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Isabelle Easter Anak Musat (84059)

Briefly explain your company strategy to review the market for your company?

It is important to define my company target market.This is because identifying a target

market allows marketers to focus on those most likely to purchase the product.For
example,our target market was the youngster and young adulthood.Our company will be
located at the Samarahan.Besides,Samarahan is well known for the IPTA surrounding such as
Unimas,Uitm,IPG and Sarawak Skills..The young people don’t have to go for to Bandar raya
Kuching instead they can easily purchase our items at the nearby outlets.It is important for us
to knowing the types of business marketing that might bringing up the most success to the
business.Our company’s outlet is a market that stood up a place where makers,disrtibutors
and retailers sell and consumers buy for a very good services.This company also structures in
four important categories which was perfect competition,monopolistic competition,oligopoly
and monopoly.

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