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Actividad complementaria 3
English Activity

Best regard

In this activity, the students must be doing it in English or another

language different to Spanish. The activity will have a value of 50
percent of the final to this section and The answers given must be
uploaded in pdf format in a single file. This exercise you can do in
computer but the archive will be compare by used the Turnitin.

The exercise consist in, the student must research about different
Concrete that can used in the Building Industry; this research have
to write in form of scientific article for that, you can consult the
next link as example of article
_8627.pdf. The paper has to have 6 pages maximum and 3 pages

For realized this paper the students can work individual o in groups
3 student maximum; however, only a student can upload the file.
Remember you can must give the reference in APA form and the
article have to have: abstract (300 words maximum) key words (at
least 3) introduction, theory, results analysis, conclusions and

Thanks for your attention.

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