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Visceratika adapted to V5
pounds/45 kg while flying. Maximum
POTENCE speed is 60 miles/95 kilometers per hour.
••••• The character can now carry up to
Level 1 200 pounds/90 kg, easily enough to carry
away an adult person (or vampire).
Maximum speed is 75 miles/120
AMALGAM: Potence 1 + Protean 1.
kilometers per hour.
PREREQUISITE: Weight of the feather
(Pag 269, Core Rulebook).
After five dots add 100 pounds/45 kg of
weight and 20 miles/30 kilometers per
The power of flight is one of the reasons
hour to the speed. Gargoyles don’t think of
the Gargoyles have existed for so long.
Flight as a Discipline. To them, it’s just
This discipline combination allows them to
flight, part and parcel to being a Gargoyle,
apply some of their superhuman strength
and may be baffled by notions such as
to carry objects with maximum weight,
teaching it to other vampires.
depending on the gargoyle's dots of
proteanism and potency.
DURATION: As long as desired.

COST: Free.
SYSTEM: The gargoyle adds his ratting of
protean and potence and follows the chart OBFUSCATE

•• The character can make a running

Level 1
takeoff and carry 20 pounds/10 kilograms SKIN OF THE CHAMELEON
while flying. Maximum speed is 30 AMALGAM: Obfuscate 1 + Protean 1.
miles/50 kilometers per hour.
••• The character can make a straight, This basic power has saved countless
vertical takeoff if unencumbered, or can Gargoyles breaching the Masquerade —
make a running takeoff carrying up to 50 and has allowed just as many to ambush
pounds/25 kg. Maximum air speed is 45 unsuspecting intruders. When Skin of the
miles/70 kilometers per hour. Chameleon is in effect, the Gargoyle’s
•••• The character can now make a vertical skin takes on the color and texture of the
takeoff with up to 50 pounds/25 kg of surrounding environment. This coloration
baggage, but can carry up to 100 changes reflexively as long as the

Gargoyle maintains a walking pace or With this power of protean, the Gargoyle’s
slower. More rapid movement causes the skin can become truly rock-like to the
Gargoyle’s appearance to blur, negating touch. He becomes harder to harm, even
the camouflaging effect. If this power is with fire, and grows inured to injury. A
used while the Gargoyle is in flight, his non-Gargoyle learning this power would
skin becomes a reasonable facsimile of find her skin becoming gray and rock-like.
the night sky. Certain abilities can only be truly useful for
those who become such abominations.
COST: Free.
DICE POOLS: Obfuscate + Protean COST: One Rouse Check.
SYSTEM: The dice pool of the gargoyle SYSTEM: This power is automatically
stealth is increased equal to the number of activated when the gargoyle is attacked,
successes of the roll, but with the costing one Rouse Check. As the
limitations above. To be seen, the discipline Toughness, but also transforms
observer must do a roll of Wits + any aggravated damage in superficial with
Awareness + Auspex with the difficulty the limit of the gargoyle Protean +
being the successes of the gargoyles roll Fortitude, also halves the damage dice
of dexterity + stealth. In case of success pool of any fire-based source of injury (this
only the observer can effectively see the Discipline does not change the rules for
gargoyle, but in the act of showing the Rötschreck, however). The difficulty of all
location to others, the difficulty to see the touch-based Perception rolls is increased
kindred falls in two to everyone else in the by two, due to the desensitization of the
scene. “Maybe it’s just my eyes or character’s skin, and the vampire loses
paranoia playing tricks on me” - Hunter. two dice in every social roll.
DURATION: As long as desired. DURATION: As long as desired.

Level 3

Level 2 While most protean users utilize their

powers to turn into animals, gargoyles do
ARMOR TERRA a more refined version of it, that is change

AMALGAM: Protean 2 + Fortitude 2. the structure of their bodies to appear

PREREQUISITE: Toughness (Pag 258, smaller, taller, or even extend or retract

Core Rulebook). their limbs. Most of them use that to

camouflage when someone loses them of

sight, others just like to appear less SYSTEM: As Earth Meld but only on
freakish when hiding their wings. natural or artificial rock surfaces. One turn
is required to enter a surface, after which
COST: One Rouse Check. a vampire may move horizontally or
SYSTEM: No test is required, but the vertically at a walking speed. While
vampire cannot change small features of moving they create a visible ripple in the
his body like traces of their faces or marks material. They may exit the surface at any
on their skin, neither can more than point but test Strength + Strength if the
double his size nor halve it. This power stone is covered by another material such
only allows the user to extend or retract as wood or drywall, difficulty depending on
his body like it's made of elastic or clay. the material. On a successful exit, the
The transformation is painless and takes covering material will be visibly and
one turn, in which the kindred can do audibly broken. While inside of the rock,
other actions too, but the vampire must do the vampire is aware of sounds in their
one Rouse Check every time that he surroundings. During day-sleep,
decides to morph something as a whole. disturbances like the traffic and
This power doesn't change the physical construction sites awaken them or not as
stats of the kindred, but it makes it with all vampires.
possible to escape some difficult situations DURATION: As long as desired, or until
or turn them in his favor. No Rouse Check disturbed.
is needed to change back to his original
DURATION: As long as desired, or until
entering in torpor.
Level 4
Level 4
PREREQUISITE: Earth Meld (Pag 270, PREREQUISITE: Armor Terra.
Core Rulebook).
As in Armor Terra, but the Gargoyle's
The vampire sinks into stone, concrete, innards become rocklike.
brick, asphalt or other rocky surfaces, and
may slowly move through the material. COST: Passive.
SYSTEM: Any weapons that would pierce
COST: One Rouse Check. the vampire’s body (Like bullets and

knives) do half damage, and staking is DURATION: As long as desired.
effectively impossible unless the attacker's
Strength + Potence is at least 7.
DURATION: Passive.
The nights are difficult for you to travel or
move to somewhere new, it's simply safer

Level 5 at home. You envy the vagabonds,

tourists, and truckers of the world —
DARK STATUE always moving, always free. You know
AMALGAM: Fortitude 5 + Protean 3. how to pick out the ones whose deaths
PREREQUISITE: Armor Terra. are discounted as they risk traveling
alone, or who simply won’t be missed at
By remaining completely still, the all. With a vigilant eye, you know how to
character avoids the effects of direct recognize if there's someone new who
sunlight and becomes immune to fire you'll never meet in person.
damage. However, should the character DICE POOL: Dexterity + Streetwise or
move or even twitch for any reason, the Stealth.
full effects of sunlight begin.
● Add a specialty Streetwise (New
DICE ROLL: Stamina + Fortitude. faces) or Stealth (Stalking).
SYSTEM: Not moving during the day ● Add one dot of Obfuscate or
requires a Stamina + Fortitude against a Protean.
difficulty of 5. Trying to make the gargoyle ● Gain two additional dots of
move in this state is as easy as moving Heaven.
the arm of a statue of granite, and trying to ● Gain the Flaw Prey Exclusion
influence the gargoyle's mind is like trying (locals).
to talk with a wall brick.

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