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Name: Gualberto Abigail T.

Course, Year & Section: BSTM nABM 1-3

Date: April 16, 2023 Instructor: Sir. Lyon Go

Narrative # 3

April 16, 2023 We talked about the slogan tarpaulin. I asked, Sir. Lyon, if the
slogan tarpaulin is by group or individual, and he answered that it is by group. I told
my teammates that it was a group activity. After that, Our leader gave us a list of
phrases and told us to choose one. We agreed that the fourth from the list is the one
that will be put on our slogan. After that, the two of our teammates sent their
designs, and we picked the simplest yet eye-catching design. I asked again, Sir.
Lyon If the due date was tomorrow and I told him that our slogan was not yet
printed, he told me that he would move the due date until April 20. I thanked Sir.
Lyon and told him that we would work on the printing of our slogan as soon as
possible. After the conversation, I told my group mates that the due date had been
moved and we should print the slogan tarpaulin as soon as possible. Our leader
suggested we chat at a printing shop, which I did. The printing shop told me that the
pick-up time was 1 p.m. tomorrow, but then I asked if it was okay that we pick up
the tarpaulin once our class was done, and they agreed. I told my group mates that
the printing of our slogan tarpaulin is on work and that one of our group mates
should pick it up tomorrow.

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