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During the spring break, I did not do too many things.

A few things I did do though were

going to my grandparent’s house and doing some garden work. I did garden work including

planting some plants, helping paint, and playing with her dog. My mom also went and did some

work too. I also took my permit test and passed it. Then I drove and did not speed. I also had

people come to my house and we played games. I also slept. Some other activities I did include

of watching some shows and movies and playing games. I also showered and ate some exquisite

food. I also went to some other people’s houses and did some stuff. I also watched shows on

Netflix for some time. I also got lots of o sleep. I even made it into challenger three in clash after

playing against some dude named Sir Demarcus Bartholomew the third when he was using 2.6

hog. Sir Demarcus Bartholomew the third was no match against my deck of 3.6 average elixir

with the cards PEKKA, skeleton army, princess, electro wizard, tesla, lumberjack, zap, and log.

The game was close when game first started off he pushed with a level 14 hog RIDAAA, but

then I countered his push with my level 14 tesla he then placed valk and I placed down the big

boy 7 foot 8 pure muscle PEKKA to stop this devastating push with a cannon and an ice spirit

and he soon placed down a knight to further stop my PEKKA, but he was caught lacking and my

princess and lumberjack were dealing damage he stopped this with musketeer when those were

dealing big boy damage but he managed to place a hog ridaaa and he managed to deal a thousand

damage to my tower and that was big for him luckily for me though he logged my princess and I

was pushed with a skarmy and e wiz that managed to take his tower because he couldn’t place

valk in time but it turns out he wasn’t using 2.6 hog as he pushed me with e barbs, e giant, mega

knight, sparky, balloon, archer queen ice spirit elctro spirit heal sprits fire spirit lumberjack

PEKKA and then he froze my tower but then I tornado it and rocketed it twice wiping it all out

he the went AFK and I won the game. I then proceeded to get on Elden Ring and go fight beast
clergyman some monkey wearing a hood and it beat me for a while but then I went against him

again and he was doing a ton of damage to me but I managed to break his stance and land a

backstab and I managed to defeat him but as a shocker bro had a second phase and then he pulled

out a sword and one shotted me.

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