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Three other major scientific and technological developments that have created a large impact on daily
life are:

Internet: As the internet has grown, so too have the ways in which people connect, obtain information,
and conduct business. Also, it has altered established sectors and allowed for the development of new
ones. Many people now use the internet on a daily basis; just a few examples include social media,
online shopping, and streaming services.

Smartphones: The development of smartphones has completely changed how people access
information and communicate while they are on the go. With capabilities like GPS navigation, mobile
banking, and mobile apps for entertainment, education, and productivity, smartphones have become
indispensable tools for many individuals.

Energy from renewable sources: The advancement of renewable energy technologies, including solar,
wind, and hydroelectric power, has significantly lowered carbon emissions and fought climate change.
Also, these technologies have improved many people's quality of life by making electricity accessible in
places without conventional grid networks.

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