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current account (UK also cheque account); (US checking account): a bank account that you can take money from
at any time and use for making payments , that usually earns little or no interest: tài khoản vãng lai, tài khoản
mặc định, tài khoản không có kỳ hạn

She opened a current account with an online bank

savings account noun (UK also deposit account); (US time or notice account)
a bank account which earns interest on the money kept in it: tài khoản tiết kiệm, tài khoản có kỳ hạn

Students are being encouraged to open a savings account and manage their money.

ATM noun (UK usually cash machine, cashpoint): abbreviation for (viết tắt) automated teller machine:
a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, shop, etc. from which you can take money out
of your bank account using a special card: máy rút tiền

Is there an ATM near here? I need to get some money out.

checkbook noun (chequebook): a small book of checks on which you write information for making payments or
taking money from your bank account: sổ séc

credit card noun: a small plastic card that can be used to buy goods or services and then pay for them at
a later time: thẻ tín dụng

accept/take credit cards Online merchants rely on electronic payments, and it

would hurt their businesses if they did not accept credit cards.

debit card noun:a small plastic card that you can use to get cash from cash machines (ATM), or
to pay for goods and services. When you use the card, the money is taken directly from your bank account: thẻ ghi
nợ (thẻ ATM)

Make online payments using your MasterCard or Visa debit card.

loan noun: money that someone borrows from a bank or other financial organization for a period of time during
which they pay interest: khoản vay ngân hàng

get/take out/apply for a loan Before you take out a loan sit down and list all the money you have coming

mortgage noun /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/: + a legal agreement to borrow money from a bank or
other financial organization, especially to buy a house or other property, or the amount of money borrowed: văn
tự cầm cố, sự thế chấp, tiền vay thế chấp

apply for/take out/get a mortgage You take out a mortgage on your home at a fixed rate of interest.

overdraft noun /ˈəʊvədrɑːft/ a deficit (thiếu hụt) in a bank account caused by (do bởi) drawing more money than
the account holds sự rút quá số tiền gửi (ngân hàng)
to overdraw -overdrew – overdrawn verb: rút quá số tiền gửi (ngân hàng)
When I left Cambridge I had a £900 overdraft.
bank transfer: the sending of money from one bank account to another, usually electronically: chuyển khoản
ngân hàng

Payment was in advance (trước) by bank transfer.

Reading: Banks & financial institutions

retail bank noun (commercial bank): a bank that provides services to the public and to small businesses rather
than to large companies or organizations: ngân hàng thương mại

French retail banks have been doing well.

High Street (in BrE) especially as a name, for the main street of a town, where most shops, banks, etc (et cetera
/et’setrə/: vân vân) are. In NAmE Main Street is often used as a name for this street. Khu thương mại sầm uất
High Street bank: a bank in the UK that provides services to ordinary people, not only to businesses, and has
many local offices: Ngân hàng nằm khu thương mại sầm uất

All the High Street banks offer euro current and savings accounts.

investment bank noun: a bank that helps companies and organizations to buy and sell shares, bonds, etc.
and helps companies to buy or merge (= join) with other companies: ngân hàng đầu tư

The successful bid was led by an investment bank.

private banks = banks which can be used by wealthy individuals provide them Banking and Investment Services.
ngân hàng tư nhân
merger noun /ˈmɜːdʒər/: a situation when two or more companies, organizations, departments, etc. join together:
sự sáp nhập

The Boards (hội đồng quản trị) finally approved the merger between the two energy groups.
takeover bid noun (also takeover offer): an offer or attempt to take control of a company by buying enough
of its shares to do this, or the amount of money offered: đấu thầu mua công ty

The company said it would consider a takeover bid. (sẽ xem xét …)

launch/make a takeover bid for sth The billionaire investor launched a takeover bid for the company.

stockbroking noun /ˈstɒkˌbrəʊkɪŋ/ (also stockbrokerage): the business of buying and selling shares (cổ phiếu)
, bonds (trái phiếu) , etc. for other people and organizations: việc môi giới cổ phiếu
Online stockbroking services introduced large numbers of people to share trading.( Các dịch vụ môi giới
chứng khoán trực tuyến đã giới thiệu một số lượng lớn người tham gia giao dịch cổ phiếu.)

portfolio management noun: the activity of managing a collection of shares and other investments that
are owned by a particular person or organization: quản lý danh mục đầu tư

Investors pay a lot of money for portfolio management services because they do not know enough
to pick sensible funds (chọn các quỹ hợp lý) on their own.

hedge fund noun: an investment fund that trades large amounts of shares, currencies, etc. to take advantage of
both rising and falling prices, for example by shorting (phân loại, chọn lọc) (= borrowing shares, etc., selling them,
and buying them back at a lower price): Quỹ đầu tư rủi ro, quỹ phòng vệ

Managers of the first hedge funds invented ways to make money no matter which way
the stock market was moving.

capital noun = the money invested in a business: vốn đầu tư (vốn nói chung không có liên quan gì đến công ty
nào hết) ≠ shareholders’equity: vốn chủ sở hữu
return noun /rɪˈtɜːn/: the amount of profit made by an investment or a business activity: lãi do đầu tư mang lại

The program guarantees lenders a return of 10% interest.

make/see a return (on sth) They need to charge (tính tiền) prices of over $20 a barrel in order to make a

bonds noun = certificates of debt issued by governments or companies to raise money: trái phiếu (chính phủ)
stocks or shares noun = certificates representing part-ownership of a company: cổ phiếu
repeal verb /rɪˈpiːl/: to state officially that a law, rule, etc. no longer has legal force: bãi bỏ, hủy bỏ 1 cách chính

Previous efforts to repeal the law have failed.

conglomerate noun /kənˈɡlɒmərət/: a very large business organization consisting of several companies that
often sell different types of product or service: tổng các công ty

a large conglomerate with more than $1 billion in net assets

Islamic adjective /ɪzˈlæmɪk/: connected with the Muslim religion, or with people or countries who follow it: theo
Đạo hồi

She teaches on the Islamic studies course.

Islamic banks: banks which do not pay interest to depositors or charge interest to borrowers but invest in companies
and share the profits (or losses) with their depositors: ngân hàng Hồi giáo
deposit noun = money placed in a bank: tiền gửi ngân hàng
depositor noun /dɪˈpɒzɪtər/: a person or company that puts money into a bank account: người gửi tiền vào ngân

Four hundred small depositors closed their accounts.

interest noun = the price paid for borrowing money, paid to the lenders: lãi suất
technically adverb according to an exact understanding of rules, facts, etc.: 1 cách nghiêm túc

Technically, the country's economic problems are over, but recovery will be slow.

intermediary noun /ˌɪntəˈmiːdɪəri/ a person who acts as a link between people in order to try and bring about an
agreement: người trung gian
Negotiations took place through an intermediary.
Reading: The subprime crisis and the credit crunch
deregulation noun /diːrɛɡjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ the removal of regulations or restrictions, especially in a particular industry,
the ending or relaxing (nới lỏng) of legal restrictions sự bãi bỏ quy định
Banks were allowed to grant mortgages following financial deregulation.
subprime adjective /ˈsʌbprʌɪm/ denoting or relating to credit or loan arrangements for borrowers with a poor credit
history, typically having unfavourable conditions such as high interest rates nợ dưới chuẩn
The sub-prime mortgage market.
credit rating =estimates of people's ability to fulfil their financial commitments,a calculation of the ability of
a person, business, or government to pay their debts: đánh giá khả năng tín dụng

good/high credit rating Companies which are considered financially secure are usually awarded a
high credit rating

default noun /dɪˈfɔːlt/ failure to fulfil an obligation, especially to repay a loan or appear in a law court sự vỡ nợ
The company will have to restructure its debts to avoid default.

mortgage-backed adjective: used to describe an investment, especially a bond, in which the money that is used
to pay back mortgages is used to pay interest on the investment: đảm bảo bằng thế chấp

The mortgage-backed securities market could be heavily affected by mortgage refinancing.

collateralize verb /kɒˈlat(ə)r(ə)lʌɪz/ provide something as collateral for (a loan) thế chấp
These loans are collateralized by property.
collateralized adjective = with property or another asset used as a guarantee of payment
pension fund noun: an amount of money, collected from regular payments made by people who work, which
is invested in order to pay pensions to people when they retire: quỹ hưu bổng

Many small businesses pay extra lump sums into their pension funds to reduce their tax liabilities.

mutual fund noun /ˈmju·tʃu·əl ˌfʌnd/: a company that sells shares to the public and invests the money obtained in
many different companies or lends it to governments: quỹ tương tế

securitize verb /sɪˈkjʊərətaɪz/: to borrow money in the form of bonds which can then
be traded on financial markets: chứng khoán hóa

David Bowie securitized his potential earnings by issuing bonds against the future royalties of
his recording catalogues.

bankrupt adjective /ˈbaŋkrʌpt/ of a person or organization) declared (công bố, tuyên bố) in law as unable to pay
their debts or continue to do business vỡ nợ, phá sản
His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home.
write-off noun /ˈrʌɪtɒf/ a cancellation from an account of a bad debt or worthless (vô giá trị) ưasset sự bỏ đi
Their profits are weakening (làm suy yếu) thanks to loan write-offs (xoá nợ)
write off verb: to cancel a bad debt or a worthless asset from an account
credit crunch noun (credit crisis, credit squeeze): economic conditions that
make financial organizations less willing to lend money, often causing serious economic problems: thu hẹp tín

Japan experienced a major credit crunch in the late nineties.

Listening 1

perception noun /pəˈsepʃən/: the way that someone thinks and feels about a company, product, service, etc.: sự
nhận thức
à To perceive (v): nhận thức
A strong brand has a big impact on product perception.

secret noun: a piece of information (thêm “a piece of” để đếm được thông tin, một mẩu thông tin) that is
only known by one person or a few people and should not be told to others: bí mật

That restaurant is one of the best-kept secrets in Rome.

Listening 2

microfinance noun /ˈmaɪ.krəʊˌfaɪ.næns/: the activity or business of providing financial services, such
as small loans, to poor people or new businesses that cannot use traditional banking services, usually
in developing countries: tài trợ nhỏ

Microfinance has been very effective in Guatemala.

risky adjective: involving the possibility that something bad might happen or that something will fail or lose
money: bị rủi ro

Even over the long run, stocks are risky.

NGO noun /endʒIːˈəʊ/: abbreviation for non-governmental organization: an organization with social or political
aims that is not controlled by a government: tổ chức phi chính phủ

Co-operation between NGOs and governments is not always easy.

social enterprise noun /ˌsəʊʃəl ˈentəpraɪz/: an organization that aims to make money in order to serve a useful
social purpose: tổ chức xã hội

By selling goods and services in the open market, social enterprises create employment and
reinvest their profits back into their business or the local community.

scheme noun /skim/ a plan for doing or organizing something: kế hoạch

The committee came up with a creative fundraising scheme.

scalable adjective /ˈskeɪ.lə.bəl/ used to describe a business or system that is able to grow or to be made larger: có
phạm vi lớn

To receive funding they will have to demonstrate that their idea is scalable from school level to state level.

good noun (HELP): something that is an advantage or help to a person or situation: lợi ích

Even a small donation can do a lot of good.

microcredit noun /ˈmaɪkrəʊˌkredɪt/ a very small loan to individual people or families,

for example in developing countries, especially in order to start a business: tín dụng nhỏ

The bank is setting up a microcredit program for poorer farmers.

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