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This story is about a young man and his wife who face an unexpected event on a trip to visit his

mother. It is connected with a supernatural incident. The story's theme is kindness even if you
no longer exist in this life. So, the story takes place on a road trip and the time is at midnight.
We can see 5 characters in this story; a young man and his wife, an elderly gentleman and his
beloved wife, and the restaurant owner. The exposition starts when they decide to look for a
place to stay overnight and find a small house in the woods. The complication comes when the
mid-fifty couple from the wood house allowed them to stay with them. The climax happens to be
the moment when the guests left gratitude money for the old couple on a table near the front
door before they got back on that trip in the early morning. The falling action is when they have
a conversation with the restaurant owner. Soon, they now know that the house has burnt a long
time ago and the elderly duo has already passed away. The resolution is that after returning to
that house, all they see was a burned-out shell and the money they gave was still on the table. I
hope the aged couple may rest in peace because of their sincerity in not taking advantage of the
visitors and giving them a place. The story reflects that kindness spreads in every dimension.

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