pole shifts and changes over
time in response to changes in the Earth’s magnetic core. It is not a fixed

Ship’s True course

Is the angle measured at the ship between true north and ship’s head.

Magnetic course

It is the angle measured at the ship between magnetic north and ship’s head.

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe


True course 0400

All the courses are measured clockwise and expressed in 3 digits.

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

Mn Tn

Mg course

True course

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

The angle between true north and magnetic north is variation.
Expressed in degrees and decimals (or degrees and minutes) to east or
west. Var. 5.50 W, 3.60E etc. or 5050’w

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

In this compass rose the line or the meridian running through 0000 is true north.
The arrow lies leftward from true north shows the direction of magnetic north.
The angle between true and magnetic north here has a value of 5050’W. it is the
variation of that place.

Effect of Ship’s magnetism on magnetic compass

In a ship made of steel, (Steel is an iron and carbon mixed metal) the magnetism of
the ship’s structure also creates another magnetic field which effects the ship’s
In a place where there is no magnet or steel or iron present close by, the compass
needle points towards the magnetic north. But on a ship where lot of steel
structures present, ship’s magnetism pushes the compass needle to either side
from the magnetic north.
Therefor under the influence of steel structure, ship’s compass does not show
either true north or magnetic north. But the north that she ship’s compass shows
us is called compass north.
In the below diagram, CN is compass north. Angle between ship’s head and CN is
compass course.

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe


Now we get a new word called Deviation.

Variation is angle between TN – MN. (Either EAST OR WEST)
Deviation is the angle between MN – CN. (also be EAST OR WEST)
Compass Error is the angle between TN – CN (E or W)

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

To be continued……….

Navigation and Chartwork / variation, deviation, compass error. By Harsha Jayasinghe

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