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“Disadvantages of Online Class”

The disadvantages of online class is the technical problem or the internet connection, having a
slow or bad internet is a problem with a student especially the ones without an internet
connections, and another disadvantages is the lack of gadgets some of the students can’t afford
a device to use for online learning.

Another Disadvantages is some students find it hard to learn in online learning, it is a challenge
to many students to keep up with their lesson, it is difficult to them to focus with their online
learning by being distracted by social media or other activities.

Also in online class there are minimal interactions between student and teachers. This often
result in a sense of isolation for the students. It lacks the filled with enthusiasm kind of
environment presented by a classroom. The lively and joyful ambience of a classroom is usually
lacking in an online session. Teachers and students interact with each other only on subject
matters on one by one basis.

In other term students may not agree to this kind of learning, Despite the disadvantages, the
online study method proved to be beneficial in certain specific conditions. When it is not
advisable to leave your home, or it isn’t convenient for you, then in that case online study
becomes a blessing in disguise.

- Dale Joshua C. Dela Rosa 10-Humility

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